Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention ( Residential and Out of Home care) CHC40313
Minimum Standards Qualification MSQ In mid 2017 the Queensland government announced a requirement for all staff working in residential and out of home care to have a minimum level of qualification. While a list of acceptable qualifications was devised, the Certificate IV in Child Youth and Family Intervention was highlighted as the most suitable qualification for new workers or those without a relevant qualification.
Funding The Queensland Government is providing generous funding to support this initiative. Candidates enrolling in this program will only be required to pay $100. Application is made by using the link on the TAFE Qld website https://tafeqld.edu.au/information-for/employers/regional-skills-adjustment-strategy/queensland-residential-care-mqs-training-strategy.html
Key Eligibility requirements Permanently reside in Queensland An Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident( includes humanitarian entrant), temporary resident with necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency or a New Zealand citizen Employed by an organisation that provides licenced residential care services in Queensland and either supervises or directly provides care to children and /or young people]
CHC40313 Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention ( Residential and Out of Home Care) This certification covers core skills required by workers supporting vulnerable children and young people in residential and out of home care. Our experienced and highly-regarded teaching teams across the State of Queensland will give you the one-on-one guidance and industry experience you need to succeed with your studies.
This qualification reflects the role of those who work in youth and family intervention, focusing on the practice specialisation in residential and out of home care. Workers operate under a broad supervision framework and within clearly defined organisational guidelines, service plans and position specifications. Total number of units = 16 10 core units 6 elective units including the two specified Residential and Out of Home Care specific electives.
10 Core Units of Competence CHCCCS006 Facilitate individual service planning and delivery CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships CHCDEV001 Confirm client developmental status CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk CHCPRT003 Work collaboratively to maintain an environment safe for children and young people CHCPRT005 Work within a practice framework HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
6 Elective Units of Competence CHCCCS009 Facilitate responsible behaviour CHCPRT009 Provide primary residential care CHCMHS007 Work in Trauma Informed care CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond to domestic and family violence CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues CHCCCS016 Respond to client needs
MQS TAFE Queensland Training Model
MSQ TAFE Queensland Training Model Enhance knowledge and skills to improve the quality of care for vulnerable young Queenslanders MSQ TAFE Queensland Training Model
The process: Email : EnquiriesCIV.CYFI@tafe.qld.edu.au State-wide Co-ordinator, Judy Williams, has been appointed to develop and support a consistent training program across Queensland. Email : EnquiriesCIV.CYFI@tafe.qld.edu.au Roadshow will deliver Information sessions across Queensland to outline program and assist workers to create an Individual Training plan. ( Roadshow dates are in folder)
Individual training plan Develop individual training plan for each student. Identify cross credits. Identify Recognition of Prior Learning potential for experienced workers.
Recognition of Prior Learning RPL Candidates who have had the equivalent of 12 months full time employment in residential and out of home care may be eligible for RPL Industry advice suggests that the units most likely to be considered for RPL for those experienced staff include: CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety CHCPRT001 identify and respond to children and young people at risk CHCPRT009 Provide primary residential care CHCCCS009 Facilitate responsible behavior CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
Key underpinning points of Recognition of Prior Learning Engagement with the student and their supervisor Gather authentic and direct evidence using a consistent approach Potential for Recognition of Prior Learning will be identified at your Individual Plan Meeting and confirmed with your supervisor If confirmed, teacher/assessors will deal with you individually Process will involve (a) professional conversation (b) Evidence (e.g. relevant professional development, de-identified case reports, Job Descriptions Performance Review) c) Confirmation from Line manager of demonstrated skills in workplace.
Delivery Model Training program will involve the delivery of Workshops and Webinars at specific locations across Queensland depending on where candidates are living and working. These sessions will complement the on-line learning and assessment materials provided through the Connect E-learning platform for TAFE Queensland. TAFE Queensland regional staff will deliver these programs and develop Communities of Practice for those participants in each delivery location.
WORKSHOPS Join and attend workshops based on the Communities of Practice in your region – workers from different agencies join together to share perspectives and work together. Attend mandatory face to face workshop scheduled for each region (4 workshops x 2 days = 8 days total). Workshops will be based on themes critical to knowledge and skills required for working with vulnerable young people. Attend 8 (2 hr) Webinars scheduled between workshops to support required assessment work.
Workshops Suggested Themes: Workshop 1 – Personal Professional and Legal Frameworks . Suggested Themes: Workshop 2 – Understanding and communicating positively with the diversity of children and young people in care. Suggested Themes: Workshop 3 –Responding with hope and healing to young people and their individual situations. Suggested Themes: Workshop 4 – Individualized planning for each young person using a collaborative framework. All workshops will feature information sharing focusing on the specific units of competence being covered, relevant learning activities, expert guest presenters, Departmental and Peak body input as required. Some assessments ( role plays) will also be covered.
WEBINARS Two webinar/online meetings conducted by teachers in each region will be scheduled to review key workshop content and support you with your assessments. TAFE Queensland project team is committed to ensuring the active participation of rural and remote workers, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff. Workshops and webinars will also have a small amount of structured time allocated to complete required assessments. Teachers are available to support students between workshops and webinars.
Tentative dates for delivery of training Workshop One 7th 8th May 2019 Workshop Two 25th 26th June 2019 Workshop Three 3rd 4th September 2019 Workshop Four 5th 6th November 2019
Support Services TAFE QUEENSLAND
Support Services As a TAFE Queensland student you will have access to our facilities and support services. TAFE Queensland has a team of specialist staff who provide support and assistance to students. Learning support Disability support Library and research support IT support
In conclusion If you haven’t applied for this program, please do so by following the link. https://tafeqld.edu.au/information-for/employers/regional-skills-adjustment-strategy/queensland-residential-care-mqs-training-strategy.html We look forward to working with you.