Star Students 2/4-2/8 Calendar Birthdays No Birthdays this week! Math Literacy Our book of the week is “100 Years” and the sight words are “in & as”. We will also be celebrating our 100th Day of School on Thursday! Please have your child practice reading and writing their sight words at home. Students will continue writing their last on their work. In Reading Workshop, we will continue our Nonfiction Unit of Study. Students will learn that not all nonfiction books have “real photographs”. Some nonfiction books have characters and illustrations, but the book still gives us real information about a topic. Students will also keep practicing their reading strategies: “Stretchy Snake and Chunky Monkey”. These remind students to stretch out the sounds in words and to look for small words or chunks of words they already know to help them figure out new words. In Writing Workshop, students will continue our How-to Unit of Study. We did not get to make our “How To Make a Snowman” book, using transition words: first, next, then and last, so we will begin that this week. Calendar 2/7 – Kindergarten Information & Registration Night 6:30-8:00 2/13 – Kohl Children’s Museum Field Trip 2/14 – Valentine’s Day Party - Early Release Day/ 12:50 Dismissal 2/16 – Institute Day/ No School 2/19 – Presidents’ Day/ No School Birthdays No Birthdays this week! Math Students will finish Module 7 this week. We will end this module with two lessons on 3D objects. In the first lesson students will sort 3D objects based on their attributes: flat surfaces, curved surfaces or both. They will be experimenting with 3D objects to see if they roll, stack and/or slide and talk about their reasoning. In the second lesson, students will identify 3D objects: cylinder, cube, cone, and sphere. Take time to notice real examples of these 3D objects and use their math names to reinforce our learning at home. Star Students 2/4 Chase 2/5 Addy 2/6 Gabriella 2/7 Antoni 2/8 Colin *Star student will read a book to the class.