Phoebe: The Titaness By: Callie Meyer
bIRTH The great Titaness Phoebe, or Phoibe, was born from the union of Gaea and Uranos Along with Phoebe, the two primordial parents fostered Thetys, Rhea, Themis, Theia, Mnemosyne, Cronus, Coeus, Crisus, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Oceanus.
The Oracle of Delphi Characteristics Phoebe is the titan goddess of intellect and prophetic radiance; she is closely associated with the moon. HOWEVER, she is NOT the goddess of the moon, that power resides with Artemis and Selene Phoebe held the 3rd position of the Oracle of Delphi. The Oracle of Delphi
Marriage Phoebe was happily marred to her brother, Coeus, the titan god of questioning and intelligence. Together they represent the worldly intelligence and all knowledge in the cosmos They are primarily important for their descendants and children
CHILDREN Leto Asteria An early, favourite lover of Zeus, she was impregnated by Zeus before he married Hera Wandering the earth, looking for a place to give birth, she found the island of Delos She gave birth to Artemis and Apollo Known as the “starry one” She married the titan Perses and had one child, Hecate When Zeus pursued her, she turned into the island of Delos
Grandchildren aRTEMIS Apollo Daughter of Zeus and Leto Goddess of the hunt, chastity, the moon, and the natural environment Rejected marriage and love Depicted with a bow and arrow Son of Zeus and Leto God of music, science, medicine, light, and truth Seen with a golden lyre Phoebe hands down the position as Oracle at Delphi to him
Grandchildren Hecate: Child of Asteria and Perses Goddess of magic and witchcraft Worshipped in the hopes that she would protect against evil spirits
Titanomachy Phoebe, like the rest of her sisters, did not partitcipate in the war between the Titans and Gods. Therefore she and her siblings were unharmed from the outcome of the war, unlike her husband and brothers who where locked in Tartarus
Location, location, location MT. Olympus Delos
Sources! My Brain The almighty Mr. Marsh