A Woman of Virtue. Proverbs 30 : 10 – 31
Content Who is a godly woman? What does God expect from a godly woman? What are the attributes or qualities of a godly woman? What are the promises and blessings of God for a godly woman? Lets wrap it up and pray.
Who is a godly woman? A godly woman is the woman who finds favour in the sight of God. She is born again into the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. She is the woman who acknowledges God's lordship and sovereignty over her life. She is subject and submissive to God first, and to her husband. She is the woman that obeys God's commandment, keeps His laws, decrees and statutes and meditates on them day and night. She is the woman that totally and wholeheartedly surrenders her life to our Lord Jesus Christ.
What does God expect from a godly woman? Godliness Holiness Purity of the heart Faith Trust Total submission Obedience A loving and Christ-like heart 1 Peter 1 : 13 - 16, Ephesians 1 : 4, Leviticus 19 : 1 - 2, Matthew 5 : 48, Isaiah 6 : 1 - 6.
Qualities or attributes of a godly woman She is submissive to God. She is spiritually minded. She bears fruit of the spirit. She is a commendable wife and mother. She lives for her home and family. She is industrious. She is a sharp business woman. She has good, refined tastes. She is self-disciplined and orderly. She manifests the grace of hospitality. She is charitable in time of need.
Submission to God & her husband 1 Peter 3 : 1 - 6 Genesis 3 : 16 Ephesians 5 : 22 - 24 Colossians 3 : 18
Spiritually minded Titus 2 : 3 - 5 1 Corinthians 13 1 Peter 1 : 13 - 16 1 Peter 3 : 8 - 12 Philippians 2 : 5 - 11
Bears fruit of the spirit John 15 : 1 -8 Galatians 5 : 22 – 23 Psalm 1 : 1 – 3 Psalm 92 : 12 - 15
Commendable wife & mother Genesis 3 : 15 Galatians 4 : 4 Exodus 2 : 1 - 3, 9 1 Kings 3 : 16 - 27 Matthew 20 : 21 1 Timothy 2 : 16 2 Timothy 1 : 5 – 6
She lives for her home & family Proverbs 14 : 1 1 Tim 2 : 11 - 12 1 Cor 11 : 3 - 10 Titus 2 : 4 - 5
Industrious & sharp business woman Proverbs 31 : 16 - 18
Self disciplined & orderly 1 Cor 11 : 1 - 6 1 Peter 3 : 1 - 12 Ephesians 5 : 22 - 33 1 Tim 2 : 8 - 15 Matthew 5 : 28 Titus 2 : 14
She is hospitable & charitable 1 Cor 7 : 34 1 Cor 14 : 34 - 35 Titus 1 : 5, 3 : 14 - 15 Titus 2 : 4 – 5 Luke 8 : 1 -3 Acts 16 : 15 John 4 : 28 – 31 & 30 - 42 1 Tim 2 : 11 – 15 Romans 12 : 6 - 8 Galatians 6 : 2
Blessing & rewards of a godly woman The door for a fulfilled life is opened before you. You have an unequalled privilege of profitable hearing from God through the Bible. In your hands are placed the most effectual line of divine connection and breakthrough which is prayer. You are led by the Holy Spirit of God , the senior partner of the believer. The wisdom of Christ to take decisions in all area of life is at your disposal. Your dreams for your family (husband & children) are realizable by God. Your distinctiveness in Christ makes you a role model in your home, especially to your children.
Rewards of a godly woman James 5 : 16 Romans 8 : 14
Wrap up (3 levels of obedience) Obedience out of fear of punishment. Obedience out of desire for a reward, Obedience out of the heart of love for the one in authority.
James 3 : 13 – 18 Proverbs 3 : 5 - 6 Proverbs 6 : 16 – 19 Proverbs 8 Revelation 12 1 Timothy 2 : 14 – 15 Philippians 3 : 12 -21 & 4 : 4 – 9.
Conclusion of the matter. In conclusion I ask each and everyone of us to make a new commitment to our God that we would strife and press onwards towards the goal of becoming the women He has prepared us to be and that He knows we are by His grace. If however, you are in an abusive relationship please seek godly counselling for God’s direction on how to go about handling such and taking care of your self and children if you have some. God did not create us for abuse. God bless us all amen.