Presentation Pasteruizer Chain for Glass Bottles
Fortrex Pasteurizer chain
Fortrex Pasteurizer Chain
Fortrex Pasteurizer Chain Breakthrough development for Tunnel pasteurizers 3 year development time For High end application: Long machines (Plan for 90 Meter long ongoing) Heavy Loads High % glass breakage High reliability of the tunnel pasteurizer Superior service cycle
Fortrex Applications Products: Glass Bottles Glass Jars Steel Cans
Chain Features 10 year life expected (needs to be approved and checked from case to case) Stainless steel modular chain No thermal elongation (same as pasteurizer construction) Very little elastic elongation / catenary High chemical resistance
Chain Features Positrack guiding option suitable for DTS-C self clearing transfers
Chain Features Positrack® Guiding System
Chain features Rolling friction reduces chain load by 60%
Chain Parts and Assembly
Chain Properties Pitch 2.25” Link Thickness – 1.04” Link Material – SS 304 Pin Material – 204Cu Roller Material – Special Polyamid (Not water absorbing) Rollers connected to link when pins are removed Pin Keeper Construction – SS304 metal gate with SS rivets Chain Available in 3 inch width increments
Rod retention
Sprocket features Follows Rexnord drive design allows elongation >3% Follows Rexnord does not need a large catenary or tensioners Wide tooth profile: low contact pressure Idler drums/wheels preferred for return shaft
Idler design Option of static large diameter return ‘shaft’ The belt runs on the rollers Minimum diameter 6¼”/159mm
Design information Carryway options: Return way options: Straight stainless profiles (no plastic wearstrips) Chevron wearstrips (rollers in every bracket) Positrack® guiding system Return way options: Flat bed with 1 catenary (2 rollers) Rollers (stainless steel with roller or slide bearing) Self cleaning guide shoe with rolling friction
USP Material
USP Material What‘s new????
USP Material – What do we know? Life of plastic belts in pasteurizers is getting shorter: Legislation more tough (legionnaires disease in UK) Chlorine levels chosen too high by end-user No joint cooperation OEM ↔ Rexnord ↔ End user ↔ water treatment chemicals suppliers : results in wrong chemicals chosen
USP Material – What do we know? Chemical degradation is identical to aging of plastics: Analogy: UV-light ages plastic window frames Happens to all plastics always: only the speed can be influenced Many factors have an influence on the speed of the degradation: Temperature Type of chemicals used Time of exposure Concentration levels Combination of chemicals Load on the chain and you can never control all of them
USP Material – What’s new??? Break Trough Advantages of USP
USP Material High temperature, Wet and dry environments FDA Approval Buoyant in water Temp. range 4 -104°C USP
New Global product portfolio USP 7708 RRHD2000USP USP 5997 9200 Fortrex PET Cans & Glass Cans & Glass Cans & Glass