Curriculum and Safeguarding Meeting Thursday 8th March 2018
Musical Theatre/ PE Dance Carleton House PPA Time Table Tuesday Times 1-1.40 1.40-2.20 2.20-3.00 3.00-3.40 Nursery Musical Theatre Spanish Nursery staff Reception KM Cover PPA Year 1 Year 2 TH Cover PPA Wednesday Year 3 Musical Theatre/ PE Dance KM Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Carleton House Preparatory School Swimming Provision Options March 2018 Venue Teacher Pool Gym Availability Coach Pros Cons Total cost (36 weeks) King David Mrs Reilly £81.73 Sole use £45 Available £20 Friday PM 190.00 Known venue Sole use of pool Upkeep failing reliability £12122.28 St Vincent’s £80 Small Gym Friday Morning 210.00 Use of large field Need additional lifeguard (Added cost) £14885.74 Liverpool City Council Included Shared Use Separate changing rooms Not available To be decided included Reputable company Reliability Different swimming coaches – possible redundancy to pay. £10,764 Halewood Centre £105 £15 Monday AM 220.00 New modern pool. Significant saving allowing Morning session Different swimming coaches – possible redundancy to pay? £8640 Calderstones Inquiries made: pool not available on a regular basis. If savings can be made this could allow for additional specialist sports coaches throughout the year: eg, Tennis, cricket, Judo, fencing, basketball etc