Humanity of Death Penalty Methods


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Presentation transcript:

Humanity of Death Penalty Methods By Skyler Cunningham & Makayla Campbell

Topic Info Definition: the punishment of execution administered to someone legally for committing a capital crime First death penalty laws date back to the 18th century B.C. The Europeans strongly influenced the use of capital punishment in the US Was first used to punish those who had commited murder or treason Throughout history the type of death penalty used has changed due to the morals of the time period.

Evolution of the Death Penalty Firing Squad- Done by having convict sit or stand while someone shoots aiming for the heart. Normally used in military or time of war. Hanging- Carried out by suspending one by the neck from a gallow until dead. Gas Chamber- This was carried out by putting cyanide gas into the suspects prison cell until they died.

Evolution of the Death Penalty Electrocution- Suspect got strapped to a wooden chair and electrocuted through electrodes placed on the body. Lethal Injection-This is carried out by injecting suspect with drugs that will kill him or her with the least amount of pain.

Recent Developments Several state legislatures have recently taken action on bills related to capital punishment. In Arkansas a bill was created to abolish the death penalty. A similar bill in Montana was approved by a House committee, but failed on a tied vote (50-50) in the full House. Virginia legislators rejected a bill to shield information related to lethal injection as state secrets.

Facts/ History 1972- The US Supreme Court case Furman vs. Georgia states the death penalty is unconstitutional 1976- Gregg vs. Georgia states that the death penalty IS constitutional There are 31 states that are currently pro- death penalty and 19 states that are against it, saying it is inhumane and violates citizens 8th and 14th amendments. I

Death Penalty in America

Concern There’s a risk of executing an innocent person The death penalty violates some of our constitutional rights Possibly considered inhumane The execution might not be effective The crime committed could be argued it was not considered to be a capital punishment crime More expensive to tax payers than life imprisonment

Society Society says the death penalty goes against our moralities/rights: Violating the eighth and fourteenth amendment Denying due process of law Taking away the right of equal protection. But some think these criminals deserve the punishment given. Punishing murder with murder

Society Favored= 62% Opposed= 26% More than likely the Democrats will be the opposed votes When asked to rank factors that reduce the rate of violent crime, police chiefs believe the death penalty is the least effective method. Which most citizens would agree with.

Thematic Connection The Salem Witch Trials and the death penalty are connected by the unnecessary executions due to the crime or crimes an individual committed. The Salem Witch Trials were a consecutive series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft. Just like the Witch Trials, American society executed people for minor crimes and for the assumption of one commiting a crime. The death penalty criteria was very vague so a person could receive capital punishment even for a minor crime. This reflects on the idea that innocent lives were taken just because of the influence of society.

Works Cited Capital punishment." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 27 May. 2014. Accessed 23 Feb. 2018. “31 States with the Death Penalty and 19 States with Death Penalty Bans - Death Penalty -” Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed?, "Gregg v. Georgia." Oyez, 23 Feb. 2018, Evans, Kim Masters. "Public Attitudes toward Capital Punishment." Capital Punishment: Cruel and Unusual?, 2010 ed., Gale, 2010. Information Plus Reference Series. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 23 Feb. 2018. “Description of Death Penalty Methods.” Death Penalty Information Center, 2018,

Works Cited Cont’d Blakemore, Erin. “Women Weren't the Only Victims of the Salem Witch Trials.” Google Image Result for Https://, Google, 13 Oct. 2017, Bedua, Hugo Adam. “The Case Against the Death Penalty.” American Civil Liberties Union, 1973, Eastman, Dick. “Exact Location of Hangings of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 Has Been Identified.” Google Image Result for Https://, Google, 18 Jan. 2016,

Works Cited Cont’d “Death Penalty.” Http://, “60% Support The Death Penalty, But That's A Decrease Since February.” YouGov: What the World Thinks, Gallup, Inc. “Americans' Views of Death Penalty More Positive This Year.”, 19 May 2005, Emaze Presentations,