A really big problem in united states abortion A really big problem in united states
Why abortion What happens Reasons Abortion happens because the mother doesn't want the baby or because some one makes her have an abortion Because they had an abortion They don’t want people talking about them They just don’t have the money for a baby
abortion Abortion just keep growing because only in the united states there is over 1,206,200 abortions per year
Pro-choice Some girls have abortion because they say it is their decision
Abortion in the united states The problem of abortion some time could happen because the dad of the baby don’t want to respond and the girl just has an abortion because she said that she don’t have the money for a baby Abortion in the united states The problem of abortion happens more in the united states
Regret the abortion The girls that has an abortion all her life regret it because they know that it wasn't the rite thing to do and the girl that has an abortion because some one made her regret's because they know they could have done some thing or keep the baby
Abortion is getting bigger Abortion just keep growing because no one those noting about it they should stop abortion an if the mother don’t want the baby they could just give the baby in adoption they wont regret it as much as killing their baby
The end By: Maria Cisneros