"abomination of desolation" 1 Cor 15:50-52 Saints go up Church in Heaven (Fathers house) Saints return w/Jesus Seals Trumpets 2nd Coming Bowls Revelation 6-18 Rapture Matthew 24:15 "abomination of desolation" (mid-point) Church Age 1000 yr Reign 7 Yr. Tribulation (Daniels 70th Week)
The book of Revelation is a chronological book that lays out simply. Church in heaven with Jesus Rev 19 Rev 1-3 2nd Coming: (the Church returns with Jesus) Rev 6-18 Rev 20,21 Rev 22 7 Seals 7 Trumpets White Throne Judgment Rapture: (the Church goes to be with Jesus) 7 Bowls Mt 24:21 Great Trib Eternity OT NT 3 1/2 yrs 3 1/2 yrs 1000 yr Reign Abomination of Desolation (Dan 9:27, Mt 24:15, 2 Thes 2:4) 70th Week of Daniel (aka 7yr Tribulation Period = Jer. 30:7 “Time of Jacobs trouble”) The book of Revelation is a chronological book that lays out simply.