A presentation by Ahmad T. Bhatti Lahore Alien Arts – On Record A presentation by Ahmad T. Bhatti Lahore
Dedication NASA Scientists Scientists working on alien life Students of alien life Alien Arts
About Aliens When we search the word alien on Google, it flashes more than 26 million results in a split of a second, that marks the human interest in aliens. There is a million’s time same debate, Are they real?? Has anybody seen them?? How do they look like?? Where did they come from?? Was there any spacecraft by which they landed on earth?? What language they were speaking? Is that language intelligible by human beings?? What do they want from human beings?? What benefits human beings can take from them??? Can they be friends of human beings??? How much life has advanced in the planet, they come from??? Are human beings able to land at their planet??? What are challenges that humankind may face from alien existence on earth???????? Alien Arts
Alien Visits to Earth Edgar Mitchell, the renowned former NASA astronaut, who holds the record for the longest moon-walk of 9 hours, 17 minutes during the 1971 Apollo 14 mission, is a hero among alien-believers and claims, “they are already here.” Mitchell claims, “he has unimpeachable sources that aliens have been visiting for some time and governments around the world are keeping quiet. ” Alien Arts
Alien existence marked on Mars. Alien Arts
An alien’s skull seen on Mars. Alien Arts
An alien picture taken after UFO crashed An alien picture taken after UFO crashed. His leg was seriously inured in the crash. Alien Arts
This is the most clear picture of a UFO taken ever This is the most clear picture of a UFO taken ever. The picture was taken in Italy. Alien Arts
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