Ways to link the course learning outcomes to the program learning outcome and to the Institutional learning outcomes
Begin with the End in mind: First understand DSU’s Institutional Learning Outcomes 1. SKILLS: Develop discipline-specific skills and foundational skills in information literacy, quantitative reasoning, critical and creative thinking, inquiry and analysis, teamwork, leadership, and varied modes of communication. 2. KNOWLEDGE: Achieve comprehensive knowledge of discipline-specific area(s) of study and of human cultures and the physical and natural world, through engagement with contemporary and enduring questions. 3. RESPONSIBILITY: Acquire civic, community, and intercultural knowledge and develop social competence while engaging as a responsible, global citizen. 4. INNOVATION: Synthesize and collaborate across general and discipline-specific studies for creative resolution of complex and unscripted problems within and beyond the university campus. 5. GRIT: Growth Mindset: The belief that personal attributes can be developed through effort and education. Relationship Building: The practice of cultivating trusting, collaborative and inclusive relationships. Intentional Learning: The purposeful, deliberate process to acquire and use a variety of strategies to attain and apply knowledge. Tenacity: The habit of persevering, adapting and staying engaged for a sustained period of time to achieve goals.
Next, develop your End of Program Learning Outcomes At the successful conclusion of this program, students will be able to: Patient-Centered Care: Analyze and evaluate data to demonstrate the ability to provide high quality direct and indirect care for patients across the lifespan and health illness continuum. Clinical Judgment: Integrate reliable evidence from multiple perspectives in order to demonstrate clinical reasoning. Communication: Develop and maintain therapeutic interactions with a variety of clients and inter-professional team members to improve patient health outcomes Caring: Facilitate culturally sensitive holistic nursing care while protecting and promoting human dignity and diversity for a variety of populations (DSUs ILOs: Skills, Grit) Professional Behavior: Comply with legal and ethical standards of nursing practice through application of leadership, skills, and clinical judgment
Congruity between your program and DSU’s LO At the successful conclusion of this program, students will be able to: Patient-Centered Care: Analyze and evaluate data to demonstrate the ability to provide high quality direct and indirect care for patients across the lifespan and health illness continuum. DSUs ILOs: Skills, Responsibility, Grit Clinical Judgment: Integrate reliable evidence from multiple perspectives in order to demonstrate clinical reasoning. DSU ILOs: Skills, Knowledge, Innovation Communication: Develop and maintain therapeutic interactions with a variety of clients and inter-professional team members to improve patient health outcomes DSU ILOs: Skills, Innovation, Responsibility, Grit Caring: Facilitate culturally sensitive holistic nursing care while protecting and promoting human dignity and diversity for a variety of populations DSUs ILOs: Skills, Grit Professional Behavior: Comply with legal and ethical standards of nursing practice through application of leadership, skills, and clinical judgment DSUs ILOs: Skills, Innovation, Responsibility, Grit
Then, the course SLO’s Patient Centered Care: The student will acquire knowledge to organize and manage care for patients, families, groups, communities, and populations in a variety of patient care settings with both predictable and unpredictable outcomes. Clinical Judgment: The student will acquire knowledge to be able to evaluate and apply the nursing process to individuals to promote healthy lifestyle, prevent disease, and deliver safe patient-centered care. Communication: The student will acquire knowledge of informatics, and communication methods to improve patient health outcomes. Caring: The student will examine how the quality, safety, and cost- effectiveness of health care may be improved through the active involvement of patients, families, groups, communities, populations and members of the healthcare team. Professional Behavior: The student will acquire and discuss effective strategies for overcoming barriers, facilitating teamwork, resolving conflict, developing health policy, and participating in quality improvement measures.
ILO EPSLO CSLO from NURS4700 Skills, Responsi-bility, Grit Patient-Centered Care: Analyze and evaluate data to demonstrate the ability to provide high quality direct and indirect care for patients across the lifespan and health illness continuum. Patient Centered Care: The student will acquire knowledge to organize and manage care for patients, families, groups, communities, and populations in a variety of patient care settings with both predictable and unpredictable outcomes. Skills, Knowledge Innovation Clinical Judgment: Integrate reliable evidence from multiple perspectives in order to demonstrate clinical reasoning. Clinical Judgment: The student will acquire knowledge to be able to evaluate and apply the nursing process to individuals to promote healthy lifestyle, prevent disease, and deliver safe patient-centered care. Skills, Innovation Responsi-bility, Grit Communication: Develop and maintain therapeutic interactions with a variety of clients and inter-professional team members to improve patient health outcomes Communication: The student will acquire knowledge of informatics, and communication methods to improve patient health outcomes. Skills, Grit Caring: Facilitate culturally sensitive holistic nursing care while protecting and promoting human dignity and diversity for a variety of populations Caring: The student will examine how the quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness of health care may be improved through the active involvement of patients, families, groups, communities, populations and members of the healthcare team. Skills, Innovation Responsi bility, Grit Professional Behavior: Comply with legal and ethical standards of nursing practice through application of leadership, skills, and clinical judgment Professional Behavior: The student will acquire and discuss effective strategies for overcoming barriers, facilitating teamwork, resolving conflict, developing health policy, and participating in quality improvement measures.
So what now??? Need assignments that measure the outcomes, both objective and subjective. Patient Centered Care Clinical Judgment Communication Caring Professional Behavior May be clinical evaluations, exam questions, portfolio, standardized testing.