FSP DCR Training for Administrative Users Prepared by the Mental Health Data Alliance
Training Overview Enrolling and Certifying a County Managing DCR Users Data Reporting Options This training covers these three sections of the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018).
Reference Materials You can access the user manual by going to the top bar and selecting “Help” then “User Manual”
Enrolling and Certifying a County This training covers sections 14.2 in the DCR User Manual (10/01/2018)
This Section Covers: Identifying County Reporting Method Identifying County Business Method Identifying a Group Structure Registering an Approver Designee Enrolling as a New BHIS User with Approver Designee Status Enrolling as an Existing BHIS User with Expanded Approver Designee Membership Creating FSP Program ID Codes Submitting Test Data to the FSP DCR Test System Requesting to Become a Certified County This section covers these activities in the FSP DCR.
Requirements for Enrolling and Certifying The county has identified its reporting method (DCR or XML County) The county has identified its business method The county has identified its group structure The county has registered and trained an Approver Designee The county has registered its Program ID Codes with DHCS The county has successfully submitted test data in the FSP DCR Staging Environment Note: XML counties have additional requirements 1.The county has identified its reporting method (DCR or XML County) 2.The county has identified its business method 3.The county has identified its group structure 4.The county has registered and trained an Approver Designee 5.The county has registered its Program ID Codes with DHCS 6.The county has successfully submitted test data in the FSP DCR Staging Environment Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 113 for step-by-step instructions.
Identifying County Reporting Method Online Individual Form Entry = “DCR Counties” Batch XML File Submission = “XML Counties” There are two options for reporting data to the FSP DCR. 1) Counties can report individual data directly through forms on the online data system. If counties maintain their own system of FSP data, the counties can choose upload batch data to the FSP DCR via XML files; or 2) Counties can have the ability to do both methods but to submit via XML, the County MUST be XML Certified. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 113 for step-by-step instructions.
Identifying a Group Structure FSP partner’s data can be viewed by any user who: Is assigned to the “<County> Master Group” Is in the same group as the user who submitted data Is in same group as the PSC assigned to the partner Is in same group to which the partner information has been shared (Shared Group) Note: PSC = Partnership Service Coordinator FSP DCR Groups control the ability of users to view or access data for partners in the program. As a default, a “<County> Master Group” exists in the FSP DCR for each county. Any user assigned to the “<County> Master Group” can access, through the FSP DCR, all partners’ data for the entire county. An FSP DCR user can be assigned to only one group. However, the FSP partner’s data can belong to several groups.
Identifying a Group Structure A county’s group structure will depend upon both their reporting method and business methods. The group structure provides security in order to limit the number of users who can access a partner’s data. The user who enters or uploads the data may not be the same user who accesses and reviews the data. Therefore, a group should be created for each set of users who need to upload the same data, and a group should be created for each set of users who need to access the same data.
XML Batch by County/Vendor The Diagram depicts the groups who would be able to access a partner’s data if a vendor was responsible for inputting the data to the FSP DCR, but a PSC still needed access to the DCR to view the partner’s history and notifications. In this business structure, the PSC might be the only member of his/her group. The PSC could then share each partner assigned with the administrators within his/her provider’s organization. The shared group would comprise of the provider’s administrators. Of course, the approved county employee users would still have access to all of the counties data via the “<County> Master Group”.
Online Entry by Provider Admin. In this Diagram, the business structure is simplified slightly as each provider inputs the data for its organization. Therefore, the provider acts as the Data Input Group, and shared groups are optional for this structure.
Online Entry by PSCs In this Diagram, the business structure is set up such that each PSC enters data for their own FSP partners. Therefore, the Input Group and the PSC Group are the same group. In this case, the PSC could then share each partner assigned with the administrators within his/her provider’s organization. The shared group would comprise of the provider’s administrators.
FSP DCR User Manual for Administrative Users
Introduction to the FSP DCR Tracks Partnership Outcomes Partners associated with one: Program Partnership Service Coordinator (PSC) Provider (optional) Partner Demographics: Name & Date of Birth CSI number links all other demographics from CSI database The FSP DCR is designed so that FSP partners can be added, tracked and updated in the FSP DCR system. The FSP DCR system associates each partner with one of the county’s FSP programs. Partners are assigned to one partnership service coordinator (PSC). The FSP DCR also provides the option of associating a partner with one provider. At any time, a partner can be switched between county programs, providers and PSCs or discontinued or reestablished. The FSP DCR collects information about the partner’s name, and it requires a date of birth to calculate the age group of the partner. The age group of the partner helps the FSP DCR to identify the correct form fields which vary by age groups. However, minimal other demographic information about the partner is reported to the FSP DCR directly, and when a Client Services Information (CSI) number is provided in the FSP DCR, an automated link to the DHCS CSI database populates the gender, race, ethnicity and CSI date of birth fields of the FSP DCR. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 5, Section “Introduction to the FSP DCR Application” page 16-31 for step-by-step instructions.
Introduction to the FSP DCR Categories of Data: General Partnership Information & Administrative Data Fields Internally Generated Fields CSI-linked Fields Partner’s History Fields (collected only on PAF) Domain Type A Fields (collected on PAF & KET) Domain Type B Fields (collected on PAF & 3M) Data stored by the FSP DCR can be categorized into six categories. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 5, Section “FSP DCR Data Hierarchy” page 21 for step-by-step instructions.
Introduction to the FSP DCR General Partnership Info. & Admin. Fields: County* Partner’s FSP Program ID* Partner’s Partnership Service Coordinator (PSC) ID* Partner’s First Name and Last Name* Partnership Date* Partner’s Date of Birth* CSI County Client Number (CCN) County Partner ID Provider Number / NPI Who Referred the Partner Other Programs (FORMER AB2034, GHI, MHSA) Discontinue Reason (only when a partner is discontinued) When a partnership is initiated in the FSP DCR, information is required on a PAF specific to the partner’s age group. The Partner’s FSP Program ID and PSC ID fields are populated from a drop-down list of values, and the values for these fields must be created in the database before the partnership can be established in the database. There are a total of six fields which are required to start a partnership in the database (noted by asterisk), and all other fields are optional and can be added to or updated on the PAF after the partnership is established. = Required field Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 5, Section “FSP DCR Data Hierarchy” page 21 for step-by-step instructions.
Introduction to the FSP DCR Data quality rules designed to prevent incorrect data PAF completion status alerts when missing PAF data Validation reports identify missing data pieces Notification lists alert users for 3Ms due Partners in temporary residence >30 days The FSP DCR has many data validation rules which are designed to ensure only correct data is stored in the database. Error messages are generated and data is rejected when a user tries to enter invalid information. The FSP DCR identifies when there is missing data on the PAF through the PAF status notification. The FSP DCR also provides a notification list when there are missing quarterly assessments. In addition, the FSP DCR online interface provides a notification list when the data indicates that a partner is at a temporary residence for more than 30 days, suggesting that this data should be validated. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 5, Section “FSP DCR Data Hierarchy” page 21-31 for step-by-step instructions.
Introduction to the FSP DCR Online web interface DCR- BHIS secure data submission and extraction Data is reported to the FSP DCR through the BHIS website. The BHIS website allows DHCS and business partners (counties, vendors, state departments, etc.) to securely report and access various DHCS systems over the Internet. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 5, Section “Introduction to the FSP DCR Application” page 16-31 for step-by-step instructions.
The Online System Interface Topics BHIS System Requirements Adding the BHIS website as a Trusted Site Configuring Pop-up Blocker Enabling Cookies in Internet Explorer Navigating to the BHIS website BHIS What’s New BHIS Utilities Menu BHIS Support Menu MHSA Information Menu Accessing the FSP DCR Application Using the DCR Interface DCR Menu Options Support The online system interface section will cover these topics. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 6, “DCR Menu Options” page 32-41 for step-by-step instructions.
