Time courses of reaction times and SSVEP amplitudes. Time courses of reaction times and SSVEP amplitudes. (A) Time course of reaction times to targets after cue onset. Reaction times became faster until the third time bin (287–429 ms). Black circles indicate midpoints of time bins. (B) Grand-average normalized SSVEP amplitudes that were collapsed over red and blue dots. Enhancement of attended stimuli began roughly 220 ms postcue and lasted for several hundred milliseconds. Suppression of unattended stimuli began roughly 360 ms postcue and lasted until the end of the trial. (C) Time course of selectivity (attended − unattended) and total activity (attended + unattended). Both measures show significant temporal changes, but only selectivity was significantly correlated with the time course of reaction times. Gray lines correspond to 95% confidence intervals (within-subjects for reaction times). Time-point zero indicates onset of the cue. S. K. Andersen, and M. M. Müller PNAS 2010;107:31:13878-13882 ©2010 by National Academy of Sciences