Cg-18 Special Sessions Plan for Discussion of Key Resolutions - CICG 3-4 June 2019
WMO STRATEGIC PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 VISION 2030 OVERARCHING PRIORITIES A world where all nations, especially the most vulnerable, are more resilient to the socioeconomic impact of extreme weather, climate, water and other environmental events, and empowered to boost their sustainable development through the best possible weather, climate and water services VISION 2030 OVERARCHING PRIORITIES Preparedness for, and reducing losses from hydrometeorological extremes Climate-smart decision-making to build resilience and adaptation to climate risk Socioeconomic value of weather, climate, hydrological and related environmental services CORE VALUES Accountability for Results and Transparency Collaboration and Partnership Inclusiveness and Diversity Services Better serve societal needs 1 2 Systems Enhance Earth system observations and predictions 3 Science Advance targeted research Support to Members Close the capacity gap 4 5 LONG-TERM GOALS Smart Organization Strategic realignment of structure and programmes STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOCUSED ON 2020-23 Strengthen national multi-hazard early warning/alert systems Broaden provision of policy- and decision-supporting climate, water and weather services Optimize observation data acquisition Improve access to, exchange and management of Earth system observation data and products Enable access and use of numerical analysis and prediction products Advance scientific knowledge of the Earth system Enhance science-for-service value chain to improve predictive capabilities Advance policy-relevant science Enable developing countries to provide and utilize essential weather, climate, hydrological and related environmental services Develop and sustain core competencies and expertise Scale up partnerships Optimize WMO constituent body structure Streamline WMO programmes Advance equal, effective and inclusive participation
A FOUNDATIONAL STRATEGIC PLAN A mature product, the result of the work of EC WG/SOP and consultations with Members A vision targeting 2030, aligned with the Agenda for Sustainable Development Five long-term goals, foundational to the reform of constituent bodies Three overarching priorities, reflected into a limited number of strategic objectives
6 Topics for 5 special sessions How do we see our Long-Term Goals in our planned budget? How will our governing structures align with our Strategic Plan? What is planned to help us achieve our L-T Goals for Observations? data exchange? services? closing the capacity gap ? These questions will serve as basis for discussion
SPECIAL SESSIONS Opportunity to: engage on the priority topics Identify what is not clear or needs strengthening Use smaller language groups to prepare for plenary discussion Summaries of your discussions in special sessions to be presented at the beginning of each related Plenary agenda items. Send comments, questions and proposed edits on documents to:
Key Topics/Resolutions Topic 1 – New Initiatives and Needs Topic 2 – Reform Topic 3 – Services Topic 4 – Infrastructures Topic 5 – Public-private engagement (PPE) Topic 6 – Capacity Development (CD) Shared sessions
Thank you (moderator of each session: brief introductions to topic)
Topic 1: New Initiatives and Needs Agenda Item 3: Strategic Plan and Budget 2020-2023 Draft Resolution 3(2)/1 (Cg-18): Maximum expenditure for the eighteenth financial period (2020–2023) Prepared in accordance with: (1) Recommendation 21 (EC-70); and (2) The Strategic Plan and the Operating Plan 2020-2023 Relevant documents: Cg-18/Doc.3(2) Draft 2 Budget 2020-2023; Cg-18/INF.3(2) Budget 2020-2023; Cg-18/INF.3(3) Additional Initiatives for 2020-2023; Cg-18/Doc 3(1) The Strategic Plan; Cg-18/INF.3(1) Operating Plan 2020-2023
Draft Resolution 3(2)/1 (Cg-18) Considering the long-term goals and strategic objectives set in the WMO Strategic Plan (Resolution XX (Cg-18)), Authorizes the Executive Council during the eighteenth financial period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2023: (1) To incur maximum expenditures (of …CHF to be decided by Congress) to be funded through assessed contributions; (2) To distribute the regular budget resources by appropriation part as provided in Annex 1 to this resolution; and (3) To approve the biennial appropriations for 2020-2021 and for 2022-2023 within these limits; Takes note of the commitments made by Members for the funding of the additional initiatives aimed at accelerated, expanded and/or scaled up implementation of strategic objectives as indicated in Annex 2; The Draft Resolution is proposed to set the amount of the maximum expenditure at the level of CHF 276.8 that corresponds to ZNG + 4% budget increase in nominal terms. After extensive consultations with WMO Members, the Secretary-General is proposing the budget increase in order to finance additional activities that will address emerging issues identified by WMO Members for 2020-2023. The budget increase will allow WMO to finance the Secretary-General’s Priority Additional Initiatives that will directly address emerging needs of Members. It is important to secure appropriate funding in the regular budget for timely implementation of priority activities. Without such regular budget funding, those priority activities would need to be postponed or simply not implemented in time. We have learnt lessons from past experience, such as WIGOS implementation. It is also important that Congress would obtain firm commitments for voluntary funding for Additional Initiatives that will not be included in the regular budget funding.
