English Language GCSE 2 exams Paper 1 (Tue 4th June 2019 am) Paper 2 (Fri 7th June 2019 am) Both based on unseen extracts Paper 1 = 1 unseen extract (fiction) Paper 2 = 2 unseen extracts (non-fiction linked by a theme) Both have 5 questions Q1-4 Reading questions Q5 Writing question The questions on both papers will always follow same format and ask the same questions Remember this by Paper 1 = 1 (therefore 1 extract) and P2 = 2 (therefore 2 extracts)
Paper 1 (fiction) How to use overview to learn format and question content/tips: Look cover write check – students Re-write (firstly copy out, then from memory) – students Quiz them – students + adult Encourage parents to quiz their children – check they know the format and content of each paper off by heart by using the overview sheets
Paper 1 (fiction) Reading questions (Q1-4) Practise, practise, practise! Make your teacher cry Use the mini mocks/practice tests to increase their marking… Complete Q1-4 using the overview sheet to help guide/support Complete Q1-4 without overview sheet Complete Q1-4 with strict timings given by adult (if a question isn’t complete – make a mark in margin at end of time but finish the question) Complete Q1-4 in 1 hour but without support to move on – students are responsible for their own timings Discuss building up independence and training to stick to the timings Discuss stamina and resilience
Repeat for Paper 2! Use the overview sheets Use the Paper 2 Mini Mocks / practice tests Explain that P2 is slightly different Do a mini quiz – how many extracts in Paper 2? Fiction or non fiction?
PEEE (sentence starters for analysing Language) POINT (what is your idea relating to the question): The writer suggests .... EVIDENCE (Quote): For example, ... EXPLAIN (explain how the quote links to your point) : This suggests that... / This highlights... / This reveals... / This implies...because… EVALUATE EFFECTS (drill down into/zoom onto words from the quote): This makes the reader feel ....... because ... The writer does this to …. This is effective because .... These are also useful when writing literature essays But remember for Q3 paper 1 this isn’t useful and for Q2 Paper 2 only PEE is useful
Q5 Writing is worth half of the GCSE These questions can make or break you! Need to be time to shine and show off what great writer’s you are They need to play the examiners’ games and ensure they do the things that will get them points (overall structure and the tips on the overview sheet)
Paper 1 (fiction) – Writing Q5 45 mins Choice of 2 questions (though usually similar or linked) - 1 based on a picture and 1 not Describe or narrate (tell a story – or part of one!) Whichever you choose follow this structure: p1 Drop/Long p2 Zoom p3 Flash p4 End (link back to p1) I would always consider the image (unless it was awful) as it gives people something to base ideas on Remember the image shouldn’t be described in fine detail but used as a spring board The drop/long, zoom etc structure will work for both narrative and descriptive as it contains elements of both If they select story – they won’t have time to write a full traditional story but the above structure is enough Slot in 1 sentence paragraph between p1/p2 or p2/p3
Paper 2 (non-fiction) – Writing Q5 45 mins No choice of question Opinion writing Whichever you choose follow this structure: p1 Attack p2 Stack p3 Stack p4 Splat p5 Smash (link back to p1) Always pick one side of argument – don’t argue both sides It may not actually be what they think – it may be easier to argue the opposite Ban the phrase ‘I agree with/that…’ Ideas from texts P5 = 1 sentence paragraph
Opening address to an audience Subheadings Letter: Text from a leaflet Address and date Mode of address Subheadings or boxes Sign off Bullet points Article: Text of a speech Title Opening address to an audience Subheadings Rhetorical indicators (addressing audience throughout) Sign off eg Thank you for listening. Essay Introduction Conclusion Connectives to link paragraphs Paper 2 Q5 will always have one of these layouts (as well as writing structured by Attack, Stack etc) Learn these off by heart!
Both Papers – Writing Q5 Paper 2 p1 Attack Paper 1 p2 Stack Practise, practise, practise – time them Plan for lots more – even if you don’t write them Revision cards for topics (great vocab, great sentences, plan) Paper 1 = city / beach / old person / crowded street / empty forest etc Paper 2 = fast food, uniform, dangerous sports, environment, music festivals etc Paper 2 p1 Attack p2 Stack p3 Stack p4 Splat p5 Smash (link back to p1) Paper 1 p1 Drop/Long p2 Zoom p3 Flash p4 End (link back to p1) Slot in 1 sentence paragraph
ISPACED DAFORESTER Great persuasive techniques Direct address - Engages the reader to read on as they feel that, by being addressed directly, the text is specifically for them. Alliteration - Makes the text catchy Fact - Makes the text seem authoritative, accurate and therefore believable. Opinion (of expert) - Sways the reader towards the writer’s viewpoint. Rhetorical question - Engages the reader to read on as they feel that, by being addressed directly, the text is relevant to them. Emotive language - Makes the topic of the text seem overly good or bad, depending on the purpose of the text. Statistics - Make the text seem authoritative, accurate Triple - Makes the text catchy Exaggeration - Makes these aspects seem really important or influential so shows how great / bad something is. Repetition - Gives emphasis to key ideas and words Great ways to start sentences I -ing – begin your sentence with a verb (present tense) S – simile – begin your sentence with a simile P – preposition eg Under, Next to A – adjective or adverb eg ly word C – connective or conjunction E – ed – being with a past tense verb D – drop in a clause OR dialogue if characters are present. Blue are the ones I recommend
Revision Guides GCSE English Language - £3 each Mr Bruff