Woodbridge High School Class of 2020
Scheduling process The following is a brief overview of our scheduling process: In mid spring, course catalogs are available on the Woodbridge High School Website: www.whsraiders.net School counselors will host grade level assemblies to review course requirements and changes for the upcoming school year. Students will be given the grade-specific course selection sheet and will review courses with parents. Students have the ability to make individual appointments with their grade-specific counselor to discuss their schedule prior to the Scheduling Day at WHS.
Scheduling Day – March 7th! Students will receive a grade-specific course selection sheet. Students will receive teacher recommendations and signatures on this sheet throughout the school day. Students will be expected to complete the grade-specific course selection sheet in its entirety. If students do not select the correct amount of courses, courses will be selected for the student and the student forfeits their right to change these selected courses. Students must submit a grade-specific course selection sheet at the end of the Scheduling Day. Junior and Senior students will be given the opportunity to enter their electives and course level (if the student meets the prerequisites for the class) in Home Access Center at Woodbridge High School under their student account. A copy of the student’s course requests will be available to view on Home Access Center for final review with parent/guardian. Any further question, please call Student Services at (302) 232-3333 A course may not be offered or could be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment or staffing changes.
Registration for 19-20: You will receive your course selection sheet on Thursday, March 7 during your first class. This will be an 8 period day where you will see each of your teachers. The course selection sheet has all of the courses available to your grade level. You must choose classes that are on the form that is given to you.
Course Selection Sheet:
Course Selection Contract:
Elective Options: Accelerated Team Sports Advanced Placement Psychology Advanced Placement Biology Advanced Placement US History American Criminal Justice Computer Applications Environmental Science & Natural Resources Floral Design Landscaping/Turf Management Leadership Laboratory Marching Band (After School) Music Theory Psychology Dual Enrollment Sociology Select Ensemble Stretching and Toning Theater Arts Video Productions Weight Training Women’s Choir Yearbook
Independent Study You must be enrolled in at least one AP or Dual Enrollment course to request an Independent Study class for your schedule.
Schedule changes Schedule changes can only be made to a student’s schedule for the following reasons: Correction of a clerical or computer error Student requested a course that is not being offered and must pick an alternate course Verified and documented incorrect level of course Student completed credits in summer school Compliance with an IEP or 504
Class waiver Only seniors in good credit standing will be considered for a class waiver. Eligible seniors are required to have at least 21 credits. 18.5 of these credits must be: 3 English, 3 Math, 3 Science, 3 Social Studies, 2 World Language, 1 Physical Education, .5 Health, and 3 Pathway. A senior student must be present in school a minimum of four hours a day Seniors must have means of reliable transportation to be eligible for a class waiver. A school disciplinary record, attendance contract, or a violation of the class waiver application will revoke this agreement. If the application is revoked, the student will be placed in a class chosen by the grade level counselor. A fraudulent application form will result in immediate revocation of class waiver privileges and subject the student to further disciplinary action. In order to receive a class waiver, the student must complete the application and return it by Friday, March 22nd 2018. If the application is not submitted by this date the student will not be considered for a class waiver. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Graduation requirements English 4.00 Physical Education 1.00 Math 4.00 Health 0.50 Science 3.00 Career Pathway 3.00 Social Studies 3.00 Electives 4.50 World Language 2.00 Students must accumulate a total of 25 credits in the required subject areas as listed above to graduate. Please check your transcript for accuracy. This is the information that colleges will see!
Yearly Progression: To move from grade 9 to grade 10, students must earn 6 credits with one English credit and one Math credit. To move from grade 10 to grade 11, students must earn 12.5 credits and have two English credits and two Math credits. To move from grade 11 to grade 12 and achieve senior status, students must earn 18.5 credits and have three English credits and three Math credits.
Where do those credits go? Your credits are logged on your official high school transcript. Your transcript will show: Classes that you took each year and the final grade you received in that class Your GPA for each year as well as your cumulative GPA Your class rank Your SAT scores Your GPA is calculated at the end of each school year based on your grades. Only you can effect your GPA! Transcripts are updated at the end of each school year. Your transcript from the end of 11th grade is what will be sent to colleges and universities when you apply in the fall.