Web Client Receipts, It’s not Magic Everything you need to know Lynn Floyd Anderson County Library SCLENDS
Type of Receipt Templates Circulation Lists Check-out Hold Pull List Items Out Hold Shelf List Renew Item Status Holds Transit List Transit slips Patron Information Hold Shelf Slip Patron Address Holds for patron Patron Data Bills Patron Note Bills, Current Bills, Payment Bills, Historic
New Receipts for the Web Client. Patron Address Patron Data Patron Notes
WARNING!!!!! Clearing your browser's cache/temporary files will clear any print template customizations that you make unless you are using Hatch to store your customizations. Be sure to export a copy of your customizations as a backup so that you can import it as needed.
Basic Information Found at Formatted using Administration -> Workstation -> Print Templates Formatted using Angular JS HTML with CSS
Saving – Importing - Exporting Remember to Save Locally. Exporting templates As you can only save a template on to the computer you are working on you will need to export the template if you have more than one computer that prints out receipts (i.e., more than one computer on the circulation desk, or another computer in the workroom that you use to checkin items or capture holds with) Export Customized Templates. Saves a “print_templates.json” file in the downloads folder Importing Templates Click Import. Navigate to and select the template that you want to import. Click Open. Click OK. Click Save Locally.
HATCH https://evergreen-ils.org/egdownloads/ Administration -> Workstation -> Printer Settings Force Printer Context
Basic Text Formatting Goal Original Code Result HTML Bold cedar <b>cedar</b> Capitalization english yew <span style="text-transform:capitalize;"> english yew</span> English Yew Currency 4 {{4 | currency}} $4.00 Italics Spruce <i>Spruce</i> Underline Fir <u>Fir</u> Line Break Jack Pine Jack<br/>Pine Jack Pine Font Hemlocks <span style="font-family:’Brush Script Std’;">Hemlocks</span>
Variables No longer the macros of old (%Title%). Now uses Angular JS Variables {{patron.card.barcode}} {{checkout.title}} Most receipts have the variables that are available to that receipt in the comment section at the beginning of the receipt. Not all Variables are listed.
Formatting Dates and Times Code Result {{today}} 2017-08-01T14:18:51.445Z {{today | date:'shortDate'}} 4/24/19 {{today | date:‘shortTime'}} 9:43 AM {{today | date:'longDate'}} April 24, 2019 {{today | date:‘medium'}} April 24, 2019 8:30:01 AM https://angular.io/api/common/DatePipe
Limiting Variables limitTo Original Code Result Trivia Questions and Answers {{checkout.title | limitTo:10}} Trivia Que 123456789 {{patron.card.barcode | limitTo:-5}} 56789
Adding a scannable barcode Barcode Fonts Codabar Medium Interleave 3 of 9 Start and Stop Characters <div align="Center"; style= "font-family: 'CodabarMedium';">B{{parton.card.barcode}}D</div> B1234567D
Include Statements Administration > Local Administration > Library Settings Editor Content of alert_text include {{includes.alert_text}} Content of event_text include {{includes.event_text}} Content of footer_text include {{includes.footer_text}} Content of header_text include {{includes.header_text}} Content of notice_text include {{includes.notice_text}}
ng-If If true do this, if false move on. <div ng-if="hold.phone_notify">Notify by phone: {{hold.phone_notify}}</div> <div ng-if="hold.sms_notify">Notify by text: {{hold.sms_notify}}</div> <div ng-if="hold.email_notify == 't'">Notify by email: {{patron.email}}</div>
ng-repeat <li ng-repeat="checkout in circulations | orderBy:['circ.due_date','checkout.title']"> <div ng-repeat="xact in transactions"> <tr ng-repeat="hold_data in holds”> Repeats the following for each item in the table
orderBy orderBy will let you order a list by any element in the list, vary useful when dealing with large list <tr ng-repeat="hold_data in holds | orderBy:['copy.location.name','volume.label']"> <li ng-repeat="checkout in circulations | orderBy:['circ.due_date','checkout.title']">
ng-init – Calculating a Total <div ng-init="transactions.subtotal = 0"><!--Sets the Subtotal Variable--> <table width="100%" ng-init="transactions.subtotal = transactions.subtotal -- xact.summary.balance_owed"> <b>{{transactions.subtotal | currency}}
Autocut Feeder Problem <br/> .<br/>
Receipt Templates https://github.com/alynn26/ Evergreen-Receipts
Global Templates Open-ILS/src/templates/staff/share/print_templates
Future Development Server Based Receipts https://wiki.evergreen- ils.org/doku.php?id=dev:server_print_templates