Welcome to Grant Tracker!
TMC Trainers Website Before we start to talk about the Grant tracker database – how many of you are aware that the TMC has a website? We would like to do a brief introduction to the website and show you a few of the features that will be helpful to you as a trainer. Direct them to the website on their iPad. www.uswtmc.org Wait for them to have it open on the iPad before proceeding.
TMC Trainers Website Point out the columns across the top of the page and direct them to click on the RESOURCES tab. Explain how each heading on that page is a link to another topic that provides more information. Direct them to click on the RESOURCES tab and for them to scroll down the page to the Staff and Trainers link and to click on it. Point out the various tools and forms that are available to them on this page that they can download to their on computer and print, etc. In RESOURCES under Staff and Trainers , you will find trainers’ tools , information, administrative forms and other resources that could enhance your classroom experience.
Grant Tracking Database Have them go back to the “Home” page of the TMC website and point out the QUICKLINKS tool box and how they can access the Grant tracker from the TMC website. There are two ways to get to the database: from the TMC Website with the link provided under QUICKLINKS or via the url: granttracker.uswtmc.org
Grant Tracking Database This is the log in page of the Grant tracker. Ask for those who have not used the grant tracker or those who do not have log in credentials, to email you and you will create their log in credentials and send these to each of them individually via email along with “Grant tracker How-to’s”. Explain how there is a link on the log in page for Forgot your password? Which will email them their password to the email that we have on file as their primary email address on their trainer profile page. Explain that if they cannot remember their user id, they will have to email me. You will be able to log in with your current email address on record as your User Name and a Password that is created for you as part of your log in credentials and which are provided to you individually. If you’ve forgotten your password, please click on the Forgot your Password? link and you will receive an email reminding you of your password. If you’ve forgotten your username, contact Mary Krutz at mkrutz@uswtmc.org or 412-562-2579.
Grant Tracking Database REVIEWING and UPDATING YOUR PROFILE The database will open to your Trainer Profile page. Check your profile page often for accuracy and most definitely update your information if it has changed. The database will alert you if you are missing a required piece of information. Please upload a “head shot” photo of yourself to your profile page. When you are finished ; scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Update button. Once you have logged in the database will open to your personal Trainer profile page. Tell them they should get in the habit of checking their profile page periodically but most especially to update their contact information if it has changed. Activity: Taking a photo of yourself with your phone and uploading it to the website. Explain that all trainers should have uploaded a head shot photo of themselves to their profile page by now. And always remember to click the “UPDATE” button at the bottom of the page whenever you edit the page or you edits will not be accepted.
Grant Tracking Database REVIEWING and UPDATING YOUR PROFILE These are set by the Training / Program Coordinators and cannot be altered by you. If you have a question about your listed authorization, contact Mary Krutz mkrutz@uswtmc.org The next part of your Profile is a list of your current Trainer Authorizations. Scrolling down your profile page there are several segments. The next is a listing of your current trainer authorizations. These are authorizations that indicate what classes / trainings you are proficient in and are capable of facilitating. The training authorizations are added each time you complete a TTT or attend a Trainer enhancement session. They are added to your profile page by either the Training coordinator / Program coordinator leading the class you attended. If you have any questions regarding your authorizations, please contact me to discuss.
Grant Tracking Database Trainer Enhancement Classes Facilitated & Peer Evaluations These items are auto- populated as each class is entered into the database. Please take the time to review these for accuracy and credit. If there is an error, please contact Mary Krutz at mkrutz@uswtmc.org The final sections of your Profile lists: trainings you have taken to enhance your training abilities classes you have facilitated The final portion of your profile page is the section which lists the trainer enhancement classes you have attended and classes you have facilitated. This section is populated as classes are entered to the database. Please take the time to review for credit accuracy. If there is an error, please contact me to discuss.
Grant Tracking Database Trainer Enhancement Classes Facilitated & Peer Evaluations We ask that you assist us with trainer re-authorizations once a year by completing a peer evaluation of a fellow trainer. Trainer evaluations are performed once a year to maintain training authorizations. This process begins by clicking on the clipboard icon under the Evaluate tab. Peer Evaluations: We will ask you to perform an evaluation of a trainer that you co-facilitated a class/classes with. This peer evaluation is required for all trainers to maintain their training authorizations as a USWTMC worker/trainer. To begin this process, click on the clipboard icon.
Grant Tracking Database Trainer Enhancement Classes Facilitated & Peer Evaluations This is the next screen that you will see after clicking on the clipboard icon. You, as the peer evaluator, are asked to read the paragraph and then check the box that reads: “ I attest that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge.” To complete this peer evaluation, please be sure to by click on “Submit Your Evaluation”. The next screen you see will look like this: (read the paragraph out loud) Be sure to check the box next to the sentence: I attest that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge. To complete this process, be sure to click on the SUBMIT Your Evaluation button at the bottom of this page.
Grant Tracking Database ATR’s “ATR” stands for Assignment and Travel Request. These must be submitted through the Grant Tracking database to your assigned approver. We are moving in this direction for all ATR’s from all trainers. ATR’s: Assignment and Travel Request. All training assignments whether at home site or a visiting site need to be submitted through the grant tracker system. Submit them to your assigned approver. All ATR’s will be submitted this way in the future from all of our worker trainers. Explain how to start the process. To get started, click on the Assignment and Travel request link under the Trainers tab.
Grant Tracking Database ATR’s Data fields with an asterisk (*) are required and must be filled in. Once you have completed the form, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Data fields that are marked with a red asterisk, are required fields. The top section will be filled in for each trainer by the database provided your trainer profile page and user credentials have been created. Complete the form and then click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page.
Grant Tracking Database ATR’s Your assigned approver receives an email notification that there is a travel request requiring their attention. They review the request and approve if all is correct. If the travel request is not acceptable or accurate it will be denied and it will be sent back to you for clarification and or modification. Your assigned approver receives an email notification that they have an ATR to review and approve. ATR approvers are responsible for the accuracy of the ATR’s. If all the information is correct, the ATR will be approved. If the approver finds an error, it may be denied or sent back for modification and resubmission.
Grant Tracking Database Once you have finished reviewing your Profile page, or completed your ATR, etc., click the Trainers button at the top of the page to get this Trainer Details page. Here you can see limited information about all of your fellow trainers but you can only edit your own page. Use the Search features or just use the Search All Trainers button. Trainer details page: On this page, you can search for other worker trainers and their contact information. You will be able to view their information only. You can edit your page only. Explain how to search. Once you are finished, remind them to click on the “logout” button on the top of the right hand corner of the page. Do not “X” out. This creates a loop in the database and may cause you to have error messages when attempting to log on in the future.
Does any one have any questions regarding what we have covered? If any one does not have or know their log in credentials, please email me and I will take care of this. This tutorial can be found on our website on the Resources/Staff and Trainers section for your re If you have any questions regarding these instructions, please contact Mary Krutz at mkrutz@uswtmc.org or 412-562-2579.