Sermon by Pastor Andy
POWER of Midian Feelings of DEVASTATION and LONELINESS. Judges 6:1-2 Feelings of HELPLESSNESS and FEAR Feelings of DEVASTATION and LONELINESS.
Planted & Ruined Overwhelmed by problems and lack of basic need. Judges 6:3-5 Their own efforts never paid off Overwhelmed by problems and lack of basic need.
PRAYED for HELP Judges 6:6 This is exactly what Israel needed, seeking God to supplying their need. Our peace is not found in what we have on this earth, it is found in WHAT WE ARE IN CHRIST.
No God No Peace Have God Have Peace
Prophet Sent Judges 6:7-9 "WHAT SAYS THE LORD" is the foundation we find peace. GOD'S WORD together with the HOLY SPIRIT will align our priorities
Lack of peace also means lack of God! Priorities Secured! Judges 6:10 GOD IS FIRST Lack of peace also means lack of God!
Presence of the Lord LORD'S PERSPECTIVE! Judges 6:11-13 Proper perspective is formed when we GET TOGETHER with God It takes the Lord's presence to give us the LORD'S PERSPECTIVE!
POWER of the Lord "WHERE IS GOD'S POWER WHEN WE NEED IT?" Judges 6:13-16 "WHERE IS GOD'S POWER WHEN WE NEED IT?" God could take their weakness however and REVEAL His power!
PROMISE to give him victory. PROMISE of the Lord Judges 6:17-22 PROMISE to be with him. PROMISE to give him victory.
NOW PEACE RULES THE HEART! PEACE & LIFE Judges 6:23 MOVED from problems to PRIORITIES. Where fear once ruled, NOW PEACE RULES THE HEART!
PEACE of GOD! Judges 6:24 “The Lord is PEACE”
Conclusion OUR PEACE IS FOUND IN GOD Commit yourself fully to Jehovah Shalom, the God of peace. Only Jehovah Shalom can pronounce a blessing of true peace upon our lives. Amen