VTPBiS Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching: Intensive Focus on Practices and Systems Brandi Simonsen
Objectives As a result of attending this webinar, you will be able to Present the context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented. Train critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices. Implement the key elements of effective systems to support teachers’ implementation of practices. Develop an action plan to support your implementation of VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model.
Overview of Materials Classroom Management Practice Checklist Supporting and Responding to Student Behavior PBIS Technical Brief on Systems to Support Teachers’ Implementation of Positive Classroom Behavior Support Self- Assessment of Systems to Support PCBS Action Plan
Critical Elements of VT PBiS Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model OUTCOMES SYSTEMS DATA PRACTICES
Let’s get started! As a result of attending this training, you will be able to Present the context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented. Train critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices. Implement the key elements of effective systems to support teachers’ implementation of practices. Develop an action plan to support your implementation of VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model. REVIEW
Practices: Focus of Your Training for School Teams
Interactive Map of Core Features Hyperlink
Tables with Definitions, Examples, Non-Examples, and Resources
Decision Making Chart
Training Resources Classroom Tab Anchored to “Supporting and Responding to Student Behavior” PCBS Overview PCBS Skill-Specific Trainings Data Tools
Now, turning our attention to supporting teachers. As a result of attending this training, you will be able to Present the context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented. Train critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices. Implement the key elements of effective systems to support teachers’ implementation of practices. Develop an action plan to support your implementation of VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model. REVIEW
Systems: Building a Framework to Support Staff PBIS Technical Brief on Systems to Support Teachers’ Implementation of Positive Classroom Behavior Support
Hyperlink Guiding Questions
Tables with Details
School-Level Scenario
PCBS Systems Action Planning Guide: 3 Key Questions Are the foundational systems in place to support PCBS practice implementation by all staff? PCPS implementation is a clear school and district priority School and district resources are available to support PCBS implementation School and district teams have considered alignment and integration of PCBS with other district priorities and initiatives + + Do all staff know what PCBS practices to implement and if they’re doing it accurately? Clear expectations and explicit training about practices that should be implemented by all staff Coaching and/or regularly available performance feedback on the use of PCBS practices + Do data indicate that staff are implementing PCBS practices effectively?
Are staff implementing PCBS with fidelity? Well done! Monitor outcomes and adjust as needed Determine the number of classrooms needing support (many or a few) Review and adjust universal support Determine type and severity of implementation changes (minor or major) Provide supplemental support to small groups of staff needing support Consider individualized supports and other strategies for staff members needing intensified support. Yes No Minor Major Many Few Do data indicate that staff are implementing PCBS practices effectively?
Data: Guiding Decisions within Framework Existing Data Classroom Office Discipline Referrals (ODR) Classroom Item on Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Checklists During Training Classroom Management Assessment (CMA) Classroom Systems Assessment (CSA) Possible Additional Sources of Data School Climate Survey Direct Observations (by self, peer, coach, etc.) Additional Checklists
See Systems Brief
Multi-tiered Framework of Professional Development Support Intensive PD: Data-driven Consultation Tier 2 Targeted PD: Self-Management with Peer or Coaching Supports Tier 1 Universal PD: Training & Self-Management Progress Monitoring Walk-through, Student Data Review, Teacher Collected Data Universal Screening Walk-through & Student Data Review Self-management, coaching/mentoring, and/or peer supports may be ways to approach this! (adapted from Simonsen, MasSuga, Briere, Freeman, Myers, Scott, & Sugai, 2013)
Now, turning our attention to supporting teachers. As a result of attending this training, you will be able to Present the context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented. Train critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices. Implement the key elements of effective systems to support teachers’ implementation of practices. Develop an action plan to support your implementation of VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model. FOUCS
Discussion: Action Plan to Support Classroom Behavior Practice Due June 30th OUTCOMES SYSTEMS DATA 1st page sets norms and aligns this action plan with PBIS action plan for school. 2nd page prompts foundations, explicit training, and coaching. 3rd page prompts performance feedback, data, and differentiation. How is it going? What questions do you have?
Quick Recap As a result of attending this training, you should now be able to: Present the context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented. Train critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices. Implement the key elements of effective systems to support teachers’ implementation of practices. Develop an action plan to support your implementation of VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model.
Remember Your Resources Classroom Management Practice Checklist Supporting and Responding to Student Behavior PBIS Technical Brief on Systems to Support Teachers’ Implementation of Positive Classroom Behavior Support Self- Assessment of Systems to Support PCBS Email, Discussion Board, & Webinar June 1 Action Plan
Critical Elements of VT PBiS Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model SYSTEMS DATA PRACTICES
SUBMIT: Action Plan to Support Classroom Behavior Practice Due June 30th OUTCOMES SYSTEMS DATA 1st page sets norms and aligns this action plan with PBIS action plan for school. 2nd page prompts foundations, explicit training, and coaching. 3rd page prompts performance feedback, data, and differentiation.
Thank you! brandi.simonsen@uconn.edu www.pbis.org www.cber.org