Karabük University International Robot Tournaments (KBUIRO) 2018 Open Category Projects Title of Open Category Project First Author 1, Second Author 2 Affiliations of authors, contact informations Abstract This document presents the formatting instructions for the Posters of the Karabük University International Robot Tournament (KBUIRO). This document can serve as the base template for a Microsoft Power Point based typesetting system. I- Introduction Unmanned aerial vehicle is a very complex and high-level technological system [1]. This vehicle has become a primary and critical research area and been widely used for military and civil purposes. Other advantages with using unmanned aerial vehicle include lower loss costs, superiority over a manned aircraft in terms of loss of life, and absence of limitations such as human-related fatigue or operating hours as with a manned vehicle [2]. II- Aim and Motivation Figure 2. Parrot AR.Drone UAV most important step of the study. Therefore, use of a quadrotor with predefined parameters for the existing hardware allows quick design of control algorithms. In the study, Matlab/Simulink environment was applied in order to control quadrotor following a defined reference path in the space coordinate system by means of PID controller. IV- Experimental Studies Real-time control applications were performed on the AR Drone 2.0 quadrotor with the dynamic model and controllers created in Matlab/Simulink environment. When the aircraft takes off, the initial position and orientation of the aircraft is set to zero. Then the aircraft is informed about the reference waypoints. The relative position between vehicle and target is calculated in Matlab/Simulink. And the controllers provide to follow desired parameters. The aircraft’s position and velocity is measured by its inertial sensors and vision system. The accuracy of control and guidance algorithms designed with a dynamic model of the aircraft was tested in real-time on the testbed given in Figure 5. III- Material and Method A PID controller is a feedback controller that is widely used in different types of systems, robotics and automation industry throughout the world due to its simple and robust structure and performance that often gives satisfactory results. The output equation of PID controller which is a type of linear controller is provided in Equation (3) [7]. Table 1 shows the effect of such increased parameters on a controlled system [8]. The platform of AR.Drone is given in Figure 2. Table 1. Effects of independent P, I And D tuning Figure 1. Block representation of the developed system The control of quadrotor to autonomously reach reference waypoints is achieved by means of controllers provided in the block representation. In the study, a classical PID control algorithm is employed in these blocks in order to follow path. The accuracy of control and guidance algorithms designed with a dynamic model of the AR.Drone was tested in real-time on the testbed. V- Conclusions and Evaluations MATLAB/Simulink based dynamic model of quadrotor and real-time path following control applications were successfully performed using conventional PID controller is presented in this paper. A PID controller is used for autonomous following of the path by this aircraft. Initially, gain values of PID controller are determined by Ziegler-Nichols method. With this controller, the performances of the aircraft to follow a defined path with minimum oscillation are observed in real time. References [1] Kovacs, G., Arm Wrestling Robot Driven by Dielectric Elastomer Actuators, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and research Ueberlandstr. 129,8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland, March 7,2005. [2] Gao, Z. , Song, Q., Nie, Y. ,Yong,Y. and Ge,Y., Conceptual Design and Implementation of Arm Wrestling Robot,IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing,China, October 9-15,2006. [3] Kamohara, S. ,Takagi, H. and Takeda, T., Control rule acquisition for an arm wrestling robot, IEEE 0-7803- 4053-1/97 ,1997. Karabük University International Robot Tournament (KBUIRO), April 12-13, 2018 Karabük, TÜRKİYE