Bunker Project Schedule/Budget Zvonko L. Antonio B. Sofie O. www.europeanspallationsource.se 15 October 2018
The Bunker Schedule and Costing- content Schedule overview Purchasing Manufacturing Installation Cost overview Materials Fees
Purchasing & Manufacturing plan Stage I (tender publication): Following publication of the tender, the supplier is selected. The supplier and NSS enter the contract, based on open book, collaborative set-up (OBC). The OBC ensures cost tracking, allows the latest changes to be implemented during the contractor’ manufacturing design stage. Stage II (manufacturing design): ESS provides design & manufacturing QA engineer. The manufacturing takes place at contractor’ facility; the system components are produced and delivered according to ESS integrated schedule. Stage III (installation): NSS provides installation manager and installation resources (hardware and workforce). The contractor provides the installation supervisor. Following successful installation, with sign-off from both, the NSS installation manager and the contractor installation supervisor, the contract is closed. The NBPI is still in the design phase so operational and maintenance aspects are in the same state. Based on this reasoning - each NBPI is expected to be changed every 15 years. When we are up and running with all 42 ports this will mean a change of approximately three beam guides each year. Port block surface is refurbished due to potential damage from NBW Cold box arrival to ESS
Purchasing & Manufacturing plan The project structure could look like this: Supplier – manages ‘production office*’ (houses bunker production project personnel, drafting personnel, NSS engineer will be seated at this office; alternatively, a production manager/engineer is located at ESS-Lund; calls for any ‘open book contract’ discussions) *This office is responsible for ordering all materials, production of detailed drawings, managing logistics and assembly of individual blocks; manages delivery of completed components to the ESS site. NSS bunker office – oversees the drafting and production effort. Enables collaboration model to work (ensures communication is maintained, key milestones are reviewed, and calls for any discussions relating to managing the open book contract). The NBPI is still in the design phase so operational and maintenance aspects are in the same state. Based on this reasoning - each NBPI is expected to be changed every 15 years. When we are up and running with all 42 ports this will mean a change of approximately three beam guides each year. Port block surface is refurbished due to potential damage from NBW
Procurement/Tendering schedule Mirko M. Estimated date Activity 2018-07-30 Contract published on the ESS website. Tendering documents made available to the potential candidates. 2018-10-01 Deadline for submitting requests for clarification to ESS. 2018-10-11 Deadline for submission of Tenders 2018-11-15 Notification of the award and the evaluation results sent to the tenderers 2019-01-15 Contract signed Apr 2018 – Aug 2018 Design review + ESS approval of any changes, ordering of materials Nov 2019 – Apr 2022 Delivery and Construction
Detailed delivery schedule Task Name Ready for Delivery Ready for Installation Finish R6 weld-on brackets 20-12-2019 14-02-2020 30-03-2020 R6 pillars 22-06-2020 17-08-2020 09-09-2020 R6 beams 02-07-2020 27-08-2020 17-09-2020 R6 Skirt shield blocks 10-07-2020 04-09-2020 01-10-2020 Pillars baseplates D02 (D03 side) 22-09-2020 17-11-2020 07-12-2020 Pillars baseplates D02 (D01 side) West sector wall (D03) - long sector 08-09-2020 03-11-2020 20-01-2021 Pillars, beams and angular frames D03 12-11-2020 07-01-2021 05-03-2021 Pillars, beams frames and wall brackets in D02 (D03 side) 28-12-2020 22-02-2021 06-04-2021 South sector wall (D01) - long sector 31-12-2020 25-02-2021 21-04-2021 North sector wall in D02 (D03 side) short sector 27-01-2021 24-03-2021 19-05-2021 Pillars, beams and angular frames D01 11-02-2021 08-04-2021 04-05-2021 Pillars, beams frames and wall brackets D02 (D01 side) 24-02-2021 03-06-2021 East sector wall D02 (D01 side) 26-03-2021 21-05-2021 30-06-2021 Side wall D03 11-03-2021 06-05-2021 28-05-2021 Bunker roof - 1st level D02 (D03 side) and D03 22-03-2021 17-05-2021 08-07-2021 Side wall D01 22-04-2021 17-06-2021 09-07-2021 Bunker roof - 1st level D02 (D01 side) and D01 03-05-2021 28-06-2021 07-09-2021 Bunker roof - 2nd and 3rd level D02 (D03 side) and D03 10-12-2021 04-02-2022 06-05-2022 Bunker roof - 2nd and 3rd level D02 (D01 side) and D01 12-01-2022 09-03-2022 25-05-2022
High level Bunker manufacturing and Installation Schedule Procur. Colab. setup Det. Desig Production (confirmed with potential supplier) i Frame Roof elements and subassemblies Wall elements and subassemblies Temporary shielding Installation (detailed schedule presented by ABi) Predrilling LOGISTICS Frame and base plates Walls Roof Utilities PSS
Costing We have market prices for bulk materials, and for cutting/manufacturing cost. We have obtained bulk material pricing (heavy concrete and regular concrete) from the companies involved in current ESS projects (target hot cells, accelerator TS bunker). The steel bulk unit prices are obtained from a Norwegian and Danish steel suppliers. The HDPE bulk material pricing is obtained from a range of producers. Median numbers are taken into calculation for the final sum. Uncertainties include: Raw material utilization (especially for plate materials). Percentage recycled material for HDPE. Logistics cost. Installation model (NSS is responsible for securing installation resources. All available data is correct today, but changes are expected as the installation time approaches). The NBPI is still in the design phase so operational and maintenance aspects are in the same state. Based on this reasoning - each NBPI is expected to be changed every 15 years. When we are up and running with all 42 ports this will mean a change of approximately three beam guides each year. Port block surface is refurbished due to potential damage from NBW Cold box arrival to ESS
Costing Fees contributions details (excerpt): ESS and manufacturer’ design support – 535 200 Assembly – 1 291 200 Installation – 1 137 600 Fees Expenses SUM 3 226 832 9 156 177 12 383 009 Fees include ESS and contracted personnel cost Expenses cover material, manufacturing, incidentals This costing is from now until the handover So far, the project has spent 2 800 000 Material contributions details (excerpt): Bulk material (concretes) – 4 667 328 Frame – 196 200 R6 shielding – 90 590 The NBPI is still in the design phase so operational and maintenance aspects are in the same state. Based on this reasoning - each NBPI is expected to be changed every 15 years. When we are up and running with all 42 ports this will mean a change of approximately three beam guides each year. Port block surface is refurbished due to potential damage from NBW Cold box arrival to ESS
The Bunker Q/A End of presentation Q/A