Today in Pre-Calculus Go over homework.


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Presentation transcript:

Today in Pre-Calculus Go over homework. Notes: Asymptotes and End Behavior Need a calculator Homework Quiz: Tuesday, September 22

Asymptotes Asymptotes: vertical or horizontal lines the graph of a function does not cross This graph has: two vertical asymptotes at x=-1 and x=2 one horizontal asymptote at y=0 as x approaches -∞,∞

End Behavior Used to describe the behavior of a graph as x approaches ∞ and -∞. Describes what is happening to y-values at the left and right ends of the graph. Limit notation is used to describe end behavior: In the example:

Example 1 End behavior: Asymptotes: Horizontal: y=1 Vertical: x=2

Example 2 End behavior: Asymptotes: Vertical: x=2, x=-2

Example 3 End behavior: Asymptotes: Horizontal y=2

Example 4 End behavior: Asymptotes: Horizontal y=-2 Vertical: x=1.731

Example 5 End behavior: Asymptotes: Horizontal y=2, y=-4 Vertical: x=0

Homework Wkst.