AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT January 22, 2019 Legislative Update 2018-2019 **It’s not really this complicated, just erase all but one letter and enter your own info (then erase that first letter). But if you’re curious and want to play around with the presentation, the below is the guide: TITLE: font: Calibri Light Headings (all caps); Bold font size: lg. depending on length 50/60 pt. color: Black & Gray (Black, Text 1 Lighter 35%) Subheading: Part 1 (ACPSD): Font: Calibri Light (Headings) All Caps, Light Green, 24 pt. Part 2 (DATE): Font: Calibri Light (Headings) Small Caps, Gray (Black, Text 1 Lighter 35%) AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT January 22, 2019 AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19
AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19 General Assembly Back in Session: January 8, 2019 Facing: 102 Pre-Filed Bills To Lift SC Public Schools’ National Ranking Title: Font: Calibri Light (Headings) Size: about 54+ pt., depending on length I use “AV” to increase the space between letters to as loose as possible. Section Content: Font: Californian 20+ size, black Color: Light green/black/gray bullets (your preference) Info Bar at Bottom: Enter the title of your presentation (Font: Calibri; Size: 18 pt, all lower case; Color: white) and Date (Font: Calibri; Size: 18 pt., small caps; Color: gray) Copy and paste on each slide, with the exception of slide 1. AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19
Topics of Pre-Filed Bills State’s Teacher Shortage Teacher Pay/Teacher Recruitment/Retention State’s Funding for Public Schools Career/College Students Consolidation of School Districts(Small) “Minimally Adequate” Education Title: Font: Calibri Light (Headings) Size: about 54+ pt., depending on length I use “AV” to increase the space between letters to as loose as possible. Section Content: Font: Californian 20+ size, black Color: Light green/black/gray bullets (your preference) Info Bar at Bottom: Enter the title of your presentation (Font: Calibri; Size: 18 pt, all lower case; Color: white) and Date (Font: Calibri; Size: 18 pt., small caps; Color: gray) Copy and paste on each slide, with the exception of slide 1. AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19
Legislative Leaders Promises Education Reform will be their top priority in 2019- 20 legislative session. It is Time to fix the state’s education system. Title: Font: Calibri Light (Headings) Size: about 54+ pt., depending on length I use “AV” to increase the space between letters to as loose as possible. Section Content: Font: Californian 20+ size, black Color: Light green/black/gray bullets (your preference) Info Bar at Bottom: Enter the title of your presentation (Font: Calibri; Size: 18 pt, all lower case; Color: white) and Date (Font: Calibri; Size: 18 pt., small caps; Color: gray) Copy and paste on each slide, with the exception of slide 1. AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19
AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19 Pre-Filed Bills Teacher Pay S. 4 5% increase in each step on the certified teachers’ salary scale H. 3195 15% Raise S. 130 National average within 5 years S. 232 National average by 2027-2028 S. 215 Teacher Salary Enhancement Fund (adjusts the statewide minimum salary schedule to be commensurate to revenue credited to the fund) Title: Font: Calibri Light (Headings) Size: about 54+ pt., depending on length I use “AV” to increase the space between letters to as loose as possible. Section Content: Font: Californian 20+ size, black Color: Light green/black/gray bullets (your preference) Info Bar at Bottom: Enter the title of your presentation (Font: Calibri; Size: 18 pt, all lower case; Color: white) and Date (Font: Calibri; Size: 18 pt., small caps; Color: gray) Copy and paste on each slide, with the exception of slide 1. AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19
Pre-Filed Bills (Cont’d) Teacher Retention S.65 Lump Sum Bonuses, not to exceed more than 20% of salary, for providing quality instruction and/or leadership S.148 For tier IV districts or tier III counties: $500 monthly stipend for living expenses up to 5 years or up to $22, 500 in student loan forgiveness for those spending at least 3 years in such districts and a one-time payment of $3,500 to be used as a down payment on a house S.143 Scholarship program ($7,500 annually) for students who intend on becoming certified teachers in “critical needs areas whether subject or geographic -specific AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19
Pre-Filed Bills (Cont’d) Teacher Retention H.3140 Teacher Scholarships/Grants: Masters degree in their content area Full scholarship to undergraduates who major in education and Grants to teachers/certified prospective teachers to repay student loans BUT: Ends the LIFE and HOPE Scholarship S.256 and H.3184 Eliminate $10,000 earning cap for retired, certified teachers continuing to work for a school district while drawing their retirement benefits AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19
Pre-Filed Bills (Cont’d) Security S. 245 School Resource Officers One resource officer for every school within the state One resource officer for every 500 students at a school S.275 Threatening another at school or college in this state Must undergo mental health evaluation Be referred to mental health counseling If guilty, find $5,000 or jail time up to 5 years H. 3257 and H. 3258 Mental Health & Wellness Classes Middle and high school classes with an employee trained in mental health counseling for every 200 students within a school AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19
Pre-Filed Bills (Cont’d) Other S.203 and H.3216 Mandated Consolidation School districts within counties would be merged H. 3049 AP Testing and Homeschool Students Will require public school districts to make AP testing available to homeschool students who are residents of their districts S.242 Abolition of Education Oversight Committee Abolish this committee and pass its duties and responsibilities on to the state Department of Education and the State Board of Education AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19
Aiken County District Highlights! RENOVATIONS rEBUILDING & NEW CONSTRUCTION Midland Valley High Hammond Hill Elementary Millbrook Elementary Belvedere Elementary Ridge Spring-Monetta High School Aiken High School North Augusta High School Highland Springs Elementary/Middle School AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Legislative Update | 1/22/19