Experiment 1: Aim, sample, method and procedure To see whether autobiographically-focused advertising could directly affect how consumers remember a prior childhood experience. Laboratory experiment with an independent measures design Quantitative and qualitative data was collected using questionnaires and self reports. 107 undergraduates (64 female and 43 male) from USA The experimental group watched the Disney tv advert and the control group watched a non-Disney advert. During week 1, participants were given the “life events inventory”. Participants were also given a number of different tasks to complete, these were filler tasks and had nothing to do with the aim of the experiment. During week 2, participants again were given either the Disney advert or non Disney advert and were asked to try to visualise the advert and imagine experiencing the situation described. Participants were given 5 minutes to write down how the advert made them feel and rated the advert. PPs were then deceived into completing the “life events inventory” again. Researchers were interested in any change in rating for the question “met and shock hands with a favourite TV character” 0= definitely didn’t, 100=def did on the “life events inventory questionnaire”. Participants then completed another questionnaire which asked participants if they had ever been to Disney world and if so, to describe their memory of the event. Activity: Summarise the procedure in your booklet. Answer the following Qs: What is meant by an independent measures design? What is an issue of doing a laboratory experiment? What is an issue of using self report techniques to test the DV? What was the IV? What was the DV? Why were pps given filler tasks to complete? What ethical issue is apparent? Why could we argue there is cultural and age bias? Iv: advert given dv: difference in score between week one and week 2 on the life events inventory – particularly ‘met and shock hands with a favourite tv character’ 1