Helping us Learn to Sleep and Sleep to Learn Blast-off to Bedtime! Helping us Learn to Sleep and Sleep to Learn
Time to switch off the TV and put computer games away. 10 Time to switch off the TV and put computer games away.
Now it’s time for a nice warm bath and our favourite PJs. 9 Now it’s time for a nice warm bath and our favourite PJs.
Eat a small, healthy snack for your supper. 8 Eat a small, healthy snack for your supper.
Something warm and milky to drink next. 7 Something warm and milky to drink next.
So now it’s time to clean our teeth and visit the toilet. 6 So now it’s time to clean our teeth and visit the toilet.
Find your favourite bedtime story. 5 Find your favourite bedtime story.
Find a fluffy toy to cuddle in bed. 4 Find a fluffy toy to cuddle in bed.
Time to say “Good Night”. 3 Time to say “Good Night”.
Then the light goes down. 2 Then the light goes down.
1 Off to sleep we go.
Learn to Sleep, Sleep to Learn Buddy helps us to remember how we have a good sleep! Learn to Sleep, Sleep to Learn
Prestonpans Infant School Sleep Song (To the tune of Bobby Bingo!) b e d (e oh) """" """""" We must get ourselves ready. Toilet time....then brush our teeth, Then you can choose a stor-ee Into bed to listen well And you will feel all coz-ee b ed (e oh) """" """"" Time to sleep now you are ready!!! When it's time to go to bed We must get ourselves ready. Put computer games away And then switch off the tele. Phonically. b e d (e oh) """" """"" We must get ourselves ready! Have a bath...that's lot's of fun!! And then put on your p j's Enjoy a snack and a nice wee drink. But not one that is fizz...eee.