Senior English 3/12/18 Write on a subject of your choice.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 3/12/18 Write on a subject of your choice. What do you call bears with no ears? Katzenjammer – literally, a cat’s howling. Also a synonym for a hangover. Goals – Complete body paragraphs today. Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocab. 23. B.

What is the difference between a summary and a closing paragraph? Senior English 3/13/18 What is the difference between a summary and a closing paragraph? How can you tell an English teacher has been using the computer? Tacnuk – tactical nuclear weapon. Goals – Discuss closing paragraphs and go to lab. Homework – Complete closing paragraph for your essay. White out on the screen.

Senior English 3/14/18 What do you think is the most important lesson that Frankenstein has to share with the reading public? Why don’t blind people sky dive? Absquatulate – to leave hurriedly and stealthily. Goals – Complete closing paragraphs. Make revisions to intro paragraphs, topic sentences, and quotes. Homework – Complete any of the above that you did not get done in class. It scares the heck out of the dog.

Senior English 3/16/17 What do you remember about using transitions, key work repetition between paragraphs and relative clauses? What do you need to know to revise successfully? If you were a young man or woman going back to college, what advice would you give to your teenage sister about boys and dating? What did the rug say to the floor? Bicipital – having two heads. Goals – Practice Prepositional phrases. Go to lab to do revisions. Homework – Finish essays for turn in tomorrow. Vocab 23 tomorrow. Don’t move, I’ve got you covered.

Senior English 3/17/17 Five minutes to study for Vocabulary 23. What is the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead English teacher in the road? Sciamachy – fighting an imaginary enemy; combat with shadow. Goals – Successfully complete vocabulary #23.Turn in Frankenstein papers. Read and annotate “The Philosphy of Revenge.” Homework – Complete reading and annotating philosophy of Revenge for points on Monday. Skid marks in front of the dog.