Improving pig system performance through a whole system approach (PigSys) Barbara Sturm
Associate Partners
Project description
Project description Whole system model of energy and mass flows, and decision support system (DSS) System performance evaluation Measurement and control devices Improved barn climate control Improved animal welfare and performance ‘big data’ analysis to support barn and control system design Strategies to reduce NH3 and fouling in barn LCA and LCCA Animal-technology-sustainability interactions
Preliminary results Prototype of data warehouse is live Animal and system models are combined (Thermipig) On farm data is continuously acquired Problems with access to data Conditions within single rooms vary greatly Algorithms for behavioural detection are functional NH3 reduction strategies are realized LCA framework is functional Extensive stakeholder network estabilished
Preliminary results: DSS base structure
Preliminary results: THERMIPIG Average temperature measured in the room (daily T) compared to upper (UCT) and lower (LCT) critical temperature related to average daily body weight of pigs.
Preliminary results: Distributed sensor setup and image processing (Deep learning) Door Windows
Preliminary results: Showering Showering the pigs with low-pressure water sprinklers above the slatted area change the pig behaviour, reduces the pen fouling and decrease NH3 emissions.
Developing a system model of mass and energy flows and DSS Contribution to SusAn research objectives : Which is the contribution of your research to SusAn objectives Developed to underpin a sustainable improvement in system performance by: Developing a system model of mass and energy flows and DSS Developing of novel building climate control systems Developing sensor technology to evaluate animal welfare and system performance, alarm system Knowledge exchange between project partners and stakeholders
Increased animal welfare and performance Increased sustainability Research Impact on the 3 pillars of sustainability: Does the project adequately address the different pillars? How do the different pillars contribute to the aim of your project? Increased animal welfare and performance Automated observation, welfare based climate control Increased sustainability Increased productivity and feed efficiency Optimized climate control Reduced emissions, waste and carbon footprint Increased feed efficiency Reduced NH3 and CO2 concentrations Increased competitiveness of the sector Optimized processes, increased production efficiency Improved public perception of the sector Increased animal welfare, increased sustainability
Research Impact on the 3 pillars of sustainability: How relevant are the links made between the pillars? The developed DSS and real-time data analysis, modeling and reporting help to improve system performance, energy efficiency and waste management Building performance models are improving economic, environmental and welfare aspects of the animals Automatic image processing, monitoring, control and early warning systems helps to improve animal welfare and farm management The LCA models help to assess the impact of proposed changes in the system regarding environmental impacts
Transnational collaboration: What is the added value of transnational collaboration? Development of robust building and climate models based on the sensor-supported data of the various EU countries. Knowledge transfer between academic and industrial partners of the involved countries. Moving to develop smart infrastructure for the future European farming by developing data warehouse.
The DSS can be implemented in other agricultural and faming operation Transnational collaboration: Is the transnational collaboration beneficial for broad implementation of the results? The DSS can be implemented in other agricultural and faming operation The developed climate control system has the possibility to be used in other livestock farming through the EU and globally The machine vision based monitoring and control system might be implement in the strengthening of the home-based meat production sectors to underpin food security and trackability
Actor data base for all partner countries Active involvement Multi actor approach: Is there a strategy to involve relevant stakeholders? Actor data base for all partner countries Active involvement 5 commercial farms in 3 countries (DE, DK, SE) 4 technology providers in 3 countries (FR, DE, UK) advise on development and implementation Close contact to relevant associations Stakeholders Training course for the end users Development of training material, and the conduction of seminar or workshops.
Technological findings and developments are validated on 7 farms Multi actor approach: Are research outcomes validated under practical conditions along the whole value added chain? Data warehouse and modelling functions are validated using real data from partner farms Technological developments are co-created with the relevant stakeholders Technological findings and developments are validated on 7 farms 5 commercial farms (DE, DK, SE) 2 research farms (FR) LCA and LCCA are based on data from partner farms
Different group, room and farm sizes are investigated Cross-scale approach: In how far does it make sense in the particular research project to target the different levels? How relevant are the interactions seen between the levels? Different group, room and farm sizes are investigated Results are relevant across scales Great opportunities for the use of developed technologies Low cost visual remote solution Low cost multi-sensor array for climate condition measurement
Knowledge gathered is relevant across scales Cross-scale approach: Which is the Impact of the project in terms of knowledge acquisition? Knowledge gathered is relevant across scales Opportunities and challenges for different farm types, sizes and locations are evaluated Challenges for animal welfare are addressed, including technology-animal interactions System approach is applicable to other species
Preliminary agreements for exploitation of main system exist Dissemination and communication strategy: Is there strategy for exploiting the potential of the projects results? Active involvement of commercial farms and technology providers in developments Preliminary agreements for exploitation of main system exist Visual and multi-sensor systems are planned to be marketed by the inventors (LLU, Uni Kassel) Project results in terms of non-marketable findings are widely disseminated (e.g. Euro Tier 2018) Creating of training materials for farmers Collaboration between SusPig, SusPigSys and PigSys projects in a special issue of the journal “sustainability”
All publications are made available gold open access Dissemination and communication strategy: Do you disseminate the projects results via Open Data? All publications are made available gold open access Non-sensitive research data Project website Research Gate (RG) Regular updates on project website and RG Stakeholder seminars and trainings Press articles in local newspapers, scientific papers and presentations
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