The problem begins with not knowing how to teach it... Seminar & Workshop Everyone agrees that creativity, entrepreneurial thinking, critical thinking and interpersonal communication are the most important skills that must be taught to the children of the future generation ..... The problem begins with not knowing how to teach it...
This is where our company goes into action In our workshops and seminars, we introduce to teaching staff from kindergarten teachers up to university professors, the way to discover their creative side and incorporate it into their teaching methods. These three words describe the process that we pass on to the teams ...
Our seminars include educational theoretical parts, but mainly provide unexpected and surprising activities… Our goal is to provide exciting experience of awakening and enthusiasm for discovering creativity.
The model on which the seminars and workshops is based on 6C model The model on which the seminars and workshops is based on 6C model. The model was developed by Orly Vered during her work as a pedagogic director in various educational organizations. The model deals with the skills that should be imparted to students in the coming years in order to prepare them for the requirements of higher education institutions and the future working world.
2C 3C ? Communication Collaboration CREATIVE THINKING CHOICE + VOICE Creativity
External skills Internal skills Communication Collaboration Creativity Critical Thinking Choice C--------------- ? External skills Internal skills
We believe that experience precedes knowledge We believe that experience precedes knowledge. When the learner experiences both an emotional and an intellectual experience, the process of internalizing what he learned becomes different and will remain with him for a very long time ...
This is one of the reasons why our seminars are designed as a complex of exciting experiences that give participants a lot of food for thought for a long time after the seminar ends ...
The group has an important role in the process, therefore the minimum number of participants is16. The maximum number can reach up to 90. (The personal attention and attention to each participant is important, so we are not in favor of huge workshops) from over 35 people three staff members are required .
The language of instruction in our seminars is English but there is a translation into the language of the country. Also, the many integrated videos have subtitles in the language needed.
Two full days seminar – Wenzhou kindergarten leaders
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