Astronomical Digital Video System (ADVS) an update Tony Barry, Dave Gault, and Hristo Pavlov WSAAG and IOTA Presented to TTSO8 Monday 21st April 2014
ADVS Overview
ADVS features at a glance Astronomical Digital Video System; is all digital has only one CCD read noise per image is progressive scan 12 bit and 14 bit video (depending on the camera) image start, mid. and end times to +/-0.001 seconds UT exposure range 30 frames per second to 8 seconds per frame requires no Instrument Delay compensation video easily converted to FITS, complete with metadata time OSD not embedded on the image, not blocking FOV (eventually) remote/automated controllable has complete control over gain, gamma and offset means you don't have to deal with codecs uses new .adv file format .adv file can be repaired if not closed properly has a choice of 3 cameras @ 3 price ranges
ADVS & Tangra3
Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04 LTS ADVS on U10.04 Currently supports 3 Cameras Support ended 9th May 2013 LTS = Long Term Support - until 2017 ADVS on U10.04 Currently supports 3 Cameras ADVS on U12.04 Currently supports 2 (1/2) Cameras Intention is to support all Point Grey Cameras Fire Wire, GigE and USB3 Currently 10 ADVS Beta testers across the two OS versions
For more info see http://www. hristopavlov. net/ADVS/ http://www