BHIS System Requirements Microsoft Windows Operating System using Internet Explorer version 11 or later. Minimum 1024 x 768 recommended resolution. The BHIS system should be added as a Trusted Site Pop-ups must be allowed for the BHIS system Cookies must be enable for the BHIS website in Internet Explorer In order to access the Information Technology Web Services BHIS website, your computer must meet or exceed these requirements. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 4, “System Requirements” page 11-15 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding the BHIS website as a Trusted Site Select: Internet Options Click on the Security tab. Select “Trusted sites” from the available security zones. You can add the BHIS site as a trusted site though your browsers Internet Options menu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 4, “System Requirements” page 11-15 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding the BHIS website as a Trusted Site Click [Sites]. Enter the BHIS website: https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov, to Add this website to the zone textbox. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 4, “System Requirements” page 11-15 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding the BHIS website as a Trusted Site Note: Don’t forget that the website address should start with: https (you might have to add the ’s’!) Click [Add]. This website should now be shown under Websites. Click [Close] and [OK]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 4, “System Requirements” page 11-15 for step-by-step instructions.
Configuring Pop-up Blocker In order for the BHIS system to operate correctly, Pop-up Blocker must be disabled for the BHIS website. Click on the Tools menu by clicking on the Gears Icon Select: Internet options. On the Privacy tab, select the check box to “Turn on Pop-up Blocker” under Pop-up Blocker. In order for the BHIS system to operate correctly, Pop-up Blocker must be disabled for the BHIS website. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 4, “System Requirements” page 11-15 for step-by-step instructions.
Configuring Pop- up Blocker Click [Settings] on the Pop-up Blocker Settings page, enter the BHIS website: (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov) into the “Address of website to allow” field. Click [Add]. The website should now be shown in the Allowed Sites listing. Click [Close] and [OK]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 4, “System Requirements” page 11-15 for step-by-step instructions. Note: Don’t forget that the website address should start with: https (you might have to add the ’s’!)
Enabling Cookies in Internet Explorer The BHIS website uses cookies. These must be enabled in order for the site to operate properly. If cookies are not enabled, you will not be able to access the system and may receive one of the following messages after entering your username and password. Error Messages When Cookies Are Disabled Access to BHIS is denied Cookies must be enabled Please login before trying to enter BHIS. The BHIS website uses cookies. These must be enabled in order for the site to operate properly. If cookies are not enabled, you may not be able to access the system and may receive an error message after entering your username and password. By default, the privacy setting slider bar will be set to Medium and cookies for the BHIS system will be allowed. However, if you have higher level of security enabled on your computer, you will need to set BHIS as a site allowed to use cookies. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 4, “System Requirements” page 11-15 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Modify Cookie Settings Within Internet Explorer Click on the Tools menu by clicking on the Gears Icon Select: Internet options. On the Privacy tab click [Sites]. Enter the address of website: (http://appdir.dhcs.ca.gov/bhis/Pages/default.aspx) Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 4, “System Requirements” page 11-15 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Modify Cookie Settings Within Internet Explorer Click [Allow] and [OK]. Click [Advanced]. Select ‘Accept’ for First – and Third party Cookies. Select the check box for: “Always allow session cookies”. Click [OK]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 4, “System Requirements” page 11-15 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Modify Cookie Settings Within Internet Explorer Note: For additional issues with cookies, please Go to the browser’s help. Note: If cookies are not allowed for the BHIS website, Go to the online help from Microsoft. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 4, “System Requirements” page 11-15 for step-by-step instructions.
Accessing the FSP DCR Application There are two ways to get data in to the DCR system from the counties: DCR Online system. Enter information directly in the application using the BHIS portal to access the FSP DCR Application. DCR XML Batch Submission Process (County must be certified and user must have RW role) In BHIS, go to Transfers and select ‘Upload FSP XML Files’ To access the FSP DCR application, the MHSA system must be selected under the BHIS Systems menu. After selecting the MHSA system, the top menu will change and a new set of menu options will be available. Click on Functions menu and select the DCR Application. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 5, Section “Introduction to the FSP DCR Application”, page 16 for step-by-step instructions. To provide feedback, comments and input regarding the FSP DCR, contact the support group at MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov To provide feedback, comments and input regarding the FSP DCR, contact the support group at MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov
Logging Into BHIS Website Once your Pop-up Blocker and Cookie settings are adjusted you may now access the BHIS website. Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov/) Click [Log In] and enter your credentials.
BHIS Menu Options BHIS Menu Options: Home Applications My Profile Change Password Help After logging in, the BHIS menu allows users to change their user settings, and it is also the portal to the DCR Web Application Home Page where you can access applications and your DCR profile After logging in, the BHIS menu allows users to change their user settings, and it is also the portal to the DCR Web Application Home Page where you can access applications and your DCR profile . As seen in this figure, the BHIS menu has the following menu options. Home takes users back to the BHIS homepage where users can view messages in their Portal Messages or use any Links provided. Applications allows users to access their DCR Web Application. My Profile allows users to view and edit their current contact information and the users roles. Change Password allows users to change their account password. Help provides users with the user manual to reference any questions they might have. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 6, Section “The DCR User Interface”, page 32 for step-by-step instructions.
BHIS Menu Options BHIS Menu Options: To access the DCR Home Page: Home Applications My Profile Change Password Help To access the DCR Home Page: On the Menu Bar, select the Applications/DCR Web Application submenu You will be lead to the DCR Home Page After logging in, the BHIS menu allows users to change their user settings, and it is also the portal to the DCR Web Application Home Page where you can access applications and your DCR profile . As seen in this figure, the BHIS menu has the following menu options. Home takes users back to the BHIS homepage where users can view messages in their Portal Messages or use any Links provided. Applications allows users to access their DCR Web Application. My Profile allows users to view and edit their current contact information and the users roles. Change Password allows users to change their account password. Help provides users with the user manual to reference any questions they might have. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 6, Section “The DCR User Interface”, page 32 for step-by-step instructions.
DCR Home Page Once logged into the DCR website the DCR Home Page will be shown, as seen below. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 6, Section “The DCR User Interface”, page 33 for step-by-step instructions.
DCR Menu Options Depending on the user’s role*, the FSP DCR system has up to SIX primary menu options. DCR Home Page The Partnerships Menu The Transfers Menu The Admin Menu* The Help Menu The Return to BHIS Menu Depending on the user’s role, the FSP DCR system has up to five primary menu options. All menu options are not visible to all users. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 6, Section “The DCR User Interface”, page 32 for step-by-step instructions. *Visibility to the Admin Menu is based on the level of access and authority *Go to Adding and Managing DCR Users to see a complete list of roles and associated available menu options
Access to the User Interface Several roles have been created to allow different access to the application. Note: Depending on your role, you will see different option/functionalities in the User Interface. System User Role Type of Access BHIS Approver RW FSP DCR Data Entry FSP-DCR Admin CA-RW Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 6, Section “The DCR User Interface”, page 32 for step-by-step instructions.
DCR Home Page Access is granted to: All roles. All users can view the Home page (RO). The DCR Home page allows the user to view: System Messages. Pending Partnership Assessment Form(s). The 30 Day Key Event Notification(s) Table. Quarterly Assessment(s) Due. Note: As default, the system will show only 5 lines in each table. You can view page by page or click on the link ‘View all’ to expand the tables. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 6, Section “DCR Home Page”, page 33 for step-by-step instructions.
Viewing DCR System Messages The Home page contains a table for System Messages. This functionality is available for the CA-RW to inform users of any DCR related announcements. To view and manage system messages: Select Home on the menu bar and the DCR Home submenu. (This is also the default webpage you will see at login.) Review the list of Partners in the System Messages. Notice that there may be several pages listed. Note: You can navigate to the next page of the table by selecting the page number OR the Next link OR you can select the View All link in the upper right corner of the table to view a list of all System Messages. Note: The table can also be sorted by any heading by simply clicking on the heading one time for ascending and twice for descending. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 6, Section “The DCR User Interface”, page 33-41 for step-by-step instructions.
The Partnership Menu Access is granted to : Data Entry role (RW). Administrator role (RO). This menu can be used to add new Partners into the FSP DCR system by creating the initial PAF and can manage both Active - and Inactive Partners. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 6, Section “The DCR User Interface”, page 33-41 for step-by-step instructions.