WMO Strategic Plan at a Glance By 2030, we see a world where all nations, especially the most vulnerable, are more resilient to the socioeconomic consequences of extreme weather, climate, water and other environmental events; and underpin their sustainable development through the best possible services, whether over land, at sea or in the air. Vision 2030 Enhancing preparedness and reducing losses of life and property from hydrometeorological extremes Supporting climate-smart decision making to build resilience and adaptation to climate risk Enhancing socioeconomic value of weather, climate, hydrological and related environmental services Overarching Priorities Core Values Accountability for Results and Transparency Collaboration and Partnership Inclusiveness and Diversity Long-Term Goals 1 Better serve societal needs 2 Enhance Earth system observations & predictions 3 Advance targeted research 4 Close the capacity gap 5 Strategic realignment of structure & programmes Strategic Objectives 2020-2023 focus 1.1 National multi- hazard early warning systems 1.2 Climate information and services 1.3 Services in support of sustainable water management 1.4 Weather information and services 2.1 WMO Integrated Global Observing System 2.2 WMO Information System 2.3 WMO Global Data Processing and Forecast System 3.1 Scientific knowledge of the Earth system 3.2 Science-for- service & predictive capabilities 3.3 Policy-relevant science 4.1 Address the needs of developing countries for essential services 4.2 Develop and sustain core competencies and expertise 4.3 Scale-up effective partnerships for investment 5.1 Optimize WMO constituent body structure 5.2 Streamline WMO programmes 5.3 Advance equal and effective participation of women and men The proposed budget for 2020-2023 is based on the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan contains a vision statement called “Vision 2030”, three Overarching Priorities and three Core Values. The Strategic Plan is structured on the basis of the five Long-Terms Goals and the 16 Strategic Objectives. The budget proposal is also structured on the basis of Long-Term Goals and the Strategic Objectives.
Priority Additional Initiatives of Secretary-General Topic 1: New Initiatives and Needs Agenda Item 3: Strategic Plan and Budget 2020-2023 Priority Additional Initiatives of Secretary-General Private sector engagement staff & meetings Space weather expertise staff and coordination activities Megacities/urban activities staff & meetings Chief Economist: economic value of weather, water & climate services Chief Hydrologist: better engagement of hydro community Country profile database hardware, maintenance & updating Management training for Directors of NMHSs Enhanced contribution to UN Development system Data Conference
Other Additional Initiatives Topic 1: New Initiatives and Needs Agenda Item 3: Strategic Plan and Budget 2020-2023 Other Additional Initiatives Global Meteoalarm System implementation Support for UNOCC; weather, water & climate preparedness services for (humanitarian) UN agencies Strengthening of ocean services Enhanced polar and cryosphere collaboration Better engagement of scientific communities in WMO activities Enhanced greenhouse gas monitoring, IG3IS implementation Data conference & follow-up: GBON, private data, complementary data & updating of the Appendices of Resolution 40 (25 & 60) Support for operational hydrology, e.g. HydroSOS ……….
Secretary-General’s Priority Initiatives (4%) (in kCHF Swiss francs) After extensive consultation with WMO Members and in order to address their needs to address most priority issues, the Secretary-General proposes priority additional initiatives Additional proposals are aimed at not only accelerated, expanded and/or scaled up implementation in key focus areas of Strategic Objectives in line with the needs of WMO Members, but also they are critical to address ’ emerging issues identified by Members. This slide provides costs of the Priority Additional Initiatives by object of expenditure, such as staff costs, temporary assistance and consultancy services. The breakdown by object of expenditure enhances the transparency of the budget proposals.
Budget proposal 2020-2023 (in thousands of Swiss francs) WMO This slide provides an overall view of the budget proposals. The ZNG budget covers core activities to be implemented in the exercise of the WMO mandate, and none of these core activities can be suppressed to offset the costs of new activities. The Secretary-General’s Priority Additional Initiatives proposed those activities identified through the extensive consultation by the Secretary-General with WMO Members. These activities will address emerging and critical needs of WMO Members. The Priority Additional Initiatives need to be funded from the assessed contributions. The Other Additional Initiatives could be funded from voluntary contributions. WMO Members’ commitments for funding is critical to implement activities of these initiatives.
Regular Budget Resources Trends 1996-2023 in Nominal and Real Terms Regular Budget Resources Trends 1996-2023 in Nominal and Real Terms (In million of Swiss Francs) Year Regular Budget (Assessed Contributions) Proposal Regular Resources 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 RB Nominal Terms 62.2 62.6 62.4 62.5 62.8 65.3 68.3 64.8 66.6 4% Increase Nominal Terms 69.2 RB Real Terms (at 1995 price) 61.7 61.3 61.2 60.7 59.5 58.9 58.4 57.9 57.4 56.6 56.0 55.8 54.2 54.6 54.3 54.4 56.8 56.7 57.2 60.0 59.6 55.4 56.2 55.6 55.0 4% Increase Real Terms 58.5 57.8
Topic 2 – Reform Documents 4(4) and 4(5)(Cg-18) Why? Congress requested the Executive Council (EC) to make recommendations on how to improve governance. EC-70 recommended moving from eight Technical Commissions to two Technical Commissions to: Better address the global challenges of the 21st Century Be more responsive to regional needs Reflect multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary collaboration – integrate earth systems approach Improve involvement of all Members in WMO decisions Improve organizational efficiency EC-70 also proposed a Research Board and a Science Advisory Panel to improve access to independent science advice
Topic 2: Reform Doc. 4(4) and Doc 4(5) 2 Documents and 4 Resolutions: Doc 4(4) - WMO technical commissions and other bodies 4(4)/1 (Cg-18) Establishes 2 new WMO TCs Annex 1 on TORs for Infrastructure and Services TCs Annex 2 on Timelines 4(4)/2 (Cg-18) Establishes new Research Board Annex on TORs for RB 4(4)/3 (Cg-18) Establishes Joint WMO-IOC Collaborative Board Annex on TORs for JCB 4(4)/4 (Cg-18) Establishes Scientific Advisory Panel Annex on TORs for SAP Doc 4(5) Reform Next Phase
Topic 2 – Reform Draft Resolution 4(4)/1 (Cg-18) What is Cg-18 being asked to do? Establish 2 new Technical Commissions for normative work: One dealing with Infrastructure Annex 1 – Terms of Reference for Infrastructure Commission One to deal with Services Annex 2 – Terms of Reference for the Services Commission Disband the previous Commissions Begin transition to new Commissions New TCs to meet every two years Cross-representation using new EC bodies (Tech Coordination Committee and Policy Advisory Committee, Regional Associations and new Science Board)
INFRASTRUCTURE COMMISSION Standing Committees Earth observing systems and measurement networks Methods of observations, measurements and instrumentation Data, products and information exchange and life cycle management Data processing for applied Earth system modelling and prediction Infrastructure Commission The Task Force on Constituent Body Reform recommended 4 Standing Committees be set-up in the Infrastructure Commission
SERVICES COMMISSION Standing Committees Aeronautical meteorological services Marine meteorological and oceanographic services Agrometeorological and climatological services Hydrological services Public services and disaster risk reduction Services Commission … 5 under the Services Commission. !
Topic 2 – Reform Draft Resolution 4(4)/1 (Cg-18) What does this mean for me? I will be involved in the transition to new structures in the new Commissions and also Presidents of RA I will need to nominate experts to participate in the new Commissions (see the new WMO Community Platform) I need to plan on expert participation in the Commissions every two years I will have opportunity for input to requirements and assistance in implementation via my regional associations
Topic 3: Climate 5.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) – CLIMATE INFORMATION AND SERVICES Background Coherent coordination of climate activities Effective upscaling of successfull GFCS framework -> implementation focus now 4 Priority tasks for GFCS: Partnership and inclusion Technical coordination suppor Monitoring and review -> state of climate services report for COP Resource mobilization
Topic 3: Climate 5.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) – CLIMATE INFORMATION AND SERVICES Congress guidance on the «how» Establish a Climate Coordination Panel (CCP) for coordination of WMO contributions to the provision of policy- and decision-supporting climate information and services Dissolve the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services Adopt the Climate Coordination Panel as the GFCS oversight and implementation mechanism, including for WMO contributions Continue the GFCS Partner Advisory Committee (PAC) with primary responsibility for advancing the GFCS priority areas
Topic 3 5.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) – CLIMATE INFORMATION AND SERVICES What do we get? More coherent climate programme Better support for climate services inplementation GFCS refocussed on a partnership for implementation
8 Aspirations for hydro -> Topic 3: Hydrology 5.3(1)/1 (Cg-18) HYDROLOGY AND WATER Background 8 Aspirations for hydro -> Stepping up to support SDG`s & Paris Agreement Develop hydro aspects in WMO as part of WMO SOP Integration & participation Coordination 1) No one is surprised by a flood 2) Everyone is prepared for drought 3) Hydro-climate and meteorological data support the food security agenda 4) High-quality data supports science 5) Science provides a sound basis for operational hydrology 6) We have thorough knowledge of the water resources of our world 7) Sustainable development is supported by hydrological information 8) Water quality is known
Congress guidance on the «how» Topic 3: Hydrology 5.3(1)/1 (Cg-18) HYDROLOGY AND WATER Congress guidance on the «how» Create a Hydrological Assembly in Cg Create a Hydrological Coordination Panel Strengthen PRs support through Hydrological Advisors Prepare for Extraordinary Congress on Water in 2021 (WMO vision and strategy for hydrology, Declaration/Protokoll on hydrology, Work plans for 8 ambitions) Align ongoing activities within WMO Vision and Strategy on Water
What do we get? End to end systems for hydrology Topic 3: Hydrology 5.3(1)/1 (Cg-18) HYDROLOGY AND WATER What do we get? End to end systems for hydrology Stepping up regional cooperation and integration Adaptation capacity supported Members supported in disaster risk management
Plenary Key Resolutions – Topic 4 – Infrastructure Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) (Doc. 6.1(1)) 6.1(1)/1 (Cg-18) - GLOBAL BASIC OBSERVING NETWORK 6.1(1)/2 (Cg-18) - WIGOS STATION IDENTIFIERS Emerging data issues – WMO Data Conference (Doc.6.2(1), Inf. 6.2(1)) 6.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) - EMERGING DATA ISSUES
Draft resolution 6.1(1)/1 - GLOBAL BASIC OBSERVING NETWORK; Why is this needed? Generally, any lack of observations over one area of the globe will limit our ability to understand and predict weather and climate patterns everywhere else. Weather prediction beyond the 3-4 day range essentially requires observations from the whole world “In meteorology, ignorance knows no boundaries” Experiments show that lack of observations in the red area limits 7-10 day forecast skill in green area (example). Monitoring results showing current exchange of observations for NWP (surface pressure); only green areas meet requirements; EC-70 requested GBON development in response to this situation
What is GBON and who implements it? GBON represents a new WMO commitment to securing adequate observational input to global NWP systems GBON will be implemented mostly by the WMO Members Many WMO Members already comply, so no further action is needed; Some Members could comply, but observations not currently exchanged; new data exchange practices needed; Some Members do not have adequate resources to comply; WMO guidance to seek funds for development projects;
What is Cg-18 requested to approve, and what happens next? With draft resolution 6.1(1)/1, Cg-18 will approve the overall Concept for GBON, and requests Infrastructure Commission to finalize GBON regulatory material EC-72 to approve amendment to Manual on WIGOS, including GBON Following EC-72 the process for nomination of GBON stations will start Cg-Ext (21) will approve list of GBON stations GBON will be effective as of July 1 2021
WIGOS Station Identifiers (WSI) Draft resolution 6.1(1)/2 Why is this needed? The WSI is a system for allocating a unique identier, applicable to all types of observing stations in WIGOS Many countries have run out of 5 digit IDs and cannot register additional stations Implementation of WSIs by Members as of July 2016; Need to streamline the process of assigning WSI to overcome current delays; Full integration of partner (non-NMHS) observing network require this action Future-proofing WIGOS: Preparation for registration of IoT contributions (smartphones, cars, ….);
WIGOS Station Identifiers (WSI) What is Cg-18 asked to approve? When? Cg-18 to delegate the assignment of WIGOS Station IDs to contributing organizations contributing, for example: CGW, GCOS, GAW; many stations operated by non-NHMS entities; trusted program managers can allocate WIGOS IDs; CTBTO; sister UN organization has agreement with WMO, and operating global network of stations Come into force July 1 2020; preparation and testing activities to start as soon as possible.
Topic 4: Infrastructure Doc. 6.2(1) EMERGING DATA ISSUES 2 Resolutions: 6.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) Emerging Data Issues Analysis and Data Conference 6.2(1)/2 (Cg-18) Review data policies and practices
Topic 4: Infrastructure Doc. 6.2(1) 6.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) New PTCs to establish a cross-cutting subsidiary body continue the analysis of the emerging data issues consider new approaches to encourage sharing of commercially-sourced data engage in pilot project activities aligned with WIS2.0 develop further WMO guidance on the subject WMO Data Conference (Inf 6.2(4)) Explore acquisition and exchange of meteorological data Explore pathways to innovative modes of collaboration Publish the CBS-led review as ‘WMO Guidelines on Emerging Data Issues’ in all languages 6.2(1)/2 (Cg-18) EC to establish a process to review Res. 40 (Cg-12), Res. 25 (Cg-13), Res. 60 (Cg-17)
Topic 4: Infrastructure Doc. 6.2(1) Related resolution on WIS 2.0: Res. 6.2(2)/1, Doc 6.2(2) Implementation approach based on technical framework of 11 principles Usage of web open standards ‘Big data’ cloud services to provide support for Members with minimal technical infrastructure New messaging protocols and phase out bulletin headers and routing tables Workshop on Future Technologies held in Geneva in march 2019 (Inf 6.2(2)) Alignment of WIS 2.0 implementation approach with industry plans Web and cloud technologies strong trend for several years Extraordinary increase in internet coverage and bandwidth due to 5G and telecom satellites deployment. WIS 2.0 first operational capabilities in 2024
Topic 5: Public-private engagement Doc. 9.4(1) and Doc 9.4(2) 2 Documents and 2 Resolutions: Doc 9.4(1) Draft Resolution 9.4(1)/1 (Cg-18) – Geneva Declaration – 2019: Building Community for Weather, Climate and Water Actions Annex – draft text of the Congress declaration Doc 9.4(2) Draft Resolution 9.4(2)/1 (Cg-18) – Establishment of an Open Consultative Platform “Partnership and Innovation for the Next Generation of Weather and Climate Intelligence” Annex – Joint Statement of the High-level Roundtable on the Launch of the Open Consultative Platform
The Process mechanism policy 2015 Open Consultative Platform for public, private and academic sectors Special Dialogue on the Complementary and Cooperative Contributions of Public and Private Sector Institutions to Meteorology and Hydrology Drafting team on high-level policy act (Cg declaration) mechanism WMO Guidance on partnerships with the private sector Public–private engagement: A road map to the 18th World Meteorological Congress Side event Dec 51 (EC-70) Policy Framework for Public–private engagement policy Adoption of the Geneva Declaration 2019 Res 67 (Cg-17) Dec 71 (EC-68) Dec 61 (EC-69) Res 33 (EC-70) Draft Res 9.4(1) (Cg-18) 1462 days 2015 Cg-17 (June 2015) EC-68 (June 2016) EC-69 (June 2017) EC-70 (June 2018) Cg-18 (June 2019)
Topic 5: Public-private engagement What is Cg-18 being asked to do? Doc 9.4(1) To adopt the ‘Geneva Declaration – 2019’ as a high-level policy and guidance on public-private engagement The new Declaration replaces the Geneva Declaration (Cg-XIII, 1999); it sets a new policy on public-private-academic sectors engagement Two rounds of consultation have been conducted, one with EC members, and one with all Members and relevant partners; comments from Members and stakeholders have been reflected in the final draft (Doc 9.4(1))
Special event: HIGH-LEVEL ROUND TABLE 05-06 June 2019, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. PALEXPO, Geneva Hall 3, room W
Topic 5: Public-private engagement What is Cg-18 being asked to do? Doc 9.4(2) To agree that WMO should continue playing a central role in facilitating the dialogue between the sectors in line with the general policy established through the new Geneva Declaration 2019 To endorse the statement of the Open Consultative Platform The joint statement will be made available after the special event on 5 and 6 June 2019
Topic 5: Public-private engagement What does this mean for me? The Geneva Declaration – 2019: Will help Members in building a common approach to the public-private engagement and to establishing mutually- beneficial ‘win-win’ partnerships A strong policy instrument in planning pertinent national, regional and global actions, policies and strategies The OCP, as a WMO-coordinated consultative mechanism, will be instrumental in strengthening relationships and will lead to an improved common awareness through a sustainable dialogue between public, private and academic sectors, as well as with user communities and civil society
Resolution 8.3/1 CLOSING THE CAPACITY GAP: Scaling up effective partnerships for investments in sustainable and cost-efficient infrastructure and service delivery Pursue establishment of Alliance for Hydromet Development, jointly with World Bank and in collaboration with international development partners Concept outlined in Annex 1 Establish the WMO Country Support Initiative to support developing Member countries and territories and development partners with advisory services Outlined in Annex 2
Resolution 8.3/1 Scaling up effective partnerships INTRO & CONTEXT Expectations are high, but NMHSs capacity constraints WMO at centre-stage: weather, climate, water as foundation for resilient development Capacity gap: Many NMHSs capacity constraints to respond to increasing expectations WMO Strategic Plan Long-term goal: Closing capacity gap Core value: Collaboration and partnership Strategic Objective: Scaling up partnerships WMO Capacity Development Strategy Explore new funding opportunities Develop proposals through dialogue with development partners Alliance for Hydromet Development & Country Support initiative (CSI) Increasing support from development partners: but missing coordination and WMO expertise 2018 Hydromet Development Partners Conference: We need to do more and better Alliance & CSI: jointly developed as new and complementary initiatives
Resolution 8.3/1 Scaling up effective partnerships INCREASING SUPPORT FROM DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS: EXAMPLE WORLD BANK & GREEN CLIMATE FUND GCF current pipeline – 82 projects totaling USD 2,6 billion focused solely or party on climate information and/or early warning systems ~ 1.5 USD billion ~ 1 USD billion World Bank Adaptation Action Plan early warning and climate information investments – 30 additional countries & 300 million beneficiaries ~400 USD million *Including co-funding **World Bank funding only - leveraging additional resources
Resolution 8.3/1 Scaling up effective partnerships WHAT IS Cg-18 BEING ASKED TO DO? Congress Pursue establishment of Alliance. Launch at World Bank Annual Meetings 10/2019 Establish WMO Country Support Initiative. Open for business January 2020 Members Promote principles of the Alliance when providing or receiving development assistance Scale up provision of expertise through CSI in support of developing Members and development partners Development partners Partner with WMO & World Bank in establishing Alliance. Based on collaboration principles Utilize and promote CSI advisory services. Projects to benefit from WMO expertise Technical Commissions Provide guidance to CSI. Translate standards into tailored operational advice Consider CSI practical experience when further developing technical standards Secretary General Facilitate establishment of the Alliance Mobilize extra-budgetary resources and Members’ expertise for CSI implementation
Resolution 8.3/1 Scaling up effective partnerships WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR MEMBERS? Better support for developing members Less fragmentation, more coordination, more synergies of development partners’ support Development partners’ projects based on WMO standards and practices Hands-on, practical, expeditious support for developing country NMHSs Better harnessing of WMO expertise Structured and efficient mechanism to tap knowledge and expertise from extensive WMO institutional network Readily available WMO support when it is needed Better knowledge for all stakeholders Knowledge base through WMO Community Platform (CPDB) Track progress in closing the capacity gap
Plenary Key Resolutions Topic 1 – New Initiatives and Needs Maximum expenditure for the eighteenth financial period (2020–2023) – prioritization of additional initiatives (Doc.3(2)–Draft2, Inf. 3.(1), Inf. 3(2), Inf. 3(3)) 3(2)/1 (Cg-18) - MAXIMUM EXPENDITURE FOR THE EIGHTEENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD (2020-2023) Topic 2 – Reform WMO technical commissions and other bodies (Doc. 4(4)-Draft2) 4(4)/1 (Cg-18) ESTABLISHMENT OF WMO TECHNICAL COMMISSIONS FOR THE EIGHTEENTH FINANCIAL PERIOD
Plenary Key Resolutions Topic 3 – Services WMO contributions to the provision of climate information and services in support of policy- and decision- making (Doc.5.2(1)) 5.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) - WMO CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PROVISION OF CLIMATE INFORMATION AND SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF POLICY AND DECISION-MAKING 5.2(1)/2 (Cg-18) - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GLOBAL FRAMEWORK FOR CLIMATE SERVICES (GFCS) Vision, strategy and organizational arrangements for hydrology and water resources (Doc.5.3(1)) 5.3(1)/1 (Cg-18) - VISION, STRATEGY AND ORGANIZATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES IN WMO
Plenary Key Resolutions – Topic 4 – Infrastructures Global Basic Observing Network (GBON) (Doc. 6.1(1)) 6.1(1)/1 (Cg-18) - GLOBAL BASIC OBSERVING NETWORK Annex to draft Resolution 6.1(1)/1 (Cg-18) GLOBAL BASIC OBSERVING NETWORK CONCEPT Emerging data issues – WMO Data Conference (Doc.6.2(1), Inf. 6.2(1)) 6.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) - EMERGING DATA ISSUES Annex to draft Resolution 6.2(1)/1 (Cg-18) Executive Summary of Review on Emerging Data Issues
Plenary Key Resolutions Topic 5 – Public-private engagement Congress Declaration (Doc.9.4(1)) 9.4(1)/1 (Cg-18) - Geneva Declaration – 2019: Building Community for Weather, Climate and Water Actions Open Consultative Platform (public-private dialogue 5-6 June) (Doc 9.4(2)) 9.4(2)/1 (Cg-18) Establishment of an Open Consultative Platform Topic 6 – Capacity Development Scaling-up effective partnerships for investment 8.3 8.3/1 (Cg-18) CLOSING THE CAPACITY GAP SCALING UP EFFECTIVE PARTNERSHIPS FOR INVESTMENTS IN SUSTAINABLE AND COST-EFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICE DELIVERY: Global Alliance Concept and Country Support Initiative Click here: Link to Key Topics in Work Plan
Report to Plenary To assist Coordination Committee: Moderators and PRAs to participate in an expanded Coordination Committee on Tuesday, 4 June 2019, at 4pm Room 14, CICG To assist Coordination Committee: filter questions and identify key issues Assess the general level of understanding of the topics identify divergent views of the language groups Identify areas where special attention is needed
Reform Services (JCullmann) PPE and CD (DIvanov, MPower) In Depth Discussions “Checker Board” Session 1 3 June 14:30-16:00 Session 2 16:00-17:30 Session 3 4 June 09:30-11:00 Session 4 11:00-12:30 Session 5 Group 1 (P/RA I) En, Fr Room 3 New Initiatives And Needs (ASG) Reform (RMasters) Services (JCullmann) Infrastructures (LPRiishojgaard ) PPE and CD (DIvanov, MPower) Group 2 (P/RA II) En, Ar, CN Room 5 Group 3&4 (P/RA III & IV) En, SP Room 6 Group 5 (P/RA V) En Room 18 Group 6 (P/RA VI) En, Ru Room 4 (LPRiishojgaard)