Naming Animals
I Circle the animals in these pictures
I listen and repeat the names of animals a hen a fish a cow an elephant a lion a camel
a cock a donkey a monkey a tiger a horse a giraffe
a cat a fennec a goat a sheep a snake a dog
a gorilla a rabbit a bear a panda a wolf a shark
a turtle a fox a dolphin a bird a penguin a duck
Can you name these animals again ? Good job !
I match the animal with its habitat the jungle the desert the farm the sea
the farm the jungle the desert the sea
The lion lives in the jungle, it is a wild animal. Now, let’s write sentences The lion lives in the jungle, it is a wild animal.
The hen lives in the farm, it is a domestic animal.
I classify the animals mentioned before in the table Domestic Animals Wild Animals - Then, I complete
The ……… lives in the ……. , it is a ……………. animal.
The shark ……. in the ……. , ….. is a ………… animal.
Now, choose the animal you like and write a sentence about it.
Let’s play a game ! Miming You act out an animal without saying its name ; your friends guess it. The one who guesses right, get the turn to act out another animal. Let’s start !