The Transfers Menu Access is granted to: Data Entry role (RW) only. The Transfers menu allows a user with a RW role to access the portion of the website that allows for: Download FSP Data Files Upload FSP XML FIles. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 6, Section “The DCR User Interface”, page 33-41 for step-by-step instructions.
The Admin Menu Visibility to the Admin Menu is based on the level of access and authority The Admin menu allows users to: Access forms (such as the PAF, KET, and 3M assessment forms) in a printer friendly format. View or share FSP groups.
The Admin Menu The Admin menu allows users to: Access the System Messages interface where new system messages can be added and current messages can be viewed. View or add PSCs. Manage Groups.
The Help Menu The Help menu offers links to training materials published on the DMH website as well as contact information for DMH Performance Outcomes and Quality Improvement (POQI) group. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 6, Section “The DCR User Interface”, page 33-41 for step-by-step instructions.
Support For further assistance, questions, or concerns contact the corresponding support email(s) provided below: DCR related questions: MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov BHIS related questions or password resets: BHIS@dhcs.ca.gov Other questions related to MH Programs or MH Policies: MHSData@dhcs.ca.gov
Creating FSP Program ID To Create or Change a Program ID for each FSP program: Send an email to DHCS at MHSDATA@DHCS.ca.gov Provide the new 4-character Program ID or the ID needing to be changed and the New Program ID. Provide the Program ID description (up to 250 characters). Before a county can begin using the FSP DCR, FSP Program IDs must be created in the database. DMH must create the FSP County Program IDs in the database for each county program. An Approver Designee should contact DMH with all county FSP Program IDs and descriptions. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.2.1, Section “Create or Change A Program ID for each FSP program”, page 113 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Become an Approver Two approvers and one Vendor (if applicable) are assigned for each system, by submitting the Approver Certification & Vendor designation form, to DHCS. The approver certification forms are available on the BHIS portal website: Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov) In the “Links” box, click the link: “Approver certification forms”. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 12, Section “How to Become and Approver”, page 85 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Become an Approver Select: Mental Health Data Collection and Reporting(MHSA-DCR) / Download. The form: DHCS 5260 (Rev. 07/17) will open. Complete the information and e-mail the signed form to: AODCOSTREPORT@dhcs.ca.gov. Note: The e-mail MUST be sent from the signer’s e-mail account. If you have any questions, please e-mail these to AODCOSTREPORT@dhcs.ca.gov. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 12, Section “How to Become and Approver”, page 85 for detailed step-by-step instructions.
Submitting Test Data to the FSP DCR Test System DHCS Approves a Test submission Create a partner in the online DCR (or) Submit a batch of partners through XML Test submissions must include PAF, KET and 3M assessments Before a county can become certified, DHCS must review and approve a test submission of data to the FSP DCR Test System. Online DCR users should key enter at least one partner. XML batch counties should submit batches of records. The test partner must have PAF, KET and 3M records submitted without error.
Requesting to Become a Certified County Write an e-mail to DHCS at MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov. Include the following information in the email: Your County Your Name Approver Designees for your County A statement that your county has completed the six requirements to become a certified county listed at the beginning of chapter 14 in the DCR User Manual DHCS will inform you when you become a certified county, and the county’s users can then begin submitting Partner outcome data to the FSP DCR. Note: Once a county has completed the six steps required to become a certified county, the county should contact DMH to request to be a certified county. DMH will inform the county when certified, and the county’s users can then begin submitting partner outcome data to the FSP DCR. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.2.5, Section “Requesting to Become a Certified County”, page 114-115 for step-by-step instructions.
Support For further assistance, questions, or concerns contact the corresponding support email(s) provided below: DCR related questions: MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov BHIS related questions or password resets: BHIS@dhcs.ca.gov Other questions related to MH Programs or MH Policies: MHSData@dhcs.ca.gov
Managing DCR Users
This Section Covers: Enrolling a New BHIS User for Access to the FSP DCR Enrolling an Existing BHIS User for New Access to the FSP DCR Understanding User Roles Accessing the BHIS Approver Management Interface Assigning and Removing Roles for FSP DCR Users Managing Groups Assigning and Removing Groups for FSP DCR Users Managing User Requests for Access to the FSP DCR Managing Partnership Service Coordinators (PSCs) Data Security and Data Sharing between Users This section covers these activities in the FSP DCR.
Adding and Managing DCR Users Approver Designee is responsible for: Adding New Users (BHIS system) Managing Existing Users Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, Section “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 86 for step-by-step instructions. *IMPORTANT- Approvers Do NOT create accounts for PSCs in BHIS unless they need to access DCR! PSCs are now managed by those with CA-RW roles. Only add users to BHIS who need access to DCR.
Adding New Users As the Approver, you can add New Users, using the BHIS website: Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov ) Click [Log In] and enter your credentials On the Menu Bar, select the Administration/Manage Users submenu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13.1, Section “Adding New Users”, page 86 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding New Users Cont. Before you can add a new User to DCR, you need to determine if the User already exists in the BHIS system. Search by LAST Name and/or Work Email to see if the user is already in BHIS for your County. Click the down-arrow to the right of “Last Name”. Note: Before you can add a new User to DCR, you need to determine if the User already exists in the BHIS system. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13.1, Section “Adding New Users”, page 86 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding New Users Cont. Enter the last name you are looking for and click [Filter] If found, go to: Managing Existing Users (Ch. 13.2 in the DCR Training Manual) Note: Before you can add a new User to DCR, you need to determine if the User already exists in the BHIS system. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13.1, Section “Adding New Users”, page 86 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding New Users Cont. If not found, click [Add]. The “Manage User: Add User Profile” view will be shown: Note: When entering the new user’s e-mail, the E-mail Domain must match the e-mail domain that is in the BHIS system. - For County DCR users this can only be ONE and the same, approved e-mail domain. - If this is a County Contracted Provider/Contractor/Company(CCP) who enters DCR data on behalf of the county, then DHCS MUST have a list of all e-mail domains to be added, sent to DHCS by the County Approver. Send this list to MHSData@dhcs.ca.gov. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13.1, Section “Adding New Users”, page 87 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding New Users Cont. Enter the information requested and click [Save]. DHCS will receive an e-mail to create a User ID for the person. Note: If you want to add a User Role now, click on the link: “Click here to add role(s)”, and continue to step 8. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13.1, Section “Adding New Users”, page 87 for step-by-step instructions.
User Roles There are several user roles to choose from: Read Only (RO). Read/Write (RW). County Administrator, Read Only (CA-RO). County Administrator, Read/Write (CA-RW). State System Administrator (SSA). Share FSP Group (SFG). Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 88-89 for step-by-step instructions.
User Roles Each user role provides access to a different set of FSP DCR menu items. No single user role provides access to ALL FSP DCR submenus. System User Role Type of Access BHIS Approver RW FSP DCR Data Entry FSP-DCR Admin CA-RW Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 88-89 for step-by-step instructions.
Understanding User Roles A dash (-) symbolizes that a user with only that role cannot see or access the submenu (has no access or authority for the submenu). When a user cannot access or see any submenus for a main menu, then the main menu will also become unavailable to the user. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 88-89 for step-by-step instructions.
Understanding User Roles A notation of ‘ro’ (read only) defines that the user can access the information on the webpage but cannot make any changes to the information (has access but no authority to make changes). Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 88-89 for step-by-step instructions.
Understanding User Roles A notation of ‘rw’ (read/write) defines that a user has the highest level of access and authority and can view the information and make changes. When a user is assigned multiple roles, the user will assume the highest level of access and authority for each submenu that is available to any of the assigned roles. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 88-89 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding a User Role User roles determine the level of access and authority of FSP DCR users. All FSP DCR users must be assigned at least one role but may be assigned multiple roles. If a user is assigned multiple roles to meet county business needs, and the user will assume the highest level of access and authority that is available to any of the assigned roles. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 90-91 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding a User Role There are two ways to add a User role: Adding a User Role to a New User Adding a User Role to an Existing User Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 90-91 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding a User Role Adding a User Role to a New User Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov). Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select the Administration / Manage Users submenu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 90-91 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding a User Role If you just added the person as a New User, click on the link: “Click here to add role(s)” and continue to step 2a in the following slides. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 90-91 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding a User Role Adding a User Role to an Existing User If the user is already added to BHIS, go to “Administration / Manage Users” and find the user. Click on the View link. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 90-91 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding a User Role In the User Roles section, Click [Add]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 90-91 for step-by-step instructions.
