The Fast Forward session is very compact The Fast Forward session is very compact. The audience has to switch between topics very quickly. Therefore, we use this template to unite all the presentations visually. The common styling helps to focus on the content rather than on the layout differences. Please try to keep your FF simple and use it as a teaser, not as a spoiler. The Fast Forward follows a very strict timing. You may not use more than 30 seconds (including this one). All of your slides will be compiled into a video one day before the seminar starts. There will be no more chance to edit anything on site. When the Fast-Forward starts, please take the correct position in the row at the beginning of the session. Otherwise you will loose your slot. This slide will be shown for exactly 5 seconds. It should contain the list of authors and the name of the paper; no supervisor, no affiliation please. You may already start talking as soon as it appears. In case the previous speaker is still on the stage, feel free kick him/her away by this time Sessions will be separated by a special slide lasting for 3 seconds. IF THE BACKGROUND ON THE SLIDES IS IN COLOR, IT’S WRONG! The color only color in this template by default is orange, everything else are just shades of gray. LibreOffice/OpenOffice interpret the template incorrectly. Please use Microsoft PowerPoint & sorry for the inconvenience.
This slide is set for 30 seconds This slide is set for 30 seconds. You may add more slides to your presentation, however you are limited to 5 in total and you must set exact timing for each of them (in sum 30 seconds). Feel free to include videos, animations and pictures. If you have videos, please convert all videos to mp4 or wmv (e.g. using ffmpeg). If you have animations, set automatic timing for them… there will be no presenter/mouse at the FF session. Please remember that we record all Fast-Forwards including the slides and use them further for marketing purposes of the seminar. Therefore you should only use content under appropriate license, or your own content. In case of including someone else’s work , even if you bought it for yourself, you must be permitted to create derivatives and to delegate commercial usage to 3rd parties. By submitting this Fast Forward you perform such usage rights delegation to the seminar organizers. You are personally liable for any damage caused by disrespecting the authorship rights of others.
Please do not add any content to this slide. As soon as this slide appears, please stop talking (even in the middle of the sentence) and pass the microphone to the next one. This slide will last for 3 seconds. While it is shown, the next speaker should take his/her position and start pitching.