WELCOME TO ROOM 31 Ms. Crawford’s Advisement Class!
Schedule for advisement Mondays: Noontime News Tuesdays: Second Step Lessons/Newsela Wednesdays: College Wednesdays Thursdays: Second Step Lessons/Newsela Fridays: Binder/Agenda Check
Noontime News Mondays Video Production Class produces a show every week
Second step lessons Interactive lessons about important middle school topics -growth mindset and goal setting -values and friendship -thoughts, emotions and decisions -peer conflicts
Newsela Interesting and relevant articles assigned to the whole school Mini quiz on Newsela website and class discussion
College Wednesdays Students pick a college, conduct research, and present the information they have learned to the class as a Google Slides Presentation
Binder Checks (Fridays) Students will have their Agenda checked to make sure the homework has been written down daily for the week Students need to have the following supplies with them: Lined paper Supply pouch 2 pencils, 2 pens Highlighter Scissors Glue Erasers
grading 20%: Newsela Newsroom (SSR) 40%: College Wednesdays (research and presentation) /Class Activities/Second Step Lessons 40%: Binder Check (materials) and Agenda check (homework needs to be written down daily)
Google Classroom: Guardian summaries Keep track of your student’s classroom progress through guardian email summaries. You can choose the frequency of the emails—daily or weekly—and you can unsubscribe or remove yourself from Classroom at any time. Guardian email summaries include: Missing work— Work that’s late at the time the email was sent Upcoming work— Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or work that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails) Class activity— Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers As a guardian, before you can receive email summaries, you must receive and accept an invitation from your student’s teacher or school
How to contact me (310) 798-8616 ext. 3761 MCrawford@rbusd.org Checking my website: Go to www.parrasmiddle.org Click on About Us Staff Directory Scroll down to Ms. Crawford; envelope next to my name will allow you to message me directly Clicking on my name will direct you to my website.