Lord of the Flies- Chapters 2-3 Discussion Questions What do you think is the significance/symbolism of the “snake-thing” or “beastie“? Relate to a motif from the book. Consider Ralph's announcement of the group's two priorities (pg.37). Are these the two priorities you would choose? What other things do you think the group might need to concern themselves with? What does Jack's behavior in this chapter suggest about him (e.g. his attitude toward killing pigs and hunting the beast, his excitement about the rules and the consequences of violating them, his treatment of Piggy etc.)? Why do you think Jack’s the first to forget the ‘speak while holding the conch’ rule? Read the passage in which the boys realize that the fire they thought has gone out is actually burning again (bottom of p. 43-45). How does the fire make the boys feel? How about Piggy? Make two predictions about what this episode might foreshadow. Note the imagery used to describe the fire on page 46. What animal do the boys think it looks like? How is that significant? Chapter 3 What does it seem like Jack is being compared to in the first paragraph (pg. 48)? What is Jack's highest priority, and what does this tell us about him? Does Jack's desire to kill a pig fit into either of the group's two main priorities (see pg. 37) established by Ralph? Is Jack concerned with the group's welfare? Explain. Why do you think Jack and the littluns (and others, probably) have fears about a “beastie,” but Ralph, Simon, and Piggy don't? What theme does this suggest? On pg. 53, Jack talks about the beast and feeling hunted. Why do you think he feels the beast the most? What does the beast symbolize? Based on this chapter, who is our Christ-like figure? Explain why (give specific details from the text). Lord of the Flies- Chapters 2-3 Discussion Questions