February 2019
ATERA at a glance About the company Advance Terrafund REIT(ATERA) is the largest public company with special investment purpose in Bulgaria by market capitalization, founded in 2005 Agricultural land The company owns 22 822 ha of agricultural land and it is the largest public company owner of farmland in the country Urban land The company owns 13.3 ha in Sofia, Stara Zagora and Vratsa Leased land 16 180 ha to 413 farmers
Main characteristics of ATERA BSE ticker: 6A6 (former ATERA) Bloomberg ticker: 6A6:BU Focused only on purchase, consolidation, lease and sale of land ATERA earns the highest dividend yield on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) for the period 2013-2017 Top 6 company by traded volume of shares on the BSE for the last 3 years Top 2 REIT by free float in Bulgaria – 56.96% The largest BG REIT by market cap – EUR 85 million The company is included in all indices of BSE and the SEE Link platform
Why invest in Bulgarian farmland? (1/2) High growth and low volatility Indicators for period 2008-2017 Δ% MSCI ЕМ Eastern Europe* Δ% BG farmland Δ% SOFIX** Standard deviation 38% 13% 34% CAGR (Compound annual growth rate) 6% 12% 7% Holding period return 65% 179% 89% *MSCI EM Eastern Europe index covers large and mid cap companies from the region **SOFIX is the official BSE index, based on the market cap of the 15 most liquid companies Calculations: Advance Terrafund Performance of MSCI EM EE, Bulgarian farmland and SOFIX
Why invest in Bulgarian farmland? (1/2) BG farmland is seriously undervalued in comparison with the farmland in EU Low correlation to traditional retail investments Reliable cash-flow from rents Average prices in European countries in EUR/ha Source: Media publications 2018-2019
220% land price growth for 10 years Bulgarian farmland market 220% land price growth for 10 years Indicator 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* Average price in €/ha 1519 1605 2035 2797 3 037 3 497 3 743 3 891 4458 4857 Land price change in % -5% 6% 27% 37% 9% 15% 7% 4% * Expected for 2018 Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Supply, System for AgriMarket Information and National Statistical Institute
What is a REIT? Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) characteristics: Special legislation in Bulgaria - Act on Special Investment Purpose Companies Must be listed - provides full transparency Minimum 90% of the net profit is distributed as dividends Tax-exempt profit - no corporate tax Dividend tax 5% for individuals Regulated by the Financial Supervision Commission Real estates are operated obligatory by a servicing company
Our organizational structure Board of Directors Duty Profession Elected to position Borislav Vitanov Chairman Lawyer 2005 Radoslav Manolov Executive director Economist Nencho Penev Non-executive director
Our shareholder’s structure Number of ordinary shares - 85 110 091 Total number of shareholders - 1 840 20.2% foreign ownership of the market cap Source: Shareholders’ Book as of December 31, 2018
Our business model Land is bought from individuals and companies only Purchase Land is bought from individuals and companies only Lease Land is leased to farmers Consolidation Natural concentration through new purchases in the village Participation in land consolidation projects Sales Through direct sales contracts Through deferred payment contracts
Our land investments Source: Advance Terrafund as of December 31, 2018
Our farmland by planning regions Total 22 822 ha of agricultural land Source: Advance Terrafund as of December 31, 2018
The most fertile soils are 1, 2, 4 Danube River Danube Valley Legend Chernozems (Black soils) Grey forest soils Planosols Smolnitza & Cinnamonic forest soils Cinnamonic forest soils Brown forest soils Mountain meadow soils Source: INSTITUTE OF SOIL SCIENCE “N. POUSHKAROV”
Our farmland by regions in ha Source: Advance Terrafund as of December 31, 2018
Our leased land Agricultural year Land, which could be leased* Leased land in ha Leased land as a % Average rent in €/ha Rent revenues in € 2018-2019 19 963 16 180 81.0% 203.58 3 294 129 2017-2018 19 873 15 964 80.3% 199.40 3 183 078 2016-2017 20 761 16 918 81.5% 197.31 3 338 238 *The agricultural year starts on 1 Oct and finishes on 30 Sept the next year ** Lands, which are available as of 30 June for the respective year, decreased with all sold lands after that period. Source: Advance Terrafund as of December 31, 2018 Page 15
