Information on Communication The Communication Process
Communication Defined Communication-The process of acting on information Human Communication-The process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages
Communication Making Sense We make sense out of what we experience when we begin to interpret what we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste with sensations, feelings, thoughts and words. Identifying patterns and structure in what we experience is key to making sense out of what happens to us. We need to rationally and logically interpret what we experience, we also need to make sense through intuition, feelings and emotions
Communication-Sharing Sense We share what we experience by expressing to others and to ourselves what we experience We typically use words to express our thoughts, but we also can use art, music, clothing and a host of other means to convey what we are thinking and feeling to others.
Communication–Creating Meaning Meaning is created through communication rather than sent or transmitted Information is not communication Communication is about verbal and non- verbal messages We communicate by using symbols, words, sounds, gestures, or visual images that represent thoughts, concepts, objects, or experiences
Communication-Complicated When communicating with another person there are at least six people really involved: Who you think you are Who you think the other person is Who you think the other person thinks you are Who the other person thinks he or she is Who the other person thinks you are Who the other person thinks you think he or she is When you add more people to the conversation, it becomes even more complicated
Communication Emphasis content and Relationships Content dimension- The new information, ideas or suggested actions that a communicator wishes to express; what is said Relationship dimension-The aspect of a communication message that offers cues about the emotions, attitudes, and amount of power and control the speaker directs toward others: how something is said. Communication is governed by rules which is a followable prescription that indicates what behavior is obligated, preferred, or prohibited in certain contexts. (These can be either implicit or explicit)
Communication Models Communication as Action: Message Transfer -Communication is a transfer or exchange of information and is a way of transferring meaning Communication as Interaction: Message Exchange -The interaction of communication involves feedback which is a response to a message -Feedback can be intentional (Applause at the end of the conclusion of a symphony) or unintentional (a yawn as you listen to your uncle tell his story about the bear again) Communication as Transaction: Message Creation -When we communicate with a another, we are constantly reacting to what our partner is saying and expressing. All interaction is simultaneous and it occurs within a context -During each communication transaction you have with another person, you look for information about how your message is being received even before you finish talking. -The meaning if a message is co-created by the individuals who are involved in the communication process
Communication-21st Century Mediated Communication-any communication expressed via some channel other than those used when we communicate in person. Examples: a wire, cable, phone line, cell phone, TV set, computer Mass Communication-occurs when a mediated message is sent to many people at the same time. Examples: TV broadcast or radio broadcast
Homework Answer the following questions based on everything that you have learned about communication thus far. Describe in your own words an example of a communication transaction in which all parties are sending and receiving information at the same time? What benefits do you hope to gain or what questions do you hope to answer through your study of communication? Is every bit of our behavior really communication? Do we have to intend to communicate a message for it to be communication? Why of why not? Based on your own experiences, do you think that people who do a lot of their communication by text or online are lonely or uncomfortable communicating in person? Explain. DUE: