Tourism Why has global tourism grown? Learning Objectives Why has global tourism grown? What are the physical & human attractions of different destinations?
GROWTH IN TOURISM 1min Read this and then remember it! Tourism is the world’s largest industry, worth $700 billion in 2015. International tourism (people arriving in all countries from abroad for a holiday) is increasing. Domestic tourism (people going on holiday in their own country) is about 4x greater than international tourism. The tourism industry is one of the biggest providers of jobs and income in countries at all stages of development. For 83% of countries, tourism is one of the top 5 sources of foreign exchange. The top 6 tourist destination countries are France, Spain, the USA, China, Italy and the UK. 1min Read this and then remember it!
INTERPRETING TABLES & GRAPHS You may be asked to interpret tables of data. You should look for patterns and trends. Tiny differences are important and may show a trend and this is what you need to pick out.
INTERNATIONAL TOURISM (MILLIONS) . INTERNATIONAL TOURISM (MILLIONS) Describe the growth of international tourism HOW!!! International tourist arrivals (millions) Year
INTERNATIONAL TOURISM (MILLIONS) . INTERNATIONAL TOURISM (MILLIONS) Describe the growth of international tourism International tourist arrivals (millions) Year
Worksheet: Name:
Name: Date Name: Date Internet booking makes travel planning easier. Package holidays start. Low cost airlines like Easyjet reduces the cost of flying. During the 1990’s gap years become more popular. People are living longer and therefore have more retirement time. The channel tunnel opens. People are earning more money so they can afford more holidays. Name: Date Internet booking makes travel planning easier. Package holidays start. Low cost airlines like Easyjet reduces the cost of flying. During the 1990’s gap years become more popular. People are living longer and therefore have more retirement time. The channel tunnel opens. People are earning more money so they can afford more holidays.
INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ARRIVALS (MILLIONS) . INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ARRIVALS (MILLIONS) Describe the international tourist arrivals between 2014 and 2015 Region 2014 2015 % change 2014 - 15 % of world tourism Africa 40.9 44.2 +7.9 4.8 Americas 135.7 142.1 +4.7 16.1 Asia and Pacific 167.8 184.9 +10.2 19.8 Europe 460.8 480.1 +4.2 54.4 Middle East 41.0 46.4 +13.4 4.9 World 846 898 +6.1 100.0
INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ARRIVALS (MILLIONS) Region 2014 2015 % change 2014-15 % of world tourism Africa 40.9 44.2 +7.9 4.8 Americas 135.7 142.1 +4.7 16.1 Asia and Pacific 167.8 184.9 +10.2 19.8 Europe 460.8 480.1 +4.2 54.4 Middle East 41.0 46.4 +13.4 4.9 World 846 898 +6.1 100.0 Highest % increase
INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ARRIVALS (MILLIONS) Region 2006 2007 % change 2006-7 % of world tourism Africa 40.9 44.2 +7.9 4.8 Americas 135.7 142.1 +4.7 16.1 Asia and Pacific 167.8 184.9 +10.2 19.8 Europe 460.8 480.1 +4.2 54.4 Middle East 41.0 46.4 +13.4 4.9 World 846 898 +6.1 100.0 Lowest % increase
INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ARRIVALS (MILLIONS) Region 2014 2015 % change 2014-15 % of world tourism Africa 40.9 44.2 +7.9 4.8 Americas 135.7 142.1 +4.7 16.1 Asia and Pacific 167.8 184.9 +10.2 19.8 Europe 460.8 480.1 +4.2 54.4 Middle East 41.0 46.4 +13.4 4.9 World 846 898 +6.1 100.0 Highest number of arrivals (half the world total)
INTERNATIONAL TOURIST ARRIVALS (MILLIONS) Region 2006 2007 % change 2006-7 % of world tourism Africa 40.9 44.2 +7.9 4.8 Americas 135.7 142.1 +4.7 16.1 Asia and Pacific 167.8 184.9 +10.2 19.8 Europe 460.8 480.1 +4.2 54.4 Middle East 41.0 46.4 +13.4 4.9 World 846 898 +6.1 100.0 These annotations would then have to be formed into a written answer but you can highlight and draw on the table in the exam if it helps Smallest total % of world tourism
FACTORS AFFECTING GROWTH OF TOURISM Social Economic Political Linked to people Linked to changes in money Linked to government changes/laws
Since the 1950’s people have become wealthier
Incomes are larger and so is disposable income (the amount left to spend after essentials such as food and bills)
Most families have two working parents where as in the past it was usually one
People have fewer children: less expensive to take a smaller family away than a large one
Car ownership has grown
People have more leisure time and holiday time from work has increased
Life expectancy has risen so more people are retired many of whom have good pensions and can afford several trips a year
Travel today is quick and easy due to motorways, airport expansion and faster jet aircraft
Flying has become cheaper and booking online is quick and easy
Increasing number of package holidays now available to destinations all over the world
Ecotourism and unusual destinations such as Alaska are expanding rapidly
Use the worksheet of the growth in world tourism graph. GROWTH IN TOURISM Use the worksheet of the growth in world tourism graph. Use the statements provided and place write them where you think they fit on the graph. International tourist arrivals (millions) Year
Internet booking makes travel planning easier. Package holidays start. Low cost airlines like Easyjet reduces the cost of flying. During the 1990’s gap years become more popular. People are living longer and therefore have more retirement time. The channel tunnel opens. People are earning more money so they can afford more holidays. Add in two more statements of your own that help to explain why world tourism has grown.
TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Many people choose to visit cities to enjoy the culture associated with museums, art galleries, architecture or shops and restaurants. Cities such as London, Rome and Paris have a huge amount to offer tourists of every age. The natural landscape is also a major ‘pull’ for tourists, particularly mountains such as the Alps or beautiful stretches of coastline. Physical or natural attractions are natural attractions such as beaches, climate, sea, mountains and rivers etc. Human or man made attractions are built or constructed by humans such as castles (heritage), churches (cultural), theme parks etc.
ANNOTATING PHOTOS Photos can be labelled directly with arrows to point out the features. The labels need to be detailed. Keep what you write clear, straight forward and to the point. Each annotation is worth 1 mark. You need to be able to annotate and point out the physical and human attractions in each of the photos Each fully annotated photo is worth 4 marks = 16 marks in total.
A paragraph in your own words Paragraphs should contain as many points as there are marks for it. This paragraph is worth 6 marks so you should cover 6 points. Title of paragraph: What has caused the growth of tourism?
Tourism Why has global tourism grown? Learning Objectives Why has global tourism grown? What are the physical & human attractions of different destinations?