Average sale price in €/ha Our land banking Land banking - sale of agricultural land, which is concentrated in one village, while still acquiring separated land plots in other villages Total acquired farmland since foundation 48 600 ha versus 25 800 ha total sold Total sales on leasing and deferred payment left until now – 2 152 ha Land sales of ATERA Year Sold ha Average sale price in €/ha Sales revenue in € 2018 19 6 462 122 461 2017 992 6 155 6 103 740 2016 1 517 6 740 10 222 907 2015 721 7 019 5 061 560 2014 3 146 5 872 18 475 496 2013 4 607 5 481 25 248 681 2012 7 930 4 464 35 401 411 2011 6 284 3 058 19 216 803 2010 463 2 741 1 268 041 2009 80 2 783 221 902 Total 25 758 121 343 000 Source: Advance Terrafund as of December 31, 2018
International grains market Source: International Grains Council The consumption of grain foods exceeded the production in 2018 for the first time in the last 5 years Higher world prices for wheat, corn and barley Grain stores started to decrease (-2 m. tons compared to 2017, -58 m. t. or -9.3% compared to 2018) Forecast for 2019 – increased consumption of forage and stable high prices Page 17
Bulgarian grains market Main agri-products production, according to the Min. of Agriculture Average prices of main agri-products, VAT included, according to the Min. of Agriculture Forecast for 2019 – higher prices for wheat, barley, corn and sunflower in comparison with last two years, according to the Center for Agri-Policy Analysis (CAPA) 13.12.2018 Annual change, % Areas of harvesting (ha) Harvested areas (ha) Harvested areas, % Production (tons) Average yield (kg/dca) wheat 1 139 245 100.0% 5 401 376 474 3.7% 3,7% -6,3% -9,5% barley 114 856 501 187 436 -12,0% -19,2% -8,2% rapeseed 183 490 456 184 249 13.9% -0,6% -12,6% sunflower 734 815 734 785 1 887 423 257 -9,3% -9,0% 2,5% 12,7% corn 409 710 409 148 99.9% 3 090 311 755 -1,9% 2,9% 33,2% 29,5% 31.01.2018 30.01.2019 Annual change, % wheat 336 436 29.6% 323 413 27.9% barley 302 426 40.9% sunflower 664 656 -1.1% corn 328 335 2.2% Page 18
Bulgarian farmland market The sale of the unrealized stocks in Bulgaria at higher prices for wheat and corn in comparison with the last two years would generate higher returns for the farming companies Increased demand for farmland purchases from investors and farmers Rents increase Page 19
CAP 2021 - 2027 Discussions among the EU members over the European Commission proposals: Should the CAP budget be reduced with 4.1% or not? If the CAP budget is reduced, it will be offset by national funding Should there be a ceiling for direct payments up to 100 000 € (now it is 150 000 €)? The direct payments per ha in BG would increase with 0.79% (2.50 BGN/ha) Till November 2019 the final EU budget for 2021-2027 is expected to be passed Стр. 20
Land portfolio turnover Source: Advance Terrafund
Our key financial indicators Total raised capital since foundation EUR 65.7 mn or 0.77 EUR/share Total distributed dividends since foundation EUR 78.2 mn or 0.97 EUR/share Net income distribution for dividends ~ 100% No debt financing Amounts are in mn EUR unless indicated otherwise 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Net assets 97.34 102.16 102.20 101.34 113.22 112.52 122.64 NAV per share, in BGN 1.14 1.20 1.19 1.33 1.32 1.44 Income from rents 3.12 3.01 2.96 3.00 3.66 3.85 3.34 Income from land sales 19.22 35.40 25.25 18.48 6.72 17.10 10.46 Net income 29.26 25.16 17.76 12.64 17.26 6.34 15.39 EPS, distributable, in EUR 0.13 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.09 0.06 DPS, in EUR ROE, in % 12.5% 21.5% 16.9% 12.8% 4.1% 6.6% 4.3% Source: Advance Terrafund
Dividend yield ATERA earns the highest dividend yield of all most liquid companies at BSE for the period 2013-2017 Dividend Yield, % Company 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 5yr Average Return Advance Terrafund REIT 16.7 12.3 4.8 8.1 7.7 9.9 Bulland Investments REIT 11.9 21.2 7 5 9.1 Bulgartabac Holding JSC 9.2 14.6 17.6 8.3 CEZ Distribution Bulgaria JSC 16 14.7 9.4 8 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Plc 17.7 7.1 3.9 3.5 4.1 7.3 Sopharma Properties REIT 7.9 6.7 5.3 4.4 Sopharma Trading JSC 7.2 4.9 5.6 M+S Hydraulic PLC 5.8 4.2 4.3 3.2 Hydraulic Elements and Systems PLC 0.6 5.1 6.4 4 Bulgaria Real Estate Fund REIT 4.5 3.3 Stara Planina Hold PLC 1.6 2.4 5.2 3.4 2.7 3.1 Monbat PLC 1.8 2.9 2.8 Korado Bulgaria PLC 2.5 Fairplay Properties REIT 11.5 2.3 EMKA JSC 2.2 Top 15 Bulgarian companies, regularly paying dividend throughout 2013-2017, selected among the companies participating in BGBX40 (index of the 40-th most liquid Bulgarian companies) Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream
Performance of SOFIX and ATERA Since its foundation ATERA totally outperforms SOFIX* *SOFIX is the official BSE index, based on the market cap of the 15 most liquid companies Source: www.Infostock.bg
All amounts are in thousands BGN Attachment ATERA’s balance sheet 31.12.2018 31.12.2017 ASSETS Investment property 211,816 201,592 Receivables on lease contracts and on deferred payment sales 9,070 11,833 Non-current assets 220,886 213,425 4,513 3,484 Trade and other receivables 2,704 2,834 Advances to suppliers 7 - Cash and cash equivalents 18,561 29,688 Current assets 25,785 36,006 Investment properties held for sale 2,446 246,671 251,877 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Trade and other liabilities 3,019 2,979 Dividend liabilities 63 9,001 Provisions 35 Current liabilities 3,117 12,015 TOTAL LIABILITIES 243,554 239,862 NET ASSETS CAPITAL Core capital 85,110 Premiums from issues 43,411 Other reserves 17 4 Non-allocated profit 115,016 111,337 TOTAL CAPITAL TOTAL CAPITAL AND TOTAL LIABILITIES All amounts are in thousands BGN
Amounts are in thousands BGN unless indicated otherwise Attachment ATERA’s income statement 2018 2017 Revenues from lease and rent of investment property 6,408 6,525 Revenues from sales of investment property 2,396 20,452 Book value of the sold property (2,142) (14,593) Profit from sale of investment property 254 5,859 Net gains from fair value adjustments to investment property - 22,261 Reimbursed losses from depreciation of advances to suppliers 1,316 Interest income 767 673 Other revenues 231 162 TOTAL REVENUE 7,660 36,796 Costs for hired services (3,707) (5,128) Employee benefits expense (128) (125) Finance costs (3) (1) Loss on fregulation of agricultural land (911) Other expenses (21) (289) TOTAL EXPENSES (3,888) (6,693) PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 3,772 30,103 Other comprehensive income TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Basic earnings per share (BGN) 0.044 0.354 Amounts are in thousands BGN unless indicated otherwise
GDP growth in CEE countries Attachment GDP growth in CEE countries Modest GDP growth in Bulgaria compared to the other CEE countries Real GDP, (YoY % change) 2016 2017 2018 f 2019 f Bulgaria 3.94 3.56 3.60 3.10 Serbia 2.80 1.81 4.00 3.50 Romania 4.82 7.00 3.96 3.43 Croatia 3.17 2.78 2.60 Turkey 3.18 7.05 3.48 0.37 Greece -0.24 1.35 2.05 2.35 Czech Republic 2.59 4.29 3.06 3.05 Poland 2.86 4.55 4.35 3.51 Hungary 2.21 3.99 3.30 Estonia 2.06 4.85 3.70 3.22 Lithuania 3.83 3.54 2.90 Latvia 3.72 3.34 Russia -0.20 1.55 1.71 1.80 Ukraine 2.44 2.53 2.74 Source: Karoll Capital Management
Stock exchange markets in CEE Attachment Stock exchange markets in CEE Bulgarian market is the second worst performing as at end-2018 Regional Indices (ann. % change) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 SOFIX Bulgaria 6.20 -11.72 27.24 15.50 -12.30 BELEX15 Serbia 19.50 -3.44 11.38 5.90 0.20 BET Romania 9.10 -1.11 1.15 9.40 -4.80 CROBEX Croatia -2.70 -3.20 18.06 -7.60 -5.10 BIST 30 Turkey 26.40 -17.64 8.94 47.60 -20.90 PX Czech Republic -4.30 1.02 -3.63 17.00 -8.50 WIG20 Poland -3.50 -19.72 4.77 -7.50 BUX Hungary -10.40 43.81 33.79 23.00 -0.60 OMX Tallinn Estonia -7.70 19.06 19.63 -6.40 OMX Vilnius Lithuania 7.30 7.42 14.92 -5.60 OMX Riga Latvia -11.30 45.66 23.46 35.80 -6.70 MICEX Russia -7.15 26.12 26.76 -5.50 11.80 UX Ukraine 13.54 -31.76 16.04 71.30 25.10 MSCI EFM (E+C) -22.21 -8.32 24.40 2.66 -11.12 MSCI EFM (E+C) ex RU 2.24 -22.13 -1.29 22.39 -20.91 S&P 500 11.40 -0.73 9.54 19.42 -6.20 DAX 2.70 9.56 6.87 12.51 -18.30 Nikkei 225 7.10 9.07 0.42 19.10 -12.10 Source: Karoll Capital Management
Contact Atanas Dimitrov Investor Relation Director Advance Terrafund REIT adimitrov@karoll.bg 1 Zlatovruh Str. 1164 Sofia BULGARIA Tel: +35924008332 www.advanceterrafund.bg This presentation provides only information about the activity and the structure of the Company and do not represent a recommendation or an offer for buying or selling the shares of Advance Terrafund REIT.