Welcome to the Essential Skills course Essential Skills for academic and professional excellence in a global context Project number 561642-EPP-1-2015-1-IL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
So why do you need Essential Skills? Many employers report that entry-level employees in a variety of professions were lacking in soft skills that are essential for businesses to move forward. That’s why we refer to them as Essential Skills! So why do you need Essential Skills?
soft skills vs. hard skills The term ‘soft skills’ (or essential skills) is often used to describe the skills that characterise relationships with other people, or are about how you approach life and work. ‘Hard skills’, by contrast, is a term usually used to describe professional skills like accountancy or medical expertise etc. soft skills vs. hard skills
Employment experts agree that tech skills may get you an interview but soft skills will get you the job and help you keep it! Hard skills Soft skills
These Essential Skills give you a Unique Selling Point …and a competitive edge in the workplace This course is designed to provide you with the opportunity to develop these skills. It is interactive and collaborative and by participating you will be working online with students from across several institutions.
What is the course like? You will be working in a virtual project team There are individual sessions: work in your own time & collaborative sessions… work together online
Collaborative sessions You will be allocated a team which is likely to be diverse across different dimensions, including location. During your time on the course we hope you will get to know your team mates. We hope it may spark new friendships for you and new contacts in different countries. It may also give you some insight into how students in other countries see things similarly - or differently - to you. And of course, working in a virtual team - across time zones, habits and cultures - is a challenge which we hope will help you as you develop your career in our inter- connected world. Your team details will be given to you before you begin your first collaborative task within the Team Work module in week 2. Collaborative sessions
How do I get started?
This is the link to the online platform: https://in2it-lms.erasmus-plus.org.il/login/index.php You can also access it by this QR code:
2. Click on ‘Create new account’
3. Fill out your details and you will receive an email to complete your registration
4. Go to your email and click on the link. You will now have access to the In2It site.
5. Choose the Essential Skills course and insert the code 444 then click on “Enrol me’
The course is split into the following modules: Critical & Reflective Thinking Team Work Personal Leadership Creative Thinking Problem Solving Reflective thinking is included in all modules and assignments. Team Work Leadership Creative Thinking Problem Solving Reflective Thinking
There is an Essential Skills Roadmap to help you map your journey through each section. There are videos, reading material, assessments and group tasks. Follow the instructions for each section.
We will begin the first module with a reflective thinking exercise that will provide you with the know-how to reflect on all the following modules.
Your Portfolio You will be managing your own learning portfolio, collecting evidence of your learning journey both as an individual and as part of a group and this will form the basis of your assessment. Your portfolio will then be your evidence that you understand the importance of essential skills and how to apply them to your working life and beyond.
Your Portfolio For each module you will be given portfolio assignments. You will need to download the assignments as Word documents. Answer the questions and once complete upload them to ‘My essential skills portfolio’ section.
There is an online help forum if you have a question
At the end of the programme you will be rewarded a certificate of completion from the EU In2It programme. The best-in-class students will also be awarded travel to the programs' final event at Kingston University London in July, where they will meet fellow participants from other countries. (Best-in-class students from UK universities will be awarded travel to a conference in Milan, Italy.) On completion
Good Luck!