Association of State Drinking Water Administrators ASDWA Webinar: Minnesota PFAS Actions - Investigation, Response, and Lessons Learned I am (your name) with the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators Thank you for joining us for today’s webinar on (Title) Deirdre Mason Association of State Drinking Water Administrators May 29, 2019
About ASDWA Mission: To protect public health and the economy through the provision of safe drinking water Members: Drinking Water Program Administrators: 50 states, territories, the Navajo Nation, and the District of Columbia Public Water System Oversight Regulation Technical assistance Funding – DWSRF, set-asides Coordination with Multiple Partners For those of you who don’t know, ASDWA’s mission is to protect public health and the economy through the provision of safe drinking water. Our members are the drinking water program administrators from the 50 states, territories, the Navajo Nation and DC. Who provide public water system oversight in the form of Regulation, Technical assistance and Funding. And coordinate with multiple partners.
Today’s Webinar Purpose: To provide state drinking water programs with information about the State of Minnesota’s efforts to assess and address per- and polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) including: Fate and transport and drinking water health risks; Evaluating potential PFAS sources and managing and mitigating impacts; Investigating and responding to PFAS releases from disposal sites as part of the 3M lawsuit settlement; and Sharing lessons learned.
Today’s Webinar Presenters Ginny Yingling, Minnesota Department of Health Shalene Thomas, Wood Gary Krueger, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
After the Webinar Please note that a video recording of today’s webinar will be made available for viewing on ASDWA’s web site within the next few days at
Please Type In Your Questions! Please type your questions into the box on your webinar control panel. We will not be taking verbal questions. You may type in your questions at any time during the webinar. We will answer questions after all the presenters are finished speaking.
ASDWA Webinar Please type in your questions!
VIEW THE WEBINAR RECORDING on the ASDWA website at www. asdwa VIEW THE WEBINAR RECORDING on the ASDWA website at After the Webinar