Hit density at scoring planes at r=10, 30, and 50 cm.


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Presentation transcript:

Hit density at scoring planes at r=10, 30, and 50 cm.

Photon Hit Densities R=10 cm R=30 cm R=50 cm Hits/cm2 Z (cm) Z (cm) ILC 1% Occupancy limit: 20/cm2

Charged Hadrons Hit Density R=10 cm R=30 cm R=50 cm Hits/cm2 Z (cm) Z (cm) Z (cm) ILC 1% Occupancy limit: 0.2/cm2 R=50 cm x100 for one bunch

Increased the beampipe radius from 2.8 cm to 5.0 cm R1=5.02cm R2=5.27cm Ecut(e) = 10 MeV CPU Time: 1.5 hours  6 hours # e 1/4× #   0.6×

e+, e- Beampipe Z (cm) Z (cm) R=2.8 cm : 1182 × 5100 = 6.0×106/bunch Direct: 141 × 5100 = 7×105/bunch R=5.0 cm : 601 × 5100 = 3.1×106/bunch R=2.8 cm: 2380 × 5100 =1.2×107/bunch R=5.0 cm: 1547 × 5100= 7.9×106/bunch

Photons Beampipe Z (cm) Z (cm) R=2.8 cm : 35,568 × 5100 = 1.8×108/bunch R=5.0 cm : 42,034 × 5100 = 2.1×108/bunch R=2.8 cm : 130,578 × 5100 = 6.7×108/bunch R=5.0 cm : 71,225 × 5100 = 3.6×108/bunch

Charged Hadrons Beampipe Z (cm) Z (cm) R=2.8 cm : 188×51=9,600/bunch

Neutron time vs. energy T > 300 ns comes from E < 5 MeV Time (ns) Kinetic Energy (GeV)