Voting: how to register and cast your vote
VOTING OVERVIEW Register Research your ballot Cast your vote!
Step one: Register How long does it take to register?
How to Register Decide if you are registering on campus or in your hometown. Note: Some states have unique requirements for voter registration. Check and check out their state voter guides for more information. International students can contact their study abroad office and will need to review their country’s absentee voting protocol. Your voter registration must have your current residential address. The state deadline to register is: XX/XX/XXXX
Step TWO: what’s on your ballot?
There are many resources to help you figure out what is on your ballot! One resource is BallotReady: a digital nonpartisan voter guide for every race and referendum with a mission to make it easy to cast an informed vote every election. Another is Ballotpedia Both websites allow you to search candidate positions, save your picks, and print/send to your e-mail.
You do not have vote for every item on your ballot This is what your ballot will look like… Note: Insert Your State’s Ballot as an Example – most first time voters have never seen a ballot before and this is a great benefit to students. Feel free to print one and hand it out. Ballot Facts: In addition to candidates, there are other ballot measures, like referendums. In most states, you can bring your phone and/or sample ballot in with you to the poll booths. You do not have vote for every item on your ballot
Step Three: Cast your vote!
How to vote… In Person on Election Day Find your polling location Voter ID: Some states require ID provides state specific information Absentee Voting Vote by Mail Early Voting Note - Every state differs, but these top three are options! Campus Vote Project: developed state specific guides to help students understand their rights and how to register and cast a ballot in their school or home community. Studying abroad during the election You can vote overseas. U.S. citizens can receive an absentee ballot by email, fax, or internet download, depending on the state they are eligible to vote in. Talk to the study abroad office and find out more information by visiting Absentee Voting Information for U.S. Citizens Abroad.
Encounter any issues voting? There are hotlines to support you.
More resources: All In to Vote: an all-in-one, nonpartisan, online resource that educates students on how to register, how to be prepared, and how to vote. Students take a pledge to vote and then follow the step-by-step guide to following through on their intention to cast a ballot. Campus Vote Project: state-specific guides to help students understand how to register and cast a ballot in their school or home community.
Even more resources! The Love Vote: Some people are not eligible to vote. Stay involved. Hear their stories. On Campus Resources: Student Life – insert website Civic Engagement Office – insert website Check out TurboVote to receive election reminders, get registered to vote, & apply for your absentee ballot! Note: Some campuses have partnerships with TurboVote or other voter information web tools. Contact your campus administrators to find out.
Visit to register, find your polling location, absentee ballot, vote early, get reminders, etc.