Adding a User Role Select the following values from the drop-down boxes: System “MHSA_DCR” Role (choose accordingly) Access Organization (County) Click [Save]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 90-91 for step-by-step instructions.
Assigning and Removing Roles for FSP DCR Users All users must be assigned at least one role and a group for data security. The groups determine which data the user can access through the FSP DCR interface, and the roles determine the level of authority a user has to make changes to that data. Users can have multiple roles The Approver Designee is responsible for assigning/removing user roles All users must be assigned at least one role before accessing the FSP DCR. A user can be assigned multiple roles to meet county business needs, and the user will assume the highest level of access and authority that is available to any of the assigned roles. The Approver Designee is responsible for assigning user roles, which is done through the ITWS Approver Management interface. All PSC who have access to the FSP DCR must be assigned one of the Partnership Service Coordinator roles (i.e., PSC-RO or PSC-RW) in addition to any other roles they might require for a county’s business needs. Only users with the PSC-RO or the PSC-RW can be assigned to an FSP partner as his/her coordinator. Before removing the PSC role from a user, you must first make sure that any FSP partners assigned to that PSC are reassigned to another PSC by using a KET form. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (1/17/2012) at Chapter 5, Section “Assigning and Removing Roles for FSP DCR Users”, page 59 for step-by-step instructions.
Assigning and Removing Roles for FSP DCR Users PSC Roles: Assigned to all PSCs accessing the DCR Cannot be removed from a PSC with assigned partners All users must be assigned at least one role before accessing the FSP DCR. A user can be assigned multiple roles to meet county business needs, and the user will assume the highest level of access and authority that is available to any of the assigned roles. The Approver Designee is responsible for assigning user roles, which is done through the ITWS Approver Management interface. All PSC who have access to the FSP DCR must be assigned one of the Partnership Service Coordinator roles (i.e., PSC-RO or PSC-RW) in addition to any other roles they might require for a county’s business needs. Only users with the PSC-RO or the PSC-RW can be assigned to an FSP partner as his/her coordinator. Before removing the PSC role from a user, you must first make sure that any FSP partners assigned to that PSC are reassigned to another PSC by using a KET form. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (1/17/2012) at Chapter 5, Section “Assigning and Removing Roles for FSP DCR Users”, page 59 for step-by-step instructions.
Managing Existing Users This functionality is available for the role of “Approver”. After the user has been added to the BHIS system and has been assigned as least one User Role, the Approver is responsible for: Viewing DCR User Status. Viewing DCR User Profile. Editing and Requesting Deactivation of DCR Users. Approving requests from County Staff and CCPs. Managing User Roles. (i.e. RO, RW, CA-RW, etc…) Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 92-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Managing Existing Users This is done through the BHIS Approver Management interface. Open the BHIS website(https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov) Click [Log In] and enter your credentials On the Menu Bar, select the Administration/Manage Users submenu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 92-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Managing Existing Users Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 92-105 for step-by-step instructions. This view has a filter area and a table that shows the users who have been added. Note: Every column in this table can be used to sort the information by clicking on the drop-down arrow located in the top right-hand corner of the column.
Managing Existing Users Viewing DCR User Status The following is a list of all the available User Account Statuses and their brief descriptions: Pending, waiting for DHCS to Activate – Approver has added a new User account in BHIS Portal. DHCS will be notified with the new User details. DHCS will create username and temporary password and will send out an Encrypted e-mail to User’s Work e-mail address. User will have to change this temporary password into a more permanent password using the link given in the encrypted e-mail. Only after a permanent password is created the user can log onto BHIS Portal with the username and password. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 93-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Managing Existing Users Viewing DCR User Status The following is the list of all the available User Account Statuses and their brief descriptions: Activated - Approver has added a new User account in BHIS Portal. DHCS has confirmed the username and password has been created for the same User. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 93-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Managing Existing Users Viewing DCR User Status The following is the list of all the available User Account Statuses and their brief descriptions: Pending, waiting for DHCS to Deactivate – Approver has sent in a request to remove a User account from BHIS Portal. DHCS will be notified with the User details. DHCS will perform the necessary action to remove the User from the system. Deactivated - Approver has requested to remove a User account from BHIS Portal. DHCS has confirmed removal of the account for the same User. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 93-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Managing Existing Users Viewing DCR User Profile Open the BHIS website(https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov) Click [Log In] and enter your credentials On the Menu Bar, select the Administration/Manage Users submenu. Click the link “View” at the end of the row, to view the DCR User Profile. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 93-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Managing Existing Users Editing and Removing DCR Users Open the BHIS website(https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov) Click [Log In] and enter your credentials On the Menu Bar, select the Administration/Manage Users submenu. Click the link “View” at the end of the row, to view the DCR User Profile, who has the status “Activated”. In the “Personal Profile” area, click [Edit]. This opens the: “Manage Users – Edit User Profile” view. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 93-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Managing Existing Users Editing and Removing DCR Users cont. Select the ‘Request for deactivation’ radio button Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13, “Adding and Managing DCR Users”, page 93-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Data Security and Data Sharing Between Users Groups control the number of users who access a partner’s data. Roles identify if the user will have privilege for read or write Sharing allows additional groups of users to temporarily view a partner’s data Sharing is assigned and removed for each partnership The FSP DCR is equipped with several features to secure partner information. As discussed, user groups control the number of users who can access a partner’s data. When a user has access to a partner’s data, user roles identify if the user will have the ability to only view (read only) or change (write) the partner’s data. Carefully planning and utilizing the combination of user groups and user roles will provide the best security of the partner’s information such that the fewest number of users will have the ability to access or change the partner’s data. When only a few number of users can access a partner’s data, it may be necessary to temporarily “share” the access to the partner’s information in the event that the FSP DCR user who normally manages the partner’s data will be unavailable (e.g., on leave, vacation or another assignment, etc.). In order for a FSP DCR user to have the ability to share a partner’s data with another group of FSP DCR users, the user must be assigned the SFG role. (Refer to list of possible FSP roles on previous slide.) When a user has been assigned the SFG role, the user can share a partner’s information with another group of FSP DCR users. Sharing is performed on an individual partner basis, and the action of sharing must be repeated for all partners who will need to be shared.
