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Presentation transcript:

Health & Wellbeing Service PSHE Network Meeting Tuesday 19th March 2019 Good morning and welcome. Introduce myself (Give role and history) We have a wide variety of schools and staff today from Leeds (Primary, SILC, and College , Academy, Catholic, CofE,) Fire Alarm Check, Toilets, Mobile Phones Plan of the day – Look at the programme and times and the packs

Welcome and housekeeping Fire safety Toilet facilities Refreshments Mobile phones to silent

Agenda Time Who 1. 1:00 Welcome: Name, School, Role 2. 1:15   Time Who 1. 1:00 Welcome: Name, School, Role 2. 1:15 Health and Wellbeing Service Update: Helen Smithies 3. 1:40 Kooth: Sophie Carr 4. 2:00 Barnardos: The Positive Identities Team: Josh Booth 5. 2:20 Sleep School Feedback: The Children's Sleep Charity: Vicky Eustace & Kirtsy Heys 6. 2:40 Break 7. 3:00 National Autistic Society Teen Life Programme: Vicky Eustace & Kirtsy Heys 8. 3:20 Planning your Cooking in the Curriculum: Siobhan O’Mahony 9. 3:40 Evaluations and close

Health and Wellbeing Service Update

Health & Wellbeing Service 2018-19 Healthy Schools PSHE, SRE & DATE SEMH & Mind Mate School Food, Nutrition & Cooking Pupil Voice & Participation (IiP) Physical Activity C&YP Support & Prevention Service Health & Wellbeing Service 2018-19 The Healthy Schools and wellbeing Service in Leeds can provide more: We have – Training/Support and Resources and a website to access everything for the academic year. Support & training

Training (available through Support, CPD & Direct Delivery Healthy Schools Tools My Health, My School Survey

Instant data analysis Compare your school’s data to city wide data Great tool for monitoring and evaluating Action planning templates Case study templates to share good practice with other schools

Update on Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education & Health Education: From September 2020, subject to parliamentary approval, the following subjects will become compulsory: - Relationships Education for primary schools - Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) for secondary schools - Health Education in all state maintained schools The department laid regulations for the above subjects and awaits parliament’s approval. The department also published the updated statutory guidance and the government’s response to the consultation on the draft statutory guidance and regulations.

On 25th February , the guidance was updated to reflect consultation on draft guidance late last year, and covers a range of issues relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships. PSHE education is the vehicle through which schools will deliver health, relationships and RSE education on the curriculum. Schools are now encouraged to begin updating their PSHE provision in order to be ready for 2020. PSHE education also covers economic wellbeing and careers. With the emergence of issues such as online gambling and the urgent need to better-prepare young people for the world of work, we are stressing the importance of covering PSHE in its entirety, even though these aspects are not yet compulsory.

Families and people who care for me Respectful Relationships Relationships Education topics to be covered by the end of Primary School: Families and people who care for me Caring Friendships Respectful Relationships Online Relationships Being Safe

Respectful Relationships including Friendships Online and Media Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) topics to be covered by the end of Secondary School: Families Respectful Relationships including Friendships Online and Media Being Safe Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health

Internet Safety and Harms Physical Health and Fitness Healthy Eating Health Education topics to be covered by the end of Primary School: Mental Wellbeing Internet Safety and Harms Physical Health and Fitness Healthy Eating Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco Health & Prevention Basic First Aid Changing Adolescent Body

Internet Safety and Harms Physical Health and Fitness Healthy Eating Health Education topics to be covered by the end of Secondary School: Mental Wellbeing Internet Safety and Harms Physical Health and Fitness Healthy Eating Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco Health & Prevention Basic First Aid Changing Adolescent Body

Suicide Prevention: Everybody’s Business Upcoming Conference Suicide Prevention: Everybody’s Business 8th May 2019, Leeds Civic Hall Workshops Include: CAMHs – suicidal thoughts & acts: assessing risk CAMHs – suicidal thoughts & acts: managing risk (must be taken together) Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service - supporting children, young people & families after a suicide Educational Psychology Service - Suicide prevention: a waved approach visit for more details © NHS Leeds CCGs partnerships

Votes For Schools resource Following the terrible news of the mosque attacks in New Zealand, to help you talk with your students about what happened, votes for schools have developed a PowerPoint for secondary schools to use in assembly / tutor / lesson time. The resource "Does tragedy bring people together?" focuses on the world's reaction to the event and asks students to think about how this tragedy impacts local and global communities.

Evaluation Share one thing that you are going to take away from this afternoon or want to find out more about…….

Support : Steven Body, Healthy Schools & PSHE Consultant (SSE) 07891 273134 Gill Mullens, Healthy Schools Adviser (WNW) 07595 210528 Helen Smithies, Healthy Schools & PSHE Consultant (ENE) 07712 215195 Sheryll Carter, Healthy Schools & PSHE Advisor (Citywide) 07891 279418