The Simulation-Based Medical Education of a Medical Center in Barcelona Juan Martín Salgado
Healthcare Simulation Standardized Patients (SP’s) Physical Examination Teaching Assistants (PETA’s) Mannequins Simulation-Based Medical Education The incorporation and integration of simulation into the curriculum of medicine
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Final year of Medical School 70% of M6 grade 20 stations, 15 min. per case Evaluation
Observations: Components of Education Spiral Curriculum Emphasis on Simulation Literacy in English Research Interprofessional Activities
Why Simulation? “To Err is Human” Interprofessional Aspect of Simulation The Principle of Patient Safety
“Conclusion” How do we best utilize simulation in a medical student’s career? What do physicians believe is the most important thing that medical students know how to do before entering the clerkships? How can we improve interprofessional skills and decrease preventable medical errors from occurring? How do we take advantage of the current change in curriculum and implementing new aspects of education?