Sharing Partner FSP Partner’s Data This functionality is available for the role of: County Administrator (CA-RW and SFG role). Assign yourself to same group as the Partner’s PSC by following these steps: Open the BHIS website: (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov). Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select the Applications / DCR Web Application submenu. It may be necessary to temporarily “share” the access to the partner’s information in the event that the FSP DCR user who normally manages the partner’s data will be unavailable (e.g., on leave, vacation or another assignment, etc.). In order for a FSP DCR user to have the ability to share a partner’s data with another group of FSP DCR users, the user must be assigned the SFG role. When a user has been assigned the SFG role, the user can access the View/Share FSP Groups under the Admin menu. Users can then share a partner’s information with another group of FSP DCR users. Sharing is performed on an individual partner basis, and the action of sharing must be repeated for all partners who will need to be shared. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13, “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Sharing Partner FSP Partner’s Data On the Menu Bar, select the Admin / Manage Groups submenu. Find your name. In the last column behind your name the button can either read: Remove Assign If you have a [Remove] behind your name and the group is the same group as the Partner’s PSC: On the Menu Bar, select ‘Admin/ View/Share FSP Groups’ submenu to share from one group to other group’ section It may be necessary to temporarily “share” the access to the partner’s information in the event that the FSP DCR user who normally manages the partner’s data will be unavailable (e.g., on leave, vacation or another assignment, etc.). In order for a FSP DCR user to have the ability to share a partner’s data with another group of FSP DCR users, the user must be assigned the SFG role. When a user has been assigned the SFG role, the user can access the View/Share FSP Groups under the Admin menu. Users can then share a partner’s information with another group of FSP DCR users. Sharing is performed on an individual partner basis, and the action of sharing must be repeated for all partners who will need to be shared. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13, “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Sharing Partner FSP Partner’s Data If you have [Assign]any group assigned then continue to step #10 If your group is not the same as Partner’s PSC then Remove yourself from current group by clicking Remove button Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13, “Who Can View/Share FSP Partner’s Data”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Sharing Partner FSP Partner’s Data Click Assign and select the group you want to assign from drop down and click assign Logout and log back into DCR for the ‘Group Change’ to take affect On the Menu Bar, select Admin / ‘Share/Delete/Move partners from one group to other group’ section in SFG role and follow the steps Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
View/Share FSPs Between Groups Those users with CA-RW or SFG role can share partners amongst groups by DCR users who belong to same group as Partner’s PSC. This is done using View/Share FSP Groups page Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
View/Share FSPs Between Groups View/Share FSP Groups page allows users to share individual partners. Users can share partner by adding a different group, so users in both of the groups can manage the partner. User can switch the partner from one group to another by editing and selecting a new group. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
View/Share FSPs Between Groups View/Share FSP Groups Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
Managing Groups The Approver Designee can create and inactivate groups to meet the business needs of the organization. Open BHIS website (http://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov). Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select Applications/DCR Web Application submenu. On the Menu Bar, select the Admin/Manage Groups submenu. The Approver Designee can create and delete groups to meet the business needs of the organization. As discussed, the group to which the user is assigned determines which FSP partners the user can access. This functionality is available for the role of “County Administrator” (CA-RW). Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov). Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select the Applications / DCR Web Application submenu. On the Menu Bar, select the Admin/Manage Groups submenu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 13.3, Section “Maintaining & Managing Groups”, page 94 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Add a Group to the County This functionality is available for the role of “County Administrator” (CA-RW). Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov). Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select the Applications / DCR Web Application submenu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Add a Group to the County On the Menu Bar, select the Admin/Manage Groups submenu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Add a Group to the County Click [Maintain MHSA Groups]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Add a Group to the County Click [Add a Group to the County]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Add a Group to the County Enter a Group Name and Description. Select the Status from the drop-down field. Click [Save]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Edit a Group Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov). Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select the Applications / DCR Web Application submenu. On the Menu Bar, select the Admin/Manage Groups submenu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Edit a Group Click [Maintain MHSA Groups]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Edit a Group Click on the (blue) ‘Group Name’ link that you wish to edit. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Assign a Group to a DCR User In order to see client data, a group needs to be assigned to your DCR User. As a County Administrator (CA-RW), you should be able to assign groups to DCR Users in your county. This is done through the DCR website: Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Assign a Group to a DCR User Open BHIS website https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov Click [Log In] and enter your credentials On the Menu Bar, select the Applications / DCR Web Applications submenu. On the Menu Bar, select the Admin / Manage Groups submenu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 94-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Assign a Group to a DCR User Note: Assigning user to County Master Group would provide access to all partner data. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 101-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Assign a Group to a DCR User Click [Assign] at the end of the user row to assign a group Select the Group Name from the drop-down box. Click [Assign]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 101-105 for step-by-step instructions. Note: Assigning a DCR User to the County Master Group will provide access to ALL partner data.
How to Remove a Group from a DCR User This functionality is available for the role of “County Administrator” (CA-RW). Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov). Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select the Applications / DCR Web Application submenu. On the Menu Bar, select the Admin/Manage Groups submenu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 102-105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Remove a Group from a DCR User Click [REMOVE] at the end of the user row to remove the user from a group. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 103-105 for step-by-step instructions. Click [Remove] to confirm
How to Add a Partnership Service Coordinator (PSC) Every partner must be assigned to a PSC Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov). Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select the Applications / DCR Web Application submenu. On the Menu Bar, select the Admin/ Manage PSCs submenu. Every partner in the FSP DCR must be assigned to a PSC, and a partnership cannot be established without identifying an associated PSC’s Coordinator ID. There are two options for creating PSCs in the FSP DCR. A PSC can be created by assigning a PSC-RW or PSC-RO role to an enrolled FSP DCR user; or a virtual PSC can be created in the FSP DCR. If the PSC will need to access, view, enter or update information in the FSP DCR application, then the PSC should be enrolled as a FSP DCR user. A virtual PSC can be created for PSCs who do not need to access the FSP DCR application for any of their business needs. When a partnership is established via a PAF on the FSP DCR online application, only virtual PSCs and enrolled FSP DCR users with a PSC-RO or PSC-RW role will be available in the drop-down box of coordinators to which the new partner can be assigned. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 103-104 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Add a Partnership Service Coordinator (PSC) Click [New+]. Click [New+]. Enter the PSC information Click [Save]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 103-104 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Edit an Existing PSC Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov). Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select the Applications / DCR Web Application submenu. On the Menu Bar, select the Admin/ Manage PSCs submenu. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 105 for step-by-step instructions.
How to Edit an Existing PSC Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 13.3, section “Maintaining and Managing Groups”, page 105 for step-by-step instructions. Select the “Last, FirstName” of the person you wish to edit.
Support For further assistance, questions, or concerns contact the corresponding support email(s) provided below: DCR related questions: MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov BHIS related questions or password resets: BHIS@dhcs.ca.gov Other questions related to MH Programs or MH Policies: MHSData@dhcs.ca.gov
Data Reporting Options
This Section Covers: Entering FSP Data Directly into the Online FSP DCR Application Using 3rd Party Applications for FSP Data Selecting a Method of Data Submission Accessing the FSP DCR Test QA Application XML Batch File Submission Introduction XML Schema Definition (XSD) DCR Validation Matrices XML Batch Uploading Submission Errors XML Batch Corrections XML Batch Submission Testing Certifying counties for XML data submission This section covers these activities in the FSP DCR.
Entering FSP Data Directly into the Online FSP DCR Application The Web-based system allows users to perform data entry Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov). Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select the Applications / DCR Web Application submenu. On the Menu Bar, select the Partnerships/ Add New Partner (PAF) submenu. DMH provides the FSP DCR system to counties, which allows for users to log into the web-based system over the Internet and document the results of partner assessments directly into the FSP DCR system. Once documented, no additional steps must be taken in order to submit the required outcomes assessments to DMH. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 15, “Date Reporting Options”, page 116-117 for step-by-step instructions.
Entering FSP Data Directly into the Online FSP DCR Application Enter the appropriate date of birth to create the new partnership information The form presented will be based on the date of birth entered where you may enter the partners information DMH provides the FSP DCR system to counties, which allows for users to log into the web-based system over the Internet and document the results of partner assessments directly into the FSP DCR system. Once documented, no additional steps must be taken in order to submit the required outcomes assessments to DMH. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/17/2018) at Chapter 15, “Date Reporting Options”, page 116-117 for step-by-step instructions.
Using 3rd Party Applications for FSP Data Must capture all information for FSP outcome assessments Must organize assessment data in the appropriate data structure Must be uploaded to DCR in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. DMH allows counties to use approved 3rd party applications to document partner assessments. These applications must capture all required information for FSP outcome assessments and be able to export assessments in the standard reporting format to DHCS. For counties utilizing a 3rd party application, the required data must be exported in a specific format. This format is an Extensible Markup Language (XML). These assessment data must then be uploaded via XML batching into the FSP DCR system. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 15.2, Section “Using 3rd Party Applications for FSP Data”, page 116 for step-by-step instructions.
Selecting a Method of Data Submission Counties must submit data exclusively as either: Online DCR XML Batch XML counties will have read-only access online XML counties cannot make updates online Each county must determine their method of submitting FSP outcomes assessment data to DMH. In general, counties that use the DCR Application must use this method exclusively and are not able to XML batch upload data from a 3rd party system. Counties that use 3rd party applications to export and upload FSP data must use this method exclusively. Additionally, FSP data that is XML batch uploaded to the FSP DCR cannot be updated online. For counties who XML batch upload data, FSP DCR users must be assigned Read Only roles in order to view data that has been submitted. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 15.3, Section “Selecting a Method of Data Submission”, page 116 for step-by-step instructions.
Accessing the FSP DCR Staging Environment DHCS provides a test Staging environment to facilitate employee training and XML batch submittal testing. Open the BHIS Staging website (https://bhissecurestage.dhcs.ca.gov) Click [Log In] and enter your credentials On the Menu Bar, select the Applications/DCR Web Application submenu. DMH provides a test Quality Assurance (QA) system to facilitate employee training and XML batch submittal testing. This system can be accessed at https://mhhqitws.cahwnet.gov/. All data entered into the test QA environment will be maintained separately from data entered into the standard FSP DCR (also called the production FSP DCR). The test QA FSP DCR application can be used for testing XML batch uploads or for training new FSP DCR users on how to enter data directly into the FSP DCR. It is recommended that each user test data entry and upload via the test QA FSP DCR application before attempting to submit any data to the production FSP DCR application. Important: For security reasons, DHCS does NOT allow the submission of real personal information (PI) or real personal health information (PHI) in DCR Staging environment. All personal information must be de-identified. It is recommended that each user test data entry and upload via the Staging FSP DCR application before attempting to submit any data to FSP DCR Production. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 15.4, Section “Accessing the FSP DCR Test Staging Application”, page 116-117 for step-by-step instructions.
Accessing the FSP DCR Staging Environment Cont. The user interface will now display the staging environment where you may input data. DMH provides a test Quality Assurance (QA) system to facilitate employee training and XML batch submittal testing. This system can be accessed at https://mhhqitws.cahwnet.gov/. All data entered into the test QA environment will be maintained separately from data entered into the standard FSP DCR (also called the production FSP DCR). The test QA FSP DCR application can be used for testing XML batch uploads or for training new FSP DCR users on how to enter data directly into the FSP DCR. It is recommended that each user test data entry and upload via the test QA FSP DCR application before attempting to submit any data to the production FSP DCR application. Important: For security reasons, DHCS does NOT allow the submission of real personal information (PI) or real personal health information (PHI) in DCR Staging environment. All personal information must be de-identified. It is recommended that each user test data entry and upload via the Staging FSP DCR application before attempting to submit any data to FSP DCR Production. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 15.4, Section “Accessing the FSP DCR Test Staging Application”, page 116-117 for step-by-step instructions.
Accessing the FSP DCR Staging Environment Cont. Important: For security reasons, DHCS does NOT allow the submission of real personal information (PI) or real personal health information (PHI) in DCR Staging environment. DMH provides a test Quality Assurance (QA) system to facilitate employee training and XML batch submittal testing. This system can be accessed at https://mhhqitws.cahwnet.gov/. All data entered into the test QA environment will be maintained separately from data entered into the standard FSP DCR (also called the production FSP DCR). The test QA FSP DCR application can be used for testing XML batch uploads or for training new FSP DCR users on how to enter data directly into the FSP DCR. It is recommended that each user test data entry and upload via the test QA FSP DCR application before attempting to submit any data to the production FSP DCR application. Important: For security reasons, DHCS does NOT allow the submission of real personal information (PI) or real personal health information (PHI) in DCR Staging environment. All personal information must be de-identified. It is recommended that each user test data entry and upload via the Staging FSP DCR application before attempting to submit any data to FSP DCR Production. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 15.4, Section “Accessing the FSP DCR Test Staging Application”, page 116-117 for step-by-step instructions.
Accessing the FSP DCR Staging Environment Cont. All data entered into the Staging environment will be maintained separately from data entered into the standard FSP DCR (also called the production FSP DCR). The test Staging FSP DCR application can be used for testing XML batch uploads or for training new FSP DCR users on how to enter data directly into the FSP DCR. All personal information must be de-identified. It is recommended that each user test data entry and upload via the Staging FSP DCR application before attempting to submit any data to FSP DCR Production. DMH provides a test Quality Assurance (QA) system to facilitate employee training and XML batch submittal testing. This system can be accessed at https://mhhqitws.cahwnet.gov/. All data entered into the test QA environment will be maintained separately from data entered into the standard FSP DCR (also called the production FSP DCR). The test QA FSP DCR application can be used for testing XML batch uploads or for training new FSP DCR users on how to enter data directly into the FSP DCR. It is recommended that each user test data entry and upload via the test QA FSP DCR application before attempting to submit any data to the production FSP DCR application. Important: For security reasons, DHCS does NOT allow the submission of real personal information (PI) or real personal health information (PHI) in DCR Staging environment. All personal information must be de-identified. It is recommended that each user test data entry and upload via the Staging FSP DCR application before attempting to submit any data to FSP DCR Production. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 15.4, Section “Accessing the FSP DCR Test Staging Application”, page 116-117 for step-by-step instructions.
XML Batch File Submission Introduction 3rd party software vendors will need to become familiar with the DCR XML Schema Definition (XSD) Users who submit XML files from already established vendor processes may skip to the “XML Batch Uploading” section The 3rd party software vendors will need to become familiar with the DCR XML Schema Definition (XSD) described in the next section. However, users who submit XML files from already established vendor processes may skip the “XML Batch Uploading” slide. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14, Section “XML Batch File- Submission Introduction”, page 116-117 for step-by-step instructions.
XML Schema Definition (XSD) In order to share information via XML, there must be a mutually defined XSD. This function is normally performed by a third party software vendor. The XML XSD definition required by the FSP DCR system is referred to as DCR_5.3. (This definition specifies the exact format of DCR FSP XML Files.) Accompanying DCR_5.3 is the description of the “processed results with errors.” (This document is referred to as: DCR 5.3 ProcessedResults_Errors_Final.) The FSP XSD Files are posted on the BHIS website and should be provided to the 3rd party software vendor. This will allow the 3rd party software vendor to develop their XML export functionality to allow files to be uploaded to the FSP DCR system. Note: The information in this section is provided to assist FSP DCR users who define the structure of the XML files to be transferred to the FSP DCR. This function is usually performed by a third party software vendor. All other users do not need to read this section, but can reference this information as general guidance. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.1, Section “XML Schema Definition (XSD)”, page 106 for step-by-step instructions.
To Access XSD Files For ease, the DCR_5.3 and DCR 5.3 ProcessedResults_Errors_Final are included in the DCR User Manual You may click on the links provided in the DCR User Manual to access the XSD Files Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14.1, Section “XML Schema Definition (XSD)”, page 106-115 for step-by-step instructions.
DCR Validation Matrices The FSP DCR system validates uploaded XML files based on a wide variety of criteria. These criteria are published in the DCR User Manual as DCR Validation Matrices. You may click on the links provided in the DCR User Manual to access the DCR Validation Matrices Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14, “XML Batch File - Submission”, page 106-115 for step-by-step instructions.
DCR Validation Matrices The published DCR Validation Matrices contains all of the validation criteria for the assessment types (PAF, KET, and 3M) as well as an exhaustive list of XML Error Codes that can be encountered during data submission Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14, “XML Batch File - Submission”, page 106-115 for step-by-step instructions.
XML Batch Uploading The user who will be uploading these XML files into the FSP DCR system must be assigned the role of RW (Read/Write). Users with this role will have an option under the Transfers menu in the FSP DCR system to Upload FSP XML Files, which can be used for XML batch uploading. Users can begin an upload with New Upload button The user who will be uploading these XML files into the FSP DCR system must be assigned the role of XML Upload (XML-U.) Users with this role will have an option under the Transfers menu in the FSP DCR system to Upload FSP XML Files, which can be used for XML batch uploading. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.1.3, Section “XML Batch Uploading”, page 107-109 for step-by-step instructions.
Upload XML Batch Files Open the BHIS website (https://bhis.dhcs.ca.gov) Click [Log In] and enter your credentials. On the Menu Bar, select the Applications / DCR Web Application submenu. On the Menu Bar, select the Transfers / Upload FSP XML Files submenu. Select [New Upload]. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.1.3, Section “XML Batch Uploading”, page 107-109 for step-by-step instructions. DCR Tip: At this time, DCR will not take the flow of multiple discontinuation and re-establishment records for one partner. Send only one discontinuation or reestablishment record for a partner in each XML file.
Upload XML Batch Files Users are then able to browse their local computer for XML files to upload to the FSP DCR system. Once the XML file has been located, highlight the file and select [Open]. Upon returning to the Upload FSP XML Files view, the file path of the XML document selected will appear. Click [Browse] to locate a different file. Click [Upload] to submit the selected file to the FSP DCR system, or [Cancel] without submitting any files. Note: Please work with your 3rd party application provider for assistance exporting the FSP data in XML format and saving it to a specific file location. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.1.3, Section “XML Batch Uploading”, page 107-109 for step-by-step instructions.
Upload XML Batch Files If the submission does not meet all of the validation criteria, the user will receive a rejection message including details about why the batch file was not successful. In this example, the submitted file contains an already used batch number. After a successfully submitted batch request is processed, the View/Save link will become active. There are three Fatal Error codes that will prevent the file from processing. Note: When XML Files are processed by the FSP DCR system, a data validation is done to ensure that the files are in the correct format and contain the required information as defined in the DCR Validation Matrices. Error Codes: B00001 - File is already processed. B00003 - Wrong Node and new XML element B00005 - Invalid XSD Version B00006 - If user uploads the same file before it is processed. File is already uploaded but not processed. User can overwrite Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.1.3, Section “XML Batch Uploading”, page 107-109 for step-by-step instructions.
Submission Errors Error codes identify validation and formatting errors Error definitions in DCR User Manual Appendix B Fatal Errors: Submission is rejected Non-fatal Errors: Submission is accepted, but must resubmit data to correct errors in specific records If submission fails or returned processing results are incorrect during any of the steps previously in this chapter, please notify MHSA DCR Support at MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov and provide the information listed subsequently. If the submission files do not meet the validation criteria and contain formatting or data related errors, an error code will be displayed to the user after the batch submittal has been processed. The error codes will contain specific information about what error was encountered which helps the user to determine what must be done to resolve the error. Errors can be either fatal or non-fatal. Fatal errors will result in the submittal being rejected; these submissions must be corrected and resubmitted before they will be accepted by the FSP DCR system. For non-fatal errors, the FSP DCR system will accept the submission but the user should follow up on the error message and resubmit the batch if necessary. Data related errors can often be corrected by modifying data referenced in the submission error within the 3rd party system and resubmitting the batch with the corrected data. For issues related to XML formatting or XSD version, it may be necessary to work directly with the 3rd party software vendor to correct the export format from their system; this may require software changes by the 3rd party vendor. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.1.4, Section “Submission Errors”, page 110 for step-by-step instructions.
XML Batch Corrections Fatal Errors: Non-fatal Errors: Correct issue and resubmit batch Non-fatal Errors: Correct information and resubmit problem records Use Partner-Level Templates from MHSOAC to view partner-level data from DCR CSV download files Some records cannot be corrected For example: Once submitted, discontinue and reactivation KET records cannot be changed, deleted or corrected Data can be resubmitted to the FSP DCR system in the event of data submission errors or to correct data for an assessment submitted in a prior batch. If fatal errors are encountered, users should correct the information based on the error message and resubmit with valid data. If non-fatal errors are encountered, the data will be accepted by the FSP DCR system. When applicable, users should correct the information based on the error messages and resubmit. Users can correct information within an assessment and resubmit if necessary. Not all assessments can be corrected by simply resubmitting data. Based on business rules, the system may not allow some assessments to be resubmitted. For example, once submitted, KET records which contain a partner discontinuation or reactivation cannot be changed or corrected. In these circumstances, users must delete the partner and resubmit all assessments in order to correct the data. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.1.5, Section “XML Batch Corrections”, page 110-111 for step-by-step instructions.
Correcting Data by XML Batch Data can be corrected and updated through XML batch updates. Updated PAF, KET and 3M records can overwrite existing information in the FSP DCR with similar constraints as apply for the online FSP DCR. Update by overwriting existing information on: PAF records KET** records 3M records A KET** with a partnership status change cannot be overwritten Data can be corrected and updated through XML batch updates. Updated PAF, KET and 3M records can overwrite existing information in the FSP DCR with similar constraints as apply for the online FSP DCR. Note: Go to all previous sections in this chapter for further information on the capability to correct data via the online FSP DCR as a guidance for capabilities to correct or update data via XML batch upload. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 16.4, Section “Correcting Data through XML Batch Upload”, page 128 for step-by-step instructions.
XML Batch Submission Testing DHCS provides a DCR Staging environment to Counties, DCR users and providers to facilitate training of employees and XML Batch Submittal testing. This system can be accessed at: https://bhissecurestage.dhcs.ca.gov DMH provides a test QA system to providers to facilitate training of employees and XML Batch Submittal testing. It is suggested that the county submit test XML Batch files in the order listed. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 14.1.6, Section “XML Batch Submission Testing”, page 111-112 for step-by-step instructions.
XML Batch Submission Testing Requirements for Submitting XML Batch Files These are the requirements before submitting XML Batch Files to the FSP DCR Test Application: All users who will submit the test XML Batch files are enrolled in BHIS for DCR Staging and have the RW role. Group structure is in place. Partnership Service Coordinators (PSCs) referenced in the <CoordinatorID> element in the STAGING XML Batch file(s) are enrolled or added as PSCs in DCR Staging. County Program IDs are entered into the system by DHCS DCR Support staff. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter, Section “Requirements for Submitting XML Batch Files to FSP DCR Test Application”, page 111 for step-by-step instructions.
XML Batch Submission Testing Requirements for Submitting XML Batch Files Notify DHCS DCR IT at MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov when the conditions have been met DHCS DCR support staff will then provide the county access to DCR Staging environment where testing will take place. It is suggested that the county submit test XML Batch files in the order listed subsequently. Note: Before submitting KET and 3M file(s), be sure to submit the corresponding PAF file(s) with the Usage element set to 'P' (see Sample 1 below). Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter, Section “Requirements for Submitting XML Batch Files to FSP DCR Test Application”, page 111 for step-by-step instructions.
Requirements for Submitting XML Batch Files Submit an XML file containing one PAF for each age group. Submit an XML file containing multiple PAFs for each age group. Submit an XML file containing one KET for each age group. Submit an XML file containing multiple KETs for each age group. Submit an XML file containing one 3M for each age group. Submit an XML file containing multiple 3Ms for each age group. Note: Before submitting KET and 3M file(s), be sure to submit the corresponding PAF file(s) with the Usage element set to 'P' (see Sample 1 below). Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter, Section “Requirements for Submitting XML Batch Files to FSP DCR Test Application”, page 112 for step-by-step instructions.
Requirements for Submitting XML Batch Files Submit an XML file containing one PAF, one KET, and one 3M for each age group. Submit an XML file containing multiple PAFs, multiple KETs, and multiple 3Ms for each age group. Submit an XML file containing one discontinuation for any age group Submit an XML file containing one reestablishment for any age group Note: Before submitting KET and 3M file(s), be sure to submit the corresponding PAF file(s) with the Usage element set to 'P' (see Sample 1 below). Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter, Section “Requirements for Submitting XML Batch Files to FSP DCR Test Application”, page 112 for step-by-step instructions. If submission fails or returned processing results are incorrect during any of the steps previously in this chapter, please notify MHSA DCR Support at MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov and provide the information listed subsequently.
Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission Counties already approved to submit data to the FSP DCR should refer to this section for instructions as their business needs or reporting needs change or require adjustment. A County must be certified before submitting Partner outcome data to the FSP DCR production system. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 113 for step-by-step instructions.
Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission The following six requirements must be completed for a county to become certified: The county has identified its reporting method (DCR or XML County). The county has identified its business method The county has identified its group structure The county has registered and trained a County Approver Designee The county has registered its Program ID Codes with DHCS The county has successfully submitted test data in the FSP DCR Staging Environment Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 113 for step-by-step instructions.
Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission Additional Criteria Required for Certifying XML Counties: All users who will submit XML batch files are enrolled in BHIS DCR Production and have RW role. All 12 forms have been successfully submitted in Staging. No high-severity FATAL errors (e.g., errors that impact security). Low failure rate (<5%) for low-security errors. Error messages that consistently occur should be fixed. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 113 for step-by-step instructions.
Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission Additional Criteria Required for Certifying XML Counties: Review Re-activation process. An understanding that PreviousPartnerGUID can only be used once Counties have spot-checked their data using FSP DCR online system in Staging to ensure that FSP DCR data match what is in their system and sent a confirmation email to MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov Spot-checked to cross-check submitted data Use Partner-Level Templates from MHSOAC to view partner- level data from DCR CSV download files Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 113 for step-by-step instructions.
Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission Create or Change a Program ID for each FSP program Send an email to DHCS at MHSData@DHCS.ca.gov. Provide the new 4-character Program ID or ID needing to be changed and the New program ID. Provide the program ID description (up to 250 characters). Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 113 for step-by-step instructions.
Enrolling and Certifying Counties for XML Data Submission Identifying County Reporting Method There are two options for reporting data to the FSP DCR. Counties can report individual data directly through forms on the online data system. If counties maintain their own system of FSP data, the counties can choose upload batch data to the FSP DCR via XML files. Counties now have the ability to do both methods but to submit via XML, the County MUST be XML Certified. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 113 for step-by-step instructions.
Enrolling and Certifying Counties for XML Data Submission FSP Reporting Options: Online Individual Form Entry = “DCR Online Counties” Batch XML File Submission = “XML Counties” Note: Go to Data Reporting Options for further details on online individual form entry and batch XML file submission. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 113 for step-by-step instructions.
Enrolling and Certifying Counties for XML Data Submission Identifying County Business Method A county will need to set up a structure in the FSP DCR to support the method of data reporting. If the county is an XML county, will the providers upload their own XML files or will the county upload all provider XML batch data on behalf of the providers? If the county is a DCR Online County, will the providers enter their own data via the FSP DCR or will the county enter all of the data on behalf of the providers? Note: Counties may also have vendors that submit data on behalf of the providers or the entire county. A vendor is any company or individual who is authorized to act on behalf of other organizations (counties/providers) including, but not limited to, exchanging and processing confidential information and data. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 114 for step-by-step instructions.
Enrolling and Certifying Counties for XML Data Submission Identifying County Business Method There are four main business structures: XML batch uploaded by the county/vendor on behalf of all providers Online individual form entry by each provider Online individual form entry by each coordinator Online individual form entry by the county/vendor on behalf of all providers Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (12/17/2018) at Chapter 14.2, Section “Enrolling and Certifying a County for XML Data Submission”, page 114 for step-by-step instructions.
Business Rules for Data Correction PAFs: Can be updated for active or inactive partners Can be deleted, which will delete the entire partnership Partnership date cannot be updated Changes to most partnership info. & admin fields will perpetuate across KETs & 3Ms Date of birth should be updated with caution An overview of the business rules for data correction relating to the PAFs is listed on this slide. When correcting a partner’s birth date on the PAF, the age group for the partner at the time the partnership was established could change. If a correction to the birth date results in a change of age group at the time of the partnership, the PAF form will not update to the appropriate PAF type to accommodate the change. Therefore, in this case, the partnership should be deleted and recreated in the FSP DCR. The birth date should only be changed if the change to the birth date does not change the age group for the partner for any assessments already entered into the FSP DCR. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 16.5, Section “Overview of Business Rules for Data Correction”, page 128 for step-by-step instructions.
Business Rules for Data Correction All KETs: Existing KETs cannot be deleted New KETs can be added for active partners New KETs cannot be added for inactive partners (except for reactivation) Existing KETs without deactivation/reactivation: Can be updated for active or inactive partners Existing KETs with deactivation/reactivation: Cannot be updated or altered In the case of incorrect deactivation or reactivation, the partnership must be deleted and recreated with the correct information An overview of the business rules for data correction relating to the KETs is listed on this slide. There are some cases in which data cannot be corrected on a KET, and the partnership must be deleted and recreated in the DCR so that only the correct partnership information is stored in the DCR. Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 16.5, Section “Overview of Business Rules for Data Correction”, page 128 for step-by-step instructions.
Business Rules for Data Correction 3Ms Cannot be deleted Can be updated for active or inactive partners In the case that 3Ms exist outside of allowable range: These cannot be deleted The partnership must be deleted and recreated An overview of the business rules for data correction relating to the 3Ms is listed on this slide. There are some cases in which 3M outside the allowable range cannot be deleted, and the partnership must be deleted and recreated in the DCR so that only the correct partnership information is stored in the DCR. Additional data reporting and validation rules can be found in Ch 14 Refer to the FSP DCR User Manual (10/01/2018) at Chapter 16.5, Section “Overview of Business Rules for Data Correction”, page 128 for step-by-step instructions.
Enhanced Partner-Level Data (EPLD) Templates The Enhanced Partner-Level Data (EPLD) Templates Version 6.1 include templates for “Partner Information” reports, “Partner Alert” reports and “Summary Reports”. The MHSOAC worked with California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) University Enterprises, Inc. (UEI) to develop a Partner-Level Data Templates tool built in Microsoft Access which will allow counties to view a summary of individual partner-level data utilizing the Full Service Partnership (FSP) Data Collection and Reporting System (DCR) exported comma-separated value (CSV) data files. After importing the DCR CSV files, the Partner-Level Data Templates will allow a county to browse or search for each FSP partner’s history and outcome data. The tool also provides a summary report for a partner’s data for export and printing. The PLD Templates can be downloaded from ITWS by accessing the MHSA Information menu and the User Manual and Instructions submenu and clicking to download the DCR Client-Level Report Template. The PLD Templates are accompanied by a user manual, and the FSP Data Analysis Training provides further instruction on utilizing the Partner-Level Templates.
Uses of EPLD Templates Reviewing individual partner history in the FSP program Reviewing aberrant or questionable data for a partner as identified by data quality reports Identifying the assessment dates for data requiring correction for a partner Investigating and troubleshooting XML data submission errors for a partner’s data Cross-checking and spot-checking a county’s 3rd party application data compared to the FSP DCR data after XML uploads Creating additional queries and reports based on DCR CSV file downloads utilizing the framework and data codes provided within the Partner-Level Data Templates tool Creating a list of all active partners for a designated Provider, Program or Partnership Service Coordinator (PSC) Planning for 3M assessment collection Identifying missing 3M assessments Identifying duplicate KET assessments Identifying partners no longer actively participating in the FSP program and in need of discontinuation Identifying partners who have been in a temporary residential setting for more than 30 days Evaluating FSP DCR data quality Identifying whether data quality barriers exist for some programs or providers
The EPLD Templates Displays all of a partner’s data in one searchable form The EPLD Templates allows users to browse through the data of all of the partnerships. As seen this slide, a form in the EPLD Templates displays an overview of the partnership information, administrative changes during the partnership and a tab for each domain. By selecting each tab, users can review all of the FSP data reported for a partnership. Alternatively, users can select one tab of domain information, such as the D5: Legal domain for example, and then scroll through each partnership to browse just the data reported for that domain (e.g., legal) for each partnership.
The EPLD Templates Provides a report of a partner’s complete DCR data The EPLD Templates also produces a print preview of a report of one partnership’s data. As seen in this slide, the report displays an overview of the partnership information in a multi-page report which is separated into sections by domain.
Support For further assistance, questions, or concerns contact the corresponding support email(s) provided below: DCR related questions: MHSADCRSupport@dhcs.ca.gov BHIS related questions or password resets: BHIS@dhcs.ca.gov Other questions related to MH Programs or MH Policies: MHSData@dhcs.ca.gov