Older adults should not have sex Yes No Sexual contact correlates to better health, higher relationship satisfaction and easier stress management. It is quite natural and healthy to maintain a desire for sex and intimacy regardless of age. Sexual feelings are not lost with age.
The physical changes that occur with old age make it difficult for older Adults to have sex True False In an AARP survey of men over age 70, almost 75 percent said they had few, if any, erectile problems. And if a man does have erectile dysfunction, there's something he can do about it. Encourage patients to discuss options with their primary care provider. Many times it is a matter of changing current medications, which may be causing the problem. Menopause can lead to vaginal dryness, but there are many great lubricants that can take care of that issue. Silicon based lubricants are often helpful. In addition many primary care providers also recommend estrogen-based creams to plump up vaginal tissues. Often gynecologists are best equipped to discuss this issue and referring a client to their gynecologist may be helpful. There is no degradation of the clitoris, though more foreplay may be necessary because blood moves around a bit slower to the genitals with age.
When I think about assessing the sexuality of my older adult patients I: Avoid the topic at all costs Can’t even say the word sex in their presence Just dive right in and ask away Would feel more comfortable if I had a set of questions to ask
Older Adults have little interest in sex at this stage of their lives True False According to AARP, 85% of men and women age 60+ report having at least one sexual experience (with another person) per week.
Sexually transmitted diseases are an increasing concern for older adults True False Condom use isn't in vogue with those of a certain age because many equate condoms with avoiding pregnancy, and since getting pregnant isn't an issue--why use a condom? Sexually transmitted infections remain an issue even with older adults. According to the CDC, the percentage of those 50 and older infected with HIV is increasing, accounting for about 20% of overall cases as of 2008. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 885 reported cases of syphilis in 45- to 64-year-olds in 2000; in 2010, there were more than 2,500. In 2000, there were 6,700 cases of chlamydia in this age group; the number ballooned to more than 19,000 by 2010. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 885 reported cases of syphilis in 45- to 64-year-olds in 2000; in 2010, there were more than 2,500. In 2000, there were 6,700 cases of chlamydia in this age group; the number ballooned to more than 19,000 by 2010. The numbers of older people with HIV has nearly doubled, and 15 percent of new diagnoses of HIV in the U.S. were in people age 50 and older in 2005, which is the most recent year that the CDC calculated the risk for this age group.
Woman are less likely than men to be sexually active as older adults True False A National Council on Aging survey reports that among people age 60 and over who have regular intercourse, 74 percent of the men and 70 percent of the women find their sex lives more satisfying than when they were younger.
Sexuality is a low priority in terms of assessments with older adults True False Sexuality speaks to quality of life issues and needs to be addressed in caring for older adults
Medications can affect the sexuality of older adults True False Certain medications such as anti hypertensive medications and anti depressants can affect sexuality. As nurses we need to assess changes in sexuality the same as we would any medication side effect.
Older adults with dementia who act out sexually have control of their behavior True False Dementia can disinhibit behaviors. Dementia limits processing of information, long term and short term memory, judgment and reasoning. The degree in which this occurs is dependent on the degree of cognitive decline. There is generally limited control. As nurses caring for patients with dementia it is important to use behavioral and environmental cues as external supports to guide behaviors.