Ebenezer Baptist Church 3.17.19
The Heartbeat and Mission of Christ, to save the Lost The Heartbeat and Mission of Christ, to save the Lost. (Luke 2:49; 9:51;15:1-32; 19:1-10) The Mission Statement of Christ Begs Some Questions What does “Lost” mean? Am I Lost? Do I have the same mission?
Why is the Gospel Essential In America? 61% of churchgoers have not shared their faith with anyone in the past 6 months. The statistical trend is in a free fall. 70% who attend 2 or 3 times a month never share their faith with a stranger.
Only 7% of church goers consistently spend time with non-christians for the purpose of sharing Christ with them. 56% of churchgoers don’t believe that sharing their faith is an essential obligation of their Christian life. Only 2% of church goers invited an unchurched person in the last year.
71% of unchurched say they are likely to accept and invitation from a family member, friend or neighbor to attend church. Over half of all Americans never attend church. 80% of unchurched are open to the gospel.
70% of unchurched have never been invited to church their whole lives. 45% of people who attend church regularly are not saved. 43% of Americans say they don’t pray every day. 50% of church goers are unsure if people know they are Christians.
Only 37% of Americans say they have had a born again experience Only 37% of Americans say they have had a born again experience. (That leaves approx. 200,000,000) Only 2% of an average church population has been saved during the last 5 years. 51% of church goers say they have never heard the “great commission”
The NONES (religiously unaffiliated) are now the 2nd largest group in the US after evangelicals, that’s ¼ of the adult population. Only 45% of millennial are confident God exists.
The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 (73-90 years old) Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old) Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old) Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old) Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old)
62% of Millennials seldom or never go to church. 96 % of Millennials don’t have a biblical worldview. Almost 1/3 of evangelicals attend church out of obligation. Only 45% of Millennials are confident God exists.
40% of Millennials believe the Bible is simply a book composed of fables, legends and moral precepts. 70% of all young people who grow up in church leave the church by their 20’s. 62% of Millennials believe the church is hypocritical/judgmental.
59% of Millennials believe that pornography is morally acceptable. 25% of evangelicals are not certain that the physical resurrection of Jesus is a real historical event. 51% of Americans say the Bible was written for each person to interpret as he or she chooses.
46% of evangelicals agree that God accepts worship of all religions. 77% of Americans believe that personal salvation is a result of good works. 51% of evangelicals believe many religions can lead to eternal life, 65% “Christians”-multiple paths to heaven
30% of US adults believe in a cosmic force rather than the eternal God described in the Bible. 69% of church goers believe everyone will go to heaven. Only 55% of Americans believe in the devil.
49% of Americans don’t believe miracles happen today. 41% of Americans believe there is no God. 46% of Americans don’t believe hell exists. 1/3 of Americans believe God will give them a second chance after death
71% of Americans see nothing morally wrong with sex before marriage. 62% of American adults favor same sex marriage. 45% of young evangelicals(18-29) favor same sex marriage.
44% of U.S. adults say God plays no role whatsoever in their life. 2/3 of all American churches are experiencing (1) no growth or (2) decline in numbers. At least 2.3 million leave the church every year. (some personal pastoral observations)