ARC Re-entry Center Program Review Mimi Cudzilo ARC Re-entry Center Coordinator
OUR MISSION Welcome new, prospective and continuing students Ease transition back to school Support and encouragement Link to campus services and vital information
Over 50% of ARC students are re-entry students Two functions: OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM Over 50% of ARC students are re-entry students Two functions: Recruitment Retention
SERVICES OFFERED Peer mentors Three support groups Free workshops Counseling Student success information Book awards HCD 111- Orientation class
ACCOMPLISHMENTS Total student contacts: 38% increase from 2001-02 to 2004-05 4300 in 2004-05 Workshop attendance: 106 offered since 2001 Total attendance- 1510 students Support group attendance: Average 592 contacts per year
STUDENT SURVEY RESULTS- SPRING, 2006 Prompt service- 95.2% agreed Staff courteous – 95.2% agreed Able to answer questions – 95.2% agreed Directed to someone who could answer question – 83.5%
STUDENT SURVEY RESULTS Information was helpful – 95.2% agreed Convenient hours – 89.8% agreed Our services had positive impact – 83.68% agreed Recommend Re-entry Center to others – 95.91% agreed
GOAL#1: IMPROVE STUDENT ACCESS TO RE-ENTRY SERVICES Visible, accessible location Increase hours of operation Increase size of Re-entry Center Increase size of staff Increase coordinator to 40%
GOAL #2: RECRUIT AND RETAIN DIVERSE POPULATIONS Increased outreach in community Increased outreach on campus
GOAL #3: INCREASE STUDENT RETENTION AND PERSISTENCE More frequent contacts with re-entry students through e-mail Special orientation sessions Classes aimed at re-entry students Tutoring and mentoring More book awards More workshops
SUMMARY “The Re-entry Center makes all the difference to me in assuring my success in retraining myself and returning to the workforce.” “When I came here I was completely lost. They were helpful and caring and showed me how to enroll for classes.”