Chair, Delaware Healthy Mother Infant Consortium Raising Our Voices, Strengthening Our Communities: Advocating for Healthy Women, Men, Babies & Families David A. Paul, MD Chair, Delaware Healthy Mother Infant Consortium 4/9/19
Thank you! Planning Committee Susan Noyes Tiffany Chalk Mark Marosits Mawuna Gardesey Leah Woodall April Lyons
Moving Forward Call to Action Successes Opportunities
Delaware Infant Mortality 2000-2017 Deaths/1000 live births 13% reduction in US IM during same period 29% reduction in black infant mortality Number of infant deaths in 2005 106, 2015 74 21.5% Reduction in Delaware Infant Mortality
Delaware Infant Mortality 2013-2017 2.7x Deaths/1000 live births
Delaware Infant Mortality 2013-2017, By Race and County Deaths/1000 live births *=2011-2015 Delaware Vital Statistics
Successes Continued drop in infant mortality Statewide engagement Delaware CAN DPQC Assure statewide quality CDC Grant Prevent obstetrical hemorrhage Delaware participating in AIM Use of LARCs 24% reduction in unintended pregnancies
Successes CoIIN Initiative-preconception health Three year strategic plan Well woman care Maternal morbidity/mortality SODH Reducing preterm births Healthy Women Healthy Babies 2.0 SODH RFP
Opportunities How do we achieve equity? Past approaches unsuccessful Have we done enough? New strategies needed Advocate for change inside and outside the health care system
Call to Action What we heard today Importance of well woman care Listen/engage/advocate/partner Moving towards courageous comfort Inclusivity Every woman every time Increase rates of woman who receive one preventive visit per year Three legged stool Equity Transform health care delivery Preconception and intergenerational focus on health and healthcare
Call to Action What have we learned today? Need for individual and institutional solutions to achieve equity