Reading paper 1 - Question Types there are 5 questions in this exam Information Retrieval (search and find) Impressions – ‘What impressions do you get of Obed in this past of the text?’ Two ‘HOW’ questions – ‘how does the writer…?’ Evaluation – ‘how much do you agree…?’
QUESTION 1 - 4/5 MINS EXAMPLE ANSWER Things were bad in Botswana To find work His father told him to go They did not have much money He felt a duty to his family
QUESTION 2 - IMPRESSIONS IMPRESSIONS means the kind of view YOU might have of the place or person when you read what is said about them. EXAMPLE ANSWER The main impression I get of the mines is that it’s dangerous. The workers were told ‘rocks could fall and crush’ them.
QUESTION 3 & 4 – 13/15 MINS EACH EXAMPLE ANSWER In the text, the writer makes the lines tense and dramatic by using the phrase ‘blasted’. This word makes it sound like an explosive and dangerous situation.
QUESTION 5 – 13/15 MINS EXAMPLE ANSWER I agree that the writer encourages the reader to feel sympathy for Obed with the phrase ‘I would be killed’ meaning Obed is in fear of his life.