DPI Must Win Route Best Practice Sharing Updates – Feb17. 2-Jul-19
Route Feedback on DPI Review Process Route Initiatives To Date Summary Presentation Title: View > Header & Footer Agenda : Route Feedback on DPI Review Process Route Initiatives To Date Summary AOB 2-Jul-19
National DPI Overview Nationally, DPI MAA is down marginally on last period, despite the fact that the periodic value has increased. Delay minutes are up for the period, which is driven by Anglia, South East and Wessex. 2-Jul-19
Route DPI Overview Anglia: Despite their overall Delay minutes increasing (due to Non-Track Assets, TOC Other and Network Management), DPI MAA decreased slightly. LNE & EM: Good period – all metrics decreased. LNW: Incident count MAA up slightly but overall Delay and DPI reduced. Scotland: Good period – all metrics decreased. South East: Incident count and Delay minutes continue on an upward trend, although DPI MAA broadly stays static. Network Management, Operations and Fleet Delay minute increase. Wales: DPI MAA up slightly but only negligible Wessex: Despite Incident count falling, Delay minute increase in Non-Track Assets, External and TOC Other has increased the DPI MAA. Western: Both Incident count and Delay minute MAA have increased, leading to a slight increase in DPI MAA. 2-Jul-19
Route DPI Overview 2-Jul-19
Route DPI Overview 2-Jul-19
DPI Visualisation / Governance 2-Jul-19
DPI MAA / Supporting Measures Incident Count Delay Minutes Primary Delay Minutes Reactionary PPM Right Time Starts Time to Site Time to Access Time to Fix Time to Recover Cancellations Fleet DPI Train Crew DPI Supporting Measures that will assist in monitoring the effectiveness and benefits of the actions captured within the route plans / glide paths. Definitions have been developed for each measure and issued to all Route leads and Route Performance teams to ensure we have a standard approach and way of measuring. 2-Jul-19
Initiative Tracker Initiative Tracker will support monitoring Initiative progress to benefits realisation stage but also aid to share ideas across routes 2-Jul-19
Quantifying benefits across the routes for DPI Initiatives Potential Risks Quantifying benefits across the routes for DPI Initiatives TOC commitments to improve performance EIU Trade Union Consultation. SIO / IO Structure 2-Jul-19
AOB - 50% DPI Challenge – If Routes are predicting a shortfall identify the GAP, Ideas to close the Gap / Associated Cost Key Route Initiatives to be identified on Tracker and updated per Period. 2-Jul-19
Anglia – Best Practice Sharing Live On Call System being developed on Anglia Route 2-Jul-19
Points Optimisation and benchmarking LNE & EM – Best Practice Sharing Predict and Prevent Predict and Prevent – Points Optimisation and benchmarking Agree optimum swing time for asset types Review and Improve the actual condition to match optimum swing time on LNE & EM on key assets first Complete all other points throughout the route in priority order Implement 10 point plan for maintenance in all Delivery Units 2-Jul-19
LNW – Best Practice Sharing ‘It’s early days as far as the DPI challenge is concerned, but good progress is being made on the LNW Route’ Removal of 50 mph restriction on VT Fleet through flood water agreed – through risk assessment and collaboration. Senior Incident Officer in Control – Trial started at Rugby ROC. Aim is to introduce a strategic lead into incident management and recovery. Information Controller in Manchester Control ROC. To allow the RCM to have a better strategic overview and not get bogged down by messaging out. Ongoing TOC meetings with lead and non-lead operators to get buy-in and to seek their help in meeting the challenge. Several actions around SRCT and TOC led Improvement plans to follow. 2-Jul-19
Key Areas of our Performance Improvement Plan South East – Best Practice Sharing Key Areas of our Performance Improvement Plan DPI – Summary items: Time to Site – Approx 150 various improvement plans in progress Analysis of Response times & locations Construction of ‘ 5S POD’s’ to store critical spares at key locations. Upgrade of some existing stores locations to house critical spares. Audit on suitability of access locations. BTP embedded on route – EIU in development Time to fix – Approx 126 various improvement plans in progress Dedicated S&T response teams. Improved fault finding guides at key assets. ‘Training’ sandpit at London Bridge for striping down of key assets. Time to Access the Railway – 2 improvement plans in place Temporary SIO / IO positions at Sussex and Kent Timetable review in progress Review of Signaller incident control briefs in progress Time to Recover – Approx 7 various improvement plans in place 2-Jul-19
South East – Best Practice Sharing 2-Jul-19
Wales – Best Practice Sharing 3 DPI Workshop events completed – action planning with top 100 Managers and Controllers. 2-Jul-19
DPI – Initiatives to Date. Wales – Best Practice Sharing DPI – Initiatives to Date. CASR 5 Project Tiger ILL Passenger Policy Point clip stock and condition review Review of Cardiff Central station operations. FMS data quality – working with ISCs and DU’s to improve accuracy of time to site/ fix data and discipline. Appointed 3rd Llandudno S&T team. Appointed SIO (In position) Appointed one IO (Starts 26/02/17) Purchase x5 portable jet washers remove contamination of salt on Level crossings (Containment) Next action coat rail with Teflon 2-Jul-19
Wessex – Best Practice Sharing 2-Jul-19
Wessex – Best Practice Sharing 2-Jul-19