Presented by Yvonne Rooney, Catherine McGonagle and Pádraig Delargy Youth Workshop Presented by Yvonne Rooney, Catherine McGonagle and Pádraig Delargy
Current Youth Ministry
Pope John Paul II Award Appointing an Award Leader within the Parish Getting to know the new Award participants Maximising involvement 37/39 parishes have JP2 students Staying involved – the Papal Cross Twitter: @JP2Award URL:
Youth Pilgrimages Continue to develop on status as largest Diocese represented at Knock Support Annual Youth Pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick, Friday 5th April Appoint a parish leader to support Annual Youth Pilgrimage to Lourdes Forward planning with Trócaire and Habitat for Humanity
Derry Youth Community Access DYC retreats in parishes Available primary/secondary schools Advice on Children’s Liturgy materials Twitter: dycyouth Email:
Children’s Liturgy Plan a specific Children’s Mass Spread the word through social media Opportunity for peer ministry – involve JP2s 12/39 parishes have a Children’s Liturgy group
Eucharistic Ministers and Readers Create a Youth Mass, distinct from Children’s one Actively engage target age groups (7-11 and 11-16)
Youth Choir Develop opportunities for Liturgical events and family ministry Engage all musical talent and ability
HOPE Summer Camp Consult with target focus group (7-16) Solidify links between parish and school Engage students after JP2/Papal Cross
ALPHA Age 13-18 The Alpha Youth Series is an interactive series of thirteen short episodes designed to help engage young people in conversations about faith, life and God. Each session lasts approx. 1 hour and includes film, discussion, reflection, social time Themes include: Who is Jesus? How can I have faith? Why and how do I pray? How do I make the most of my life?
Ideas & Resources Primary Altar Servers Celebration Children’s Liturgy Godly Play YouCat for Kids Youth Liturgy Sacramental Retreats Confirmation Programme
Ideas & Resources Post Primary G.I.F.T. Year 8-10 Bible Club YouCat for Kids/YouCat/DoCat Youth Liturgy Youth Choirs-Teen Spirit PJPII Award-Parish Coordinator Youth Alpha and NUA Film series God’s Confidence – Reconciliation Backpack-Mental Health Pilgrimages
Ideas & Resources Young Adults Train Youth Leaders Papal Cross Pilgrimages Liturgy Parish Groups & Teams (SVP) Social Outreach Programme for Young Adults
Youth Organisations & Initiatives Youth Clubs C.O.R. Search Youth 2000 Columba Community – Y.A.R.D. Project & I.O.S.A.S Centre with Celtic Garden Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Youth Outreach I AM Praise and Worship Band Derry Youth Community Create Youth Forum Process- create a network for groups to work together with our common Mission ‘To help young people grow in their relationship with Jesus’
Looking Ahead Youth Survey - Good News & Signposts 1280 young people -67% practising Catholic and a person of faith 66% are going to Mass and 45% praying on their own 98% go to Confession Practical suggestions from young people about youth ministry in their parish “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” St. Catherine of Siena
Looking Ahead Diocesan Support Available to Parishes Working with Parishes to identify their priorities specifically for Youth Ministering to Youth People in your parish through a one of event or delivering a programme such as Youth Alpha Training and Resourcing Parish Volunteers as Youth Leaders Piloting a new programme Job specification and job description for parishes in a position to employ a Youth Coordinator or Pastoral Youth Worker (cluster) Yvonne Rooney – Pádraig